4. An Apology

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Sect Leader Lan watched the mountains from the back window of the class. The onlookers couldn't say he was restless but he was restless enough not to see the serenity before him, instead, sharp eyes overlapped that view. He had never since a young age taken on the role of Sect Leader offended anyone, let alone wrong them. He had learned to be calm in all situations and learned that a smile solves more problems that one would accept and saves on from many answers one wishes to refrain from.

Today, neither his smile, nor his temperament was of any help to him. So here he was trying to create an opportunity after two days of failing to find one naturally. He turned and took a seat behind the table full of musical instrument. He didnlt know if he was doing the right thing but doing something was better than nothing. Master cheng was avoiding him and often looked at him in annoyance. That look unsettled him more than the mistake these days. People never openly looked at him like that even if they harboured ill will at him or his family, sect or clan.

Disciples began to fill into the room and he saw Master Wei and Master Jiang walking side-by-side. Master Wei shoved Master Jiang who scowled as he stumbled to the side but as Master Wi ran ahead, a smile appeared on his face. Sect Leader Lan was instantly swept away. His smile made him look very young, very innocent and endearing. Sect Leader Lan did not realise he too was smiling in response to the sight before him.

"Sect Leader Lan. Will you be teaching today?" Master Wei's voice made him look over. He smiled and didn't have to answer as Master Wei hurried away to take a seat. He looked back at Master Jiang who was walking away to sit besides his adoptive brother, kicking him slightly as he passed. Master Wei frowned and laughed while Master Jiang smiled some more. It really was hard to look away from the drastic contract the smile brought to Master Jiang's features.

"Sect Leader Lan." He looked at the golden robes bowing before him and acknowledged Meng Yao.

"I have heard you are excelling in class Master Jin." Meng Yao's smile gets bigger and shines brighter before he leaves. Such a sweet child, Sect Leader Lan thinks before beginning the class.

Lan Xichen does his best to ignore of stifle his smile seeing Master Jiang visibly struggle to master instruments. He tried his best to pass him by without a word. Then an idea came to him, he went o his desk, wrote a small note, ignored the curious gazes of some students, tucked it in his sleeve and went about the class again.

Only when it was about time to be done, did he sit beside Master Jiang slightly, place the note inconspicuously at his instrument and fixed the tuning of his instrument.

"The wires are very important." he silently instructed, ignoring how Master Jiang looked at him but retrieved the note into his own sleeves. Relieved, he went back to fixing postures, fingers, wires and sounds.


Jiang Cheng lets Wei Wuxian run ahead to the library and slows his steps as he wants to talk to Sect Leader Lan. He had seen the man coming up to him several times in two days, now that he had calmed down and thought about things thoroughly, he felt that he shouldn't have taken such a huge risk on his own life in the first place. Sect Leader Lan was probably better equipped for taking any hit than he was. He wanted to reconcile and apologise for his rude behaviour.

As most of the class had filled out, he turned around to go see the man and saw him coming forward, deep in thought. Jiang Cheng halted. His first instinct was to dive to the side but he stayed put and waited for him to approach. He realised, he should have dived. As their eyes met and Sect Leader Lan smiled at him before the smile vanished behind the head of another person.

Meng Yao. Jiang Cheng recognised Master Nie's advisor, another man with a fixed smile. Jiang Cheng contemplated for a moment before he turned and left, remembering the first day with other disciples, presenting gifts to Sect Leader Lan. The big shining eyes of admiration of everyone, himself included and Meng Yao, shy, flirtatious look mingled into that admiration, just like today.

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