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"Shifu, why we are not going with them? You said there will be dangerous thing happen to them" JueMing said

"A-Jue, both Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian wants to find the truth about this cruel human cultivators. If we go with them, nothing fun to watch. Let them go first then we will follow them later" WuJuan smile

A sudden red smoke appears before them which making WuJuan sigh and shake her head in disbelief and tiredness.

"Luo BingHe, what are you doing here in human realm? You got anything to report to me? I think I asked you to look after the clan right?" She ask

"Shijie, KeXing command me to come to human realm. To help you" BingHe said, smiling

WuJuan nods her head and fanning herself again. Feels weird when a demon listen to a ghost right? Who's more powerful? Luo BingHe should be more powerful than Wen KeXing because BingHe is a demon while KeXing is a ghost.

"Then who look after the clan?"

"HuaCheng shixiong" BingHe response

"I tell you BingHe, you are a demon like me but you listen to your ghost shixiong? But nevermind, you can follow me. Help me to look after this three kids incase they choose to be stupid" WuJuan said, referring to her three disciples

"Understood shijie" BingHe said and chuckles

His shijie's disciples can be so funny and clumsy sometimes.

"Now, let's go to Burial Mount in Yiling. It's far from here but we just teleport there" WuJuan said and use her talisman teleportation energy to bring them to Burial Mount in Yiling

Burial Mount, Yiling

"Shifu, what kind of place is this? A lot of energies and resentment here" LiChen ask

"It's call Burial Mount for a reason. BingHe, do you remember when I need to go to human realm? I was desperate that time to come here" WuJuan said while looking at her shidi

"I was crying that time shijie, because you left me alone. I was only 15 years old that time" BingHe said pouting

"I came here to tame that Stygian Amulet in a sword but who knows Wei WuXian triggered the amulet and that thing recognize him as its owner. Right, that amulet will be only trigger when one of my blood relation touch it. Means that time Wei WuXian touch the sword" WuJuan said sighing

"Shijie, can it be tame again?" BingHe ask with curiosity

"I'm not sure but that amulet, I still can control it. I will tame it again right after all the truth come out with the permission of the villainous ghosts and souls that trapped inside the amulet" WuJuan said shrugging

"Shifu, how can Wei WuXian awakened the amulet again?" JueMing ask

"Because of his blood and he also my little brother. The amulet probably knows that Wei WuXian is my family member that's why they allowed him to take control" WuJuan explain

"But Shifu, why this mount named Burial Mount?" JunMing ask, confuse

"Whoever step into this burial mount will not alive because of the amulet and sword. It will attack whoever come here whether to kill or just have that bad intentions" she said and shrugs her shoulders

"They will ended up dying because of the strong resentments. So you will see a lot of skeletons here. No surprise" WuJuan said again as she walks into the half destroyed temple there

"Shifu, how about the Stygian Tiger Amulet?" LiChen ask, making WuJuan stop on her track and turn around to look at him

"LiChen, you do know there's only two amulets in demonic cultivation right now right? One of it Stygian Amulet, another one is Stygian Tiger Amulet" WuJuan smile

"Shijie, there's different between the two amulets?" BingHe ask confused

"There's different about it BingHe, Stygian Tiger Amulet is much more stronger than Stygian Amulet. It cannot be destroy like Stygian Amulet, WuXian destroyed another half of it because he lost control but for the Stygian Tiger Amulet, no one can destroy it except for me. I made it, no one can destroy it unless they kill me first" WuJuan said shrugging

BingHe only nods his head, understood. His shijie is the one who controls the most dangerous amulet in both human and immortal world. Stygian Tiger Amulet could bring disaster and chaos if it fall into someone else's hand.

"Shifu, the white talisman burnt" JueMing quickly inform the older as soon the white talisman in his hand burn down

Lan WangJi sent signal to them. Lan WangJi burnt the black talisman, but the white talisman is the one burnt down because she just want to confuse others. That's all. Another reason is black and white could go along, same as well the Yin and Yang elements.

"Three of you stay here, BingHe follow me" WuJuan command, earning nods from her disciples and BingHe


"What in the world is this" WuJuan frown as she summon her sword, QiQing to fight the disgusting rotten corpse that attack them

"Shijie, hold breath. These rotten corpses have poisons on them" BingHe inform WuJuan

"Wei WuXian! What is this?! Did Jin GuangYao changed his plan?! These disgusting rotten shits should happen at Burial Mount!" WuJuan said as she kills the corpse

"I don't know!" WuXian response as he keep dodging the attacks

WuJuan huff in annoyance and decide just to burn all of the rotten corpse with demonic flame one go.

"Back off!" She demand as she form the demonic flame with her hand

All of them back off and let her to burn it than wasting their time killing the rotten corpses.

"Jin GuangYao surely will die in my hand soon" she said with frustration

"Shijie, calm down. Don't be mad" BingHe plead while those corpses burn into ashes

"He should rot in hell for doing this. I'm not going to forgive him that bastard deserve to rot in hell" WuJuan said with anger

"What a sociopath, psychopath and liar" she groan

"What happened to her? Why she suddenly got so angry?" Wei WuXian ask BingHe

"The demonic flame trigger her emotions. She rarely got mad but today she's mad because of those rotten corpses, Jin GuangYao and demonic flame" BingHe explain

"But why Jin GuangYao though?" Wei WuXian ask confuse

"You will know it soon. I can't tell you now. The truth will come out soon so just wait" BingHe said

Wei WuXian only nods his head and keep quiet now. Looking at the angry Lingfeng Zun already can make him scare a little bit. Can't imagine if Lingfeng Zun mad at him. Guess he will bury himself in the ground if that ever happen.

Lingfeng Zun is scary and terrifying when she's mad.


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