25. Drunk

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Jiang Cheng couldn't help but maintain a poker face as soon as the discussion opened, not to mention, his eyes shifted quietly to Lan Huan who was sitting to his right among the Elders. The Urgent discussion for which he was called upon in the initial hours of the morning was anything but.

"But Sect Leader is still at an age where he can decide for himself."

"But he is also at an age to get married so that he can start having children."

For the first time Jiang Cheng was regretting the directness that his sect promoted. Being straightforward had its demerits and they were all threatening to make his face red.

This had been going on for about 20 minutes and Jiang Cheng felt like he could hear no more. Moreover, Lan Huan sat with an impassive face, neither meeting his eye nor any other elder's. Once when asked on his opinion, he did say, "Sect Leader Jiang can decide for himself but it is not something for a different sect to intervene."

At this point, his Zidian had rolled out and no one had noticed in their own haste.

There were 5 elders in all and they bickered about his life, his loneliness, need for a wife, appropriate age to have children, age of his wife, even his blacklisting history which did make Lan Huan's lips twitch and most of all his potency. Then, all boundaries had been broken and he was ready to strike Zidian through the room when something unexpected happened.

"Enough." Jin Ling, face red, stood in his place, sitting opposite Lan Huan and seem to glare at the man. Why? Did something happen? But when he spoke, it was not the voice or tone of a child but of a Sect Leader.

"I apologize for my rudeness. But may I know if anyone here knows my uncle's requirement of a wife?"

When none spoke up, he proceeded, "Does anyone have a marriage proposal for Sect Leader Jiang?"

At that Elder Zhou spoke, "I do."

Jiang Cheng rushed ahead, "Elder Zhou, with all due respect, Lady Zhou is the most formidable woman and I am utmost thankful for her devotion to the Jiang Sect but I do not return her feeling." he stood up and made a formal bow of apology to the man.

"Sect Leader, please think from a perspective of a leader, you need a partner that can work beside you and help you as an equal in the sect. My daughter is the most capable match around."

"Elder Zhou. I have a proposal for my sister's daughter. She is a cultivator in the Jiang Sect and is better apt and adept to shoulder sect duties alongside Leader Jiang."

"Elders," Jin Ling cut in with a bow once again, "But does anyone not trust the judgement of Sect Leader Jiang's choice of partner?"

There was a silent moment during which Jiang Cheng waited for Jin Ling to turn and look at him. When he eventually did, his eyes were hesitant and a little fearful but Jiang Cheng had never felt more proud of his nephew. He felt like he did do something right with his nephew.

Jiang Cheng smiled and gave an approving nod to his nephew who smiled back and he couldn't help notice how Jing Ling flopped back in his seat with his head raised. He looked over at Lan Huan who was smiling back at Jing Ling but still avoided his eye.

Since someone had still to speak, Jiang Cheng looked around and saw the elders, grappling for things to say. He marched ahead, "I couldn't have said it better. Thank you, Jin Ling."

With that, the meeting was dismissed and once again, it was just Lan Huan and himself in the room.

"Would you say something?" Wanyin prompted for the first time as the other sat contentedly and looked at the alcohol in front of him. Then, much to his surprise, drowned the cup with a slight winch.

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