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Wei WuJuan observing around the Nie Tombstone while fanning herself. Something feels odd there, and she need to find out what had happened before they come here.

"KeXing, did you hear something loud here? It's really noisy here" she ask, frowning

KeXing sigh and nods his head. It's indeed noisy here. Blame for his good hearing, he don't even asked for it. WuJuan opened his sixth hearing sense without telling him first.

"Jie, should we check it?" Wei WuXian ask

"Lingfeng Zun, the stone bunk already broken. Someone broken in" Lan WangJi inform

"WenNing, BingHe, stay here. And three of you follow me in" WuJuan said, earning nods from WenNing and BingHe

"What the hell is this..?! My ears, shijie!" KeXing frown while trying to block the noises but fail miserably

WuJuan shake her head and immediately block the noises from KeXing's ears with her power. KeXing thank her and sigh softly.

"WangJi, WuXian. You both just stay here for awhile while me and KeXing will go to the main hall to check the coffins" WuJuan said nonchalantly

"Jie, please be careful" WuXian said

WuJuan nods her head and walk into the main hall where the coffins are located.

"Shijie, I think someone was here before. Should I find out?" KeXing ask while walking toward the stone wall

"Just go ahead and check it"

WuJuan slowly push one of the many coffins only to see sabers, she knows that Nie clan uses saber as their weapons, not sword but there's not even one corpse.

While on other hand, KeXing just tilts his head and use his handheld fan to slash open the stone wall. Someone is in the wall.

"Hmm, fishy ain't it" KeXing ask after a boy around 16 years old fall out from the wall with some useless skeletons holding onto him

"He's still breathing?" WuJuan ask, approaching KeXing

"Jie! We heard something a moment ago!" WuXian said as he and Lan WangJi walk into the hall with panic expression

"You just heard Wen KeXing slash open this wall with his deadly handheld fan. His instinct is never wrong. Now, look at this boy. Do you know who is he? He was trapped in the wall" WuJuan ask

Wei WuXian quickly approach them and look at the boy. It's his late YanLi's shijie son. Jin Ling.

"LanLing Jin, Jin Ling" Lan WangJi said as he start to give some spiritual energy to Jin Ling

"Jin Ling? Jin RuLan you meant? Jiang YanLi's son? Oh I see" WuJuan response, nodding her head

"Shijie, there's evil mark on this kid's leg" KeXing inform

"This? I can't do anything but, someone can do it instead of me" WuJuan said shrugging

KeXing who immediately can guess who is that someone, just nodding his head agreeing with his shijie.

"Jie, I think I can transfer this evil mark to me" Wei WuXian said, sounding so volunteer to both KeXing and WuJuan

"Dream off, don't risk yourself" WuJuan said glaring, which making Wei WuXian fall into silence

"So shijie, should I summon him before it's too late?" KeXing ask smirking

"Taxian Jun, just summon him. That dude always jobless and tailing shizun these days so call him to help us" WuJuan said with a smirk

KeXing chuckle softly and burn some demonic talismans to summon Taxian Jun.

After few moments of burning the talisman, a man in black and fierce look showing up in front of them. His hand holding a sword, as if whoever summon him, he will kill them but maybe not when KeXing is the one who needs his help.

Taxian Jun, the third oldest disciple of the demon lord, Wei Sheng (Wei WuJuan, Wei WuQian and Wei WuXian's grandfather) showing up in human world is rare. Nothing could go wrong.

"Shijie, do you need help?" Taxian Jun ask with furrowed eyebrow, but still with a good manner

You see, Wei WuJuan the Lingfeng Zun is the oldest disciple of Wei Sheng, her own grandfather. While Wei WuQian the Hanfeng Zun is the second oldest. So their shidi needs to respect them and show good manners no matter in any circumstances.

"Hm, MoRan, can you clear this evil mark? If we don't clear it now, in the future this kid will haunt by evil spirits. This mark could attract any evils" WuJuan said, showing Jin Ling's leg

Taxian Jun look at the evil curse mark and nods his head. This curse mark is nothing to him. He crouching down and clear the curse mark in few seconds with his evil cleansing force.

"Done shijie, still need anything for me to do?" Taxian Jun ask

"Yes, you can go back to immortal realm and ask Zhou ZiShu to come here if he's already alright" WuJuan said with a smile

"Based on his health, Zhou ZiShu can come here but shijie, you must let him to meditating in order to get better. I don't want WenQing to nag again about his health" Taxian Jun said sighing

"You heard that KeXing, take care of him if he's here with us" WuJuan said smiling while looking at KeXing

KeXing nods his head in response, it's a must for him to look after his A-Xu.

"Jie, I think Jiang Cheng will find Jin Ling. But Jin Ling didn't show any hint to wake up" Wei WuXian inform

"WangJi, stop now. Don't waste your energy. He will be fine. But for now just bring him out of here, and go to the inn that the kids already booked" WuJuan command

After Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi left with Jin Ling, WuJuan and KeXing still at the Nie's Tombstone, trying to figure something with the help of Taxian Jun.

"I guess we should call this stone bunker as man eating stone, because there's a lot of skeletons. It's almost kill Jin Ling too" KeXing said with a shrugs

"This tombstone always been as man eating stone. Those villagers said it" WuJuan said shrugging

Wen KeXing has never been feel stupid in his life, but whatever. Let's just ignore that stupid mind. He always been a genius so being stupid is not a big deal to him. At least for now.

"Shijie, why there's no corpses inside these coffins?" Taxian Jun ask after he saw a glimpse of saber in one of the coffin

"I don't know. Maybe they put these sabers as their identity. The Nie ancestors was a butcher, so to be a cultivator they need to use saber in order to continue the generation instead of using swords" WuJuan response

"It's all make sense now. But why Jin Ling was trapped in the wall? Did he do something bad?" KeXing ask

WuJuan thought for awhile and look at the saber, it has few luxury decoration on it. Some robber might stole it but energies in the saber attacked them, they will ended up in the wall to meet their death.

"They thought Jin Ling intruding this place so those sabers energies manipulated him to be in the wall" WuJuan reason out

"Jin Ling that kid must heard the rumor about this tombstone from the villagers and decided to check it by himself" Taxian Jun said

"Yes" WuJuan nods her head, agreeing with Taxian Jun


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