8. Gratitude Gift

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Lan Xichen felt like his heart was being pelted at. Jiang Cheng often flinched from touch. He could tell that something had happened, something beyond death had happened to him. He had suffered. But it neither the time and place to ask anything. He was in no position to ask either. The ribbon he presented the younger with seemed to been a time in another life when things were peaceful, things were hopeful, when both of them were different people.

Yet, as he looked at the retreating back of Sect Leader Jiang, he knew he still felt the same, standing before the man presenting his gift like a shy maiden, heart quivering and mind doubting, if not more. Time passed like water trickling into a well, too slow, as he waited for Master Jiang to recover, to come back to be the man he was but the time was also too quick, the well was full and there was no going back for the water that had trickled down.

He realised that the man left behind after the news of Master Wei's death was much like his little brother. Hopeless and broken, working with the pieces of himself that had been left after all good had been taken away from him. Mechanically, he keeps working, he doesn;t scowl as much, he never laughs, there is only a small frown between his brows, that never leaves, never rests, a constant ache in Lan Xichen's heart.

He feels the urge to reach out, press his fingers between his brows and pull them apart, smoothen the tension like a constant mark on his soul. He come to realise that Sect Leader Jiang was different person than Master Jiang.

There was still warmth as he descended from the sky one day, an expression of pure delight. With such open happiness his eyes shown that Lan xichen was knocked out of his feet before he really was knock back. Sect Leader Jiang's arms were around his frame as his hands pressed into his back and warmth flooded his body, rendering him speechless and motionless.

"Jiang Cheng." he had never spoke the name again after their first encounter a month ago.

"I got my home back." his words whispered past his hair to his skin. The words themselves, along with the closeness, made him react. He threw his arms around the smaller frame and crushed him close.

"Congratulations." he called back in utter joy. He'd never forget this day, he thought as he realised Jiang Cheng stiffened. But he only crushed the other harder into his chest.

"I am so happy for you." he added before loosening his arms.

Jiang Cheng shuffled away, "I apologise for my rudeness Zewu Jun."

"Not at all. What are friends for if not for sharing sorrows and happiness." Lan Xichen calmed his heart as he replied with some composure. He could still feel the warmth of the person pressed against his body even if the said was standing away.

Jiang Cheng smiled, a benevolent smile, no more innocence reflected in them but it was a smile nonetheless.

"It must be my lucky day to get a hug and smile." Lan Xichen was beyond delighted. His yearning heart that often could only look at the retreating back of this man or the concentrated eyes on the battle, not to mention the scowl got so much more to hold on to, just for himself. Nothing could steal his thunder today.

"I will not have to trouble you with my stay anymore." Lan Xichen never said nothing could dampen his mood though. He smiled, a bit bitterly.

"It was never trouble."


Jiang Cheng could not have peace at home. He had not even a full day in Lotus Pier before the news arrived.

Now here he stood back to back with the one jade he was always glad to see. Now seeing him at the battlefield was a different sight altogether, as if the angel had descended to delt a punishing hand. There was anger in his eyes, there was a moment of satisfaction, just a calm and peaceful expression as he swung Shuoyue across people like cutting through water, with force that did not match his face and with a heavy hand that made even Jiang Cheng shudder.

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