24. Mystery Lover

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Wanyin made his way to his own bed chambers, remembering the event from earlier today. It put a smile on his face. He'd never imagined having such a relationship with anyone. His imagination ever only went as far as to imagine a loveless but respectable relation with whoever he marries. With time, he had given up on the thought and contended to be the way things were until Lan Huan happened. He had never imagined someone could tease him apart from Wei Wuxian and even if anyone would dare, they'd be ready for a serious threat, curses and maybe even Zidian. Seeing Lan Huan's face, getting his revenge for the lip bruise, he wanted to feel frustrated, rather his body did feel frustrated but his heart had burst open with happiness. Not only was he hard and had to go into his room to relieve himself, but he could also see Lan Huan was equally in pain.

His mind couldn't help wandering to different thoughts. How far can he push his body? How long will that self-restraint and control work? He washed his face and changed his clothes, snapping out of thoughts that could make him burn all over again. He walked over to Lan Huan's and was greeted by the site of a serene Lan, sitting as pristine as jade with a book in his hand. The only not-jade-like thing about him was the large blue bruise on his lip, Wanyin's mark. Lan Huan looked up and smiled and Wanyin produced a balm from his sash and placed it on the table.

"This will heal it." He saw a bright smile as the other's eyes landed in the small box. He took the box, opened it and held it out.

"Apply it for me?" Wanyin wondered if Lan Huan was always this bold or was it a new development. He looked in the grey orbs but saw no hint of teasing and so he accepted.

Sitting this close to the man was dangerous enough but letting his hands slide on the bruise, freshened the memory to a striking clarity. The taste of Lan Huan's lips was intoxicating, he let his thumb slide over the blueness, trying to be as gentle as possible. The man's lips were thin with the bottom a little fuller than the upper. He removed the finger with the medicine and let his thumb run over the softness, tracing the bow-shaped line on his upper lip.

"Wanyin," he was so engrossed in memorising the shape that he forgot Lan Huan was looking at him. The words, though often spoken to him sent shivers down his body and pooled in his stomach like flames. He looked up to see that he had stirred a storm in the greyness once again.

But when Lan Huan leaned in, he leaned back, "We still have dinner and you have medicine on your lips."

Without a word, he leaned back and Wanyin leaned in and touched his lips to the other, carefully avoiding the bruised area. He could feel Lan Huan's breath heavy from restraining himself and barely held himself back from smirking. The thoughts from earlier invaded him once again. He really wanted to see how much restraint did Lan Huan have, before he broke and came for him. So he played with the lips abundantly between Lan Huan's heavy breathing, when he entered the inviting open mouth, his felt hands around his body and being engulfed in warmness. Hands clutched at his waist and arms pulled him closer.

Wanyin himself had not realised when Lan Huan's body had turned, he was now chest to chest, another pull away from being thrown in Lan Huan's lap. He pulled back a little and flicked the corner of Huan's mouth as he went, to see the man's lips come chasing after.

"It's time for dinner." Wanyin himself couldn't bear to part.

"I can't go out." Lan Huan breathing on him made it harder.

"I know." he created some distance and looked to see the storm still raging, trying to calm down.

As if on cue, the knock on the door alerted them of dinner and Wanyin went to retrieve it. Lady Zhou had personally come to deliver and smiled at him, he bowed back in return and thanked her instead of asking her to come in as he usually did.

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