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Yi Town

Both WuJuan and KeXing reached an abandoned city. The city where the butterflies lead them to. On the almost destroyed stone, Yi Town craft on it. KeXing sigh and look around, the town illuminated by thick fog, impossible to see the surrounding for now.

"What kind of town is this? With all this thick fog?" WuJuan ask, tilting her head as she's on extra becareful mode

"Shijie, since we both can't see anything, something must be here. I'm sure that those kids already here with Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian" KeXing said

WuJuan only nods her head, agreeing with her shidi's assumptions. They may be already here, she should find them.

"Shijie, there's fresh blood on the ground"

"Huh...?" WuJuan tilts her head and look down

There's blood on the ground, she's wondering whose blood it was.

"Be alert KeXing. It's smell likes human blood" WuJuan warns as she walks further into the town with the help of her sixth sense

KeXing as a ghost king in immortal realm just shrugs his shoulders and follows his shijie without saying anything.

After few minutes of silent, KeXing throw his deadly fan into a direction where they are heading to. WuJuan only chuckle and shake her head in disbelief. Her shidi can be so alert.

KeXing smirk and summoned back his fan with blood on the tip of it. There's someone wants to attack them, but too late, KeXing is faster than the attacker.

"Must be injured badly by your fan" WuJuan said as she look at her black demonic spiritual fan

"This one must work sometimes" she shrugs and spin the fan with her fingers, tossing it up into the air to clear all the thick fog only with 1 spin

"Shijie, sometimes I envy you to have a lot of weapons" KeXing said with a smile in teasing manner

WuJuan catched her fan and look at KeXing with a mocking smile.

"You just so lazy to carry the other weapon that I gave you other than your fan huh? Where's your spiritual pouches?" She ask with furrowed eyebrow

"I asked A-Xu to keep it for me" KeXing said shrugging

"Lingfeng Zun!!!!" Someone shout, well WuJuan and KeXing really knows that voice well


A group of juniors quickly approach them and salute both of them.

"What happened LiChen?" WuJuan ask

"There's someone keep bothering us, but we saw a red fan fly towards us on full speed but glad we dodge it quickly and it's hit someone else" SiZhui said

"Did he die?" WuJuan ask

"No, but a lot of cuts on his body, but he managed to run away from us and hide himself"

WuJuan look at KeXing and sigh. She know KeXing just didn't want to kill him yet so that his fan didn't cut the throat. KeXing just want to have more fun before killing.

"Anyway, where's Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian?" she ask, looking at the Lan disciples

She also noticed that there's few other clan disciples also joining Lan and her disciples.

"Hanguang Jun and Senior Wei still fighting with someone we don't really know" JingYi response

"JueMing, did you see the ghost general?" KeXing suddenly ask, making all the disciples look at him

"That ghost general fight with another fierce corpse Xing ge" JueMing response

"Sigh, why do I even gave him another chance to live when I'm here alone all the time" KeXing ask, sulking

"KeXing, don't start it now. Why don't you ask another ghost to show up here to assist you?" WuJuan ask, crossing her arm while looking at her sulking shidi

"Shijie do you think HuaCheng will listen to me? He only listen to you shijie" KeXing said frowning

"Idiot, you are the king here? HuaCheng will listen to you if you ask him nicely" WuJuan said rolling her eyes at KeXing's antique

WuJuan knows the junior disciples didn't get what are they talking about except for JunMing, JueMing and LiChen. Three of them just deaf-ing their ears for now.

"And Shijie you are the Excellency! Higher than the king title" KeXing argue back

"Oh shut it, summon HuaCheng. I don't want to listen to your excuses" WuJuan said as she jump onto the roof, trying to spot Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi

KeXing huff in annoyance and look at JunMing, JueMing and LiChen.

"JunMing, did you bring talisman to summon HuaCheng?" KeXing ask the younger

Without saying anything, JunMing fish out the special talisman from his lapel and give it to KeXing.

"Xing ge, I think you should really keep your stuff to yourself" JueMing complain

KeXing ignore JueMing and burn the talisman with orange flame. The only way to summon HuaCheng.

"Now, tell me how all of you here can be together?" KeXing ask as soon as he noticed his shijie is not there with them anymore

"Ge, the one that tag along with us is Ouyang ZiZhen and his clan's disciples. They are lost after walked into this town. So three of us being kind, lead them" LiChen said with smile

"Did Lingfeng Zun open your sixth sense?" KeXing ask in a boring manner

"Yes" three of them response in unison

"You idiotic King Wen KeXing!" someone groan as he rubs his forehead to ease his headache

"Watch your language HuaCheng" KeXing warns and glares at HuaCheng who is the first ghost general in immortal realm

"Hm, what do you want?" HuaCheng ask as he approach KeXing

"I want you to burn any souls and weak ghosts here. It's hurt my ears for listening to their screams" KeXing complain

"No wonder I suddenly got headache, those stupid ghosts literary screaming right now" HuaCheng sigh, also complaining as he lit up a purple flame to burn ghosts and souls one by one

"Anyway Xing, where's Lingfeng Zun?" HuaCheng ask with furrowed eyebrow

"Gone, I think she's finding someone now" KeXing response as he fanning himself while looking at the juniors

HuaCheng stop functioning for awhile and look at KeXing with death glares.


"Idiot! You can burn the ghosts and souls by your own why did you summoned me?!" HuaCheng ask with frustration, he just realized that KeXing is a ghost king

"I'm in charge of killing bad human with this fan you idiot" KeXing argue back as he shows his fan to HuaCheng

JunMing, JueMing and LiChen look at each other and sigh. This is what will happen if Lingfeng Zun is not around. KeXing and HuaCheng will argue.

"LiChen.. can you explain everything to us?" SiZhui ask whispering to LiChen

"I'll explain when everything is settle" LiChen said, earning nods from SiZhui


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