2. Night Hunting

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Cheng turns the small box in his hand. He wasn't particularly fond of Lan Wangji but he wasn't doing this for Lan Wangji.

"What are you thinking?" Master Jiang did not realise that Wei Wuxian was in his room.

"Nothing, You hang out here. I have something to do."

"I'll come along." Wei Wuxian tries to follow but he turns and scowls. Wei Wuxian rubs his nose grumpily and goes to flop on his bed.

Once outside, Master Cheng realises, he doesn't really know where to look. Sighing and gritting his teeth, he turns to Wangji's place and pauses after turning the corner. He almost sighs in relief. He really didn't want to face Lan Wangji.

"Sect Leader Lan." he announces his arrival. He sees a genuine smile that is enough to relax him and continue.

He presents the box, "This is a special healing balm. It works in closing up injuries quicker than normal. Thank you for helping out Wei Wuxian. I hope this help your brother."

Sect Leader Lan smiled wider and looked at the box again. He seems surprised but delighted. Master Jiang found it odd that Sect Leader Lan was surprised at his returned favour. He must be used to receiving all kinds of gifts, why does he seem too emotional?

Unable to answer his own question and finding the silence awkward, he bows again to retreat.

"Thank you." Master Jiang can't help but smile at the sincerity in the other's tone. He removes the smile before standing straight, nods and leaves.


Sect Leader Lan stared at the small box for a while until Wangji came back to his room. He places it in his brother's hand.

"How are the injuries?"

"They are fine." Sect Leader Lan sighs, knowing the standard answer.

"Apply this overnight and reply if the wounds haven't closed up till morning." He hands the box to his brother and the two-part after a goodnight greeting. He can still feel the warmth of the person, even though both the box and the person were gone.

Sect Leader Lan knew that Master Jiang was only returning a favour to him for being thoughtful to his brother by being thoughtful to Wangji but very few people were actually able to achieve it. With Wangji, you never know what was thoughtful. Sect Leader Lan had been worried ever since yesterday over those injuries, sleeping had been tough on his back and Lan was trained to sleep in a strict posture, his brother more so than others.

He slept peacefully that night.


Jiang Cheng knocks an arrow on his bow and lets it fly to where Master Nie threw the sandstone. It split and rained everywhere. Since there is no teacher on the ground today and it is the day of the midterm examination, everyone was busy showing their skills. It gives Master Jiang a feel of being back home on the training grounds every day.

As he looks for what to do next, his ear catches the group of other sect boys discussing archery and competing for a night hunt spot for which someone will be selected from the grounds. His eyes, however, catch Sect Leader Lan at the far end of the arena, just entering. He hops over to the boys and they welcome them with open arms.

Master Jin is among them. After Wei Wuxian, he feels excited to show that peacock up; he is not worthy of shijie. He suggests that all of them have two or three rounds. Eager to show him up too, Master Jin takes the bait. Now Jiang Cheng just can't wait.

"Good move," he hears the whisper from behind him and realises Master Nie is behind him.

"Why don't you join in?" Jiang Cheng scowls at being caught but Master Nie only laughs and shakes his head, "You know I have no interest and no talent."

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