23. Teasings

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Much like Lan Huan, Wanyin was an early riser but not as early as the first toll bell. When he did wake up, the sky had started to colour and he could hear the sound of water splashing. Bathing. Keeping the image of what happened between them yesterday, he woke up and sat on the bed. How long has it been since he had been able to sit in bed leisurely, doing nothing? Never or maybe too long. He couldn't remember enjoying such a simple thing.

He smiled as the memory of the previous night filled his heart to the brim. Lan Huan had not asked to take things further, neither of them had done any more serious talk, it was just conversation of what was going on around them, their sect, some memories of their childhood and so on. He had not talked that long, again, in a really long time. It was easy, falling into a comfortable, peaceful slumber listening to his recent night hunt activity only to find himself waking up in an awkward position, sitting by the bed, his arms around Lan Huan, while the man too had fallen asleep with his head back and holding Wanyin, in a sitting position.

Wanyin had gently nudged him, The other had woken up and groggily nodded, laid down and pulled Wanyin beside him, before falling into dreams again. So, Wanyin too went back to sleep.

Now, he felt awkward and unsure of what to do. He knew he had made the right choice, moved forward, he needed to move forward, he could not keep living in anguish. But what now? He looked about for something to do but there was nothing much in the room. When Lan Huan came out in a thin inner robe and shining aura, Wanyin felt even more awkward. He could not utter a word, not knowing what to say and fearing to make the awkwardness worse if he spoke anything at all. More so, he couldn't tear his gaze away as Lan Huan walked to him and sat beside him.

"You want to clean up? You can come to my seclusion abode or here or I will take you to a guest room. Whatever you prefer." At Lan Huan's words, Wanyin knew his embarrassment was creeping up on him but he also did not miss the awkwardness emitting from his side. Then, he saw slow smiling creeping up.

"You. You are teasing me." Lan Huan only laughed and pulled him in a hug which, if anything embarrassed him more. He pushed the man away and walked out calling, "Put on some clothes."

He didn't realise that the good times were coming to a painful parting, no matter how temporary. It seemed like they had only found each other yesterday only to be pulled apart. As he sat with Jin Ling in the Elder Hall to listen to Master Lan and Sect Leader Lan's report of Jin Ling's progress, he could see Lan Huan avoiding his eye. It made him feel pained all over again like those days when his smiles were reserved for another. His only solace was that he knew the reason and could cater to it now.

They will have to eventually learn to part, though. He looked up from his tea and began.

"Master Lan?" The older man waited for him to continue, "I have a night hunt that requires Sect Leader Lan's expertise."

Jiang Cheng saw the Grandmaster was still waiting so he elaborated, "Jiang Sect does not practise music cultivation and the case requires a certain amount of music cultivation to subdue the spirit because we cannot capture the spirit due to a few circumstances surrounding its death. Moreover, he has been a witness to the case previously and we require his testimony to apprehend the people who wronged the spirit."

"The Jiang Sect surely works differently in terms of spirit resolution than the Lan Sect." Jiang Cheng only bowed in his place with the utmost respect and said nothing in return. Looking at Lan Huan was the last thing he did and the man only gave him a light smile, so adapt to hiding his emotions when needed. This was Sect Leader Lan, the Lan Huan he knew was avoiding his eye, teasing him and had been clingy. Jiang Cheng knew he could never be the one to pull such composure as Lan Huan.

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