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"Lingfeng Zun, I really don't know! I don't know" Nie HuaiSang said frightening

"Nie HuaiSang, I don't want to deal with your shits now. I let this guy to deal with you. Don't ever think to lie about this. Hanguang Jun will be with him" WuJuan said and left the room

Nie HuaiSang glance at Hanguang Jun and Wei WuXian. He didn't know what to do anymore but since he know Lingfeng Zun maybe he should tell both of them the truth.


KeXing smile and approach WuJuan who is walking down the stairs with uninterested look on her face, his shijie can be so uninterested in someone who didn't know anything.

"Shijie, you asked Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian to investigate this stuff?" KeXing ask with a low voice

"I'm so done with Nie HuaiSang so I just let both of them to handle him" WuJuan said shrugging

"Shifu! Shifu!" LiChen call out and run to WuJuan and KeXing

LiChen took a deep breath and salute the two elder. Looks like something happened that's why LiChen can be this panic and out of breath.

"Can you tell us what happened?" KeXing ask calmly

"Gu Xiang fight with someone!" LiChen finally said

"Gu Xiang? Since when that brat come to human world?" WuJuan ask, sighing while pinching her temples

"Shijie, A-Xiang learnt that from you. She becomes a tough girl now" KeXing said chuckling and walk outside to see Gu Xiang

WuJuan huff in annoyance and but still follow KeXing to see what happens.

KeXing mentally facepalm himself and shake his head. Gu Xiang, his little brat is fighting with Jiang WanYin?! And that earning attentions from the villagers.

"Jiang WanYin! Stop. You shouldn't fight with girl like Gu Xiang, she will kill you if she want to" WuJuan said sighing

"Shimu!" Gu Xiang greet happily while waving her hand at WuJuan

She quickly keep her blades and happily walk towards WuJuan, leaving the dumbfounded Jiang Cheng behind.

"This brat only greet her shumu huh? Not me?" KeXing ask frowning slightly

Gu Xiang giggles and look at KeXing innocently.

"Master, hi! I miss you!" She giggles

"Master, you don't look like human" Gu Xiang making KeXing tilting his head, confused

"What do you mean?"

Gu Xiang thought for awhile and shrugs her shoulders.

"Master, you will look like a human if Zhou ge with you! So I bring him to you!" Gu Xiang said smiling and run off to somewhere

"Guess this kid really know you well Wen KeXing" WuJuan said chuckling


Gu Xiang run into an inn happily with a smile on her face. She finally get the freedom to roam around in human world.

"Zhou ge! Zhou ge!" she call while grabbing Zhou ZiShu's arm

"What is it Xiang? What makes you so happy?" Zhou ZiShu ask

"I've meet master already! Let's go! He's here with shimu, three blocks away from here!"

Zhou ZiShu chuckle and nods his head, he stand on his feet and fix his robe, trying to look better. To be honest, he look so pale and sick but he still can manage it.

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