10. Broken

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The heavy gaze of ZeWu Jun had weighed on his soul, silently calming his turmoil, as if promising a solid presence a pillar to lean on. The steady look like a promising strength that Jiang Cheng had the air knocked out of his lungs. He couldn't think straight. He had almost outed their secret to the man, under the weight of that look. Even if he trusted ZeWu Jun, he did not trust the people that person trusted in return. He could do nothing but hold his tongue and distance himself. Not to mention, he had lost himself when he spoke his courtesy name like an intimate greeting.

It was only many months later when he could think rationally, on one of those rare mentally peaceful days when he thought that his gift must have been a laughing stock for Sect Leader Lan, not that the man would laugh at anyone's humiliation but Meng Yao would. That was enough to resolve him to keep away, just to save face.

It wasn't for his newborn nephew's celebration, he never would have thought of facing the man again. He was happy today, the pain, for the very first time, was beginning to feel like it was dissipating at the sight of a new family member.

"Our family grew A'Cheng." his sister whispered to him. He could only nod, not trusting his voice to be steady.

"It's not complete though. A'Xian is in danger." she whispered again. Jiang Cheng lost himself.

"He killed your husband shijie, you still..." he couldn't complete his words.

"You truly believe he'd do that? Truly?" Jiang Cheng couldn't say a word. He walked out, not knowing what to do. His sister's wounds were fresh, she was still downed in mourning robes as she carried the baby that was still named by Wei Wuxian.

"Sect Leader Jiang. It's urgent. Everyone is gathering at the court." the Jin disciple rushed back and Jiang Cheng followed. Just outside the doors, he came face to face with Sect Leader Lan, turning inward and Lan Wangji some distance behind him, looking at Jiang Cheng.

"It's about Wei Ying," Lan Wangji called, as he was about to step in too after Lan xichen had disappeared behind the doors. Instead, he stepped back.

"What?" Jiang Cheng all but barked at the cold jade.

"They are rallying." His voice was still emotionless.

He turned around and went in the opposite direction. As soon as he found a Jiang disciple, he ordered, "Go find out what's happening. Where is Wei Wuxian? Don't say a word about it."

Then, he hurried back and went in.

Meng Yao was injured, Sect Leader Lan sat beside him, cradling his wound, the fear, anger, concern in his eyes.

"What happened?" the words, none dared to ask, spilled from his mouth.

"Remaining members of the Wen clan.. Attacked. We defended." Meng Yao groaned. Wen clan members? Wasn't Koi tower the safest place with the chief cultivator's highest security?

Something was amiss. Everyone was led out to look at the hanging remains of the attackers and Jiang Cheng's heart dropped.

"Wen Qing." Lan Wangji, who was beside him, heard. He didn't say anything but Clan Leader Jiang shut his mouth at the sudden presence. He shifted in the crowd, stepped back and instructed his senior-most disciple.

"Find Wei Wuxian. Don't let him come here." Jiang Cheng could not take his eyes off the face of the woman who had sheltered them against her own, hanging as an example on the walls of Koi Tower.

The sound of the whistle, then a flute.

"Assemble," he commands the Jiang disciples that came to him from all over and the gathered crowd.

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