21. Much Resolved

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/*-+Jiang Cheng had felt spent. He couldn't bring himself up to retort, though he was still strict, but he did feel spent. He had no energy to be angry at others or even to swallow his own food. Zidian was not seen sparkling for over a month now and everyone was worried. In desperation, words had reached Jin Ling of his Uncle's state. Jin Ling had sent for his uncle then, asking to come back earlier than the conference so that he could be in Yunmeng for some days before taking up Jin duties completely.

But all this was unknown to the man sitting in a quiet meditative position at an inn in Caiyi town. Jin Ling was to meet him during lunch and it was already post breakfast. His nephew, no matter how temperamental was his only source of life at this point, so against his body and will, he headed out to wait for him at the restaurant below the inn.

The sound of laughter made him turn as he met a pair of red rimmed eyes turned upwards.

"Jiang Cheng what are you doing here?" Wei Wuxian laughed as if things were not awkward between them already. He grimaced at the perfect act.

"Waiting for Jin Ling."

"Come let's sit together." Wei Wuxian dragged Lan Wangi before his eyes and left him to follow. It was going to be a long wait, he realised, but at least he wouldn't have to pretend to be okay. That is the one thing he didn't have to pretend.

He paused reaching the table they picked. There was a very beautiful ornate box on the table. The memory was painfully thrust forward in his mind. The only memory about Lan Huan he refused to visit. Surely it can't be that. No. He reasoned with himself, taking a seat, eyes never leaving the box.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" Wei Wuxian asked excitedly.

"Lan Wangji gift it to you?" said finally being able to peel his eyes away from the object. The memory was an assault to him. His heart was breaking as he saw them sitting together. He wanted it but he knew he couldn't have it. Wei Wuxian frowned at him and asked, "Why could it not be my gift to Lan Zhan?"

"You are broke." Jiang Cheng smirked at how easy it was to fall back into this pattern with Wei Wuxian.

"You know, I teach the kids, I earn too." he was crossing his arm with a huff.

"You have poor taste." Jiang Cheng couldn't help smirk wider.

"You..." Wei Wuxian had his eyes narrowed and he knew it was coming. He could see his brain working to make another insult. The one that could shut me up.

"Aish. You don't have someone you love, you wouldn't know how gifts work." Jiang Cheng felt a sting in his heart. He knew Wei Wuxian had meant it as a joke but with the turmoil going on in his life, it hit harder than it should have.

"True." he picked up the liquor that was placed between them at some point and drowned it.

"Aish. Cheng. I didn't mean it like that." Jiang Cheng knew it but couldn't being himself up to say anything. He pressed his lips together and the body burned under the assault of too much alcohol. The atmosphere between them was once again tense.

"This is my brother's gift. He lost it many years ago." Jiang Cheng's eyes snapped to the box. The familiarity, the look, the carvings. Lost it? Could it be? No. How could it be? He wanted to know but he couldn't ask. He didn't have to though. Wei Wuxian launched into an unasked explanation to dispel the awkwardness.

"Aish. I really what to know what is in it or who gave it to him for Jin Gunagyao to steal it and place it among his coveted possessions. Surely, not him or else he wouldn't have stolen it."

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth. Meng Yao again. He stole it? He knew? He really knew? How could he? There was no one around when he gave it to ZeWu Jun. But he couldn't hold his thoughts on how and who and what's, like warmth after a long rainy season, his heart flew at a small realization.

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