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Lotus Cove, YunMeng Jiang

Wei WuXian sigh as some memories of him live in Lotus Cove flashing in his mind. Did he betrayed them? Did he burdening them? He's still wondering why Madam Yu hates him and always asked him to kneeled down in front of the ancestors for hours.

What was that reasons for? He wants to know but he couldn't find any answers.

Now the fact that all of the cultivators that had gone to Burial Mount are all here in Lotus Cove but seems like Jiang Cheng still hates him and don't allow him to step his foot into Lotus Cove anymore.

For what reason though?

Is it because of he betrays Jiang Cheng? He don't even know. But he sure that there's misunderstood between Jiang Cheng and him.

"Senior Wei, you are not going in?" Lan SiZhui ask

Wei WuXian stop his thoughts from thinking the past and look at Lan SiZhui. He smile and shake his head.

"I'll stay here for awhile. I need to think about something" he tell the younger

Lan SiZhui nods his head and left with the juniors into Lotus Cove main hall where all other cultivators are there.

"Wei Ying, what are you thinking about?" WuJuan ask, appearing out of nowhere

"Da-jie.. did I betrayed .. them?" WuXian ask

"What happened Wei Ying? Mind to tell me?" WuJuan ask

"I'm thinking why did Madam Yu hates me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Yu ZiYuan? That disobedience ex disciple of mine really hate you huh?" she ask with a frown on her face

"Ex disciple? Madam Yu was your disciple da-jie? But da-jie aren't you cultivate demonic? That's mean Madam Yu also cultivate demonic path?" WuXian ask

"Yes, but she hides it from Jiang FengMian. After they got married, I don't even heard any news from her anymore. But I do know that Jiang YanLi and Jiang WanYin are exist. I also know that Jiang FengMian adopted you" WuJuan said explaining

"Da-jie.. why you never come to see me after mom and dad death?" WuXian ask, with hints of sadness could be heard in his voice

"I'm sorry Wei Ying.. I can't do anything that time. But do you know how old is mom and dad that time? Both are over 2000 years old. At first I couldn't believe that both of them died. It's rare for immortals to die" WuJuan said with a sigh

"But da-jie.. it's possible for immortal to be sick right?" WuXian ask

"It's possible if the immortal got attack at the organs. The immortal will suffer from a lot of pain but immortal will not die easily even though they are sick. So don't worry" WuJuan said with a smile

"Jie.. it's hurt right? LiChen told me that you are someone that don't really care about pain. Gu Xiang that girl also told me that you will sacrifice yourself to someone that important to you" WuXian said frowning

"Wei Ying, it's a lie that if I tell you it's not hurt. I don't really care about pain? I got used to it now, pain feels nothing to me but sometimes the pain will make me feeling like I'm dying in any moment" WuJuan said and chuckle slightly

Wei WuXian mentally sigh and nods his head at the statement. His sister is right, it's a lie if it's not hurt. Making you feels like on the edge of death is not fun at all.

"Anyway, where's your soulmate Lan WangJi?" WuJuan ask, changing the topic

"Inside, maybe to meet the old master Lan" WuXian response and shrugs his shoulders

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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