🌠Chapter One 🌠

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As soon as he arrived home, Mew through his bag away, took a quick shower and sat by his laptop checking his email first before getting to his favorite site checking all comments about his new online story, reading the comments made him smile a bit and also helped him get new ideas, without wasting more time, he starting writing the new chapter.

Mew Suppasit is already a 30 years old bachelor, he owns a couple of an apartment complex that his father passed to him since he was 20 years and left to go on a world trip with his wife so Mew is taking care of all the apartments, condos and everything concerning the buildings from cleaning to security and getting the rents.

Yet that didn't stop him from finishing his studies and became a professional translator mastering three foreign language aside from Thai and English and he used his free time to work online as a stories and articles translator, with time he also became a writer himself and have so many fans following him.

He has a very normal life, his parents would visit him from time to time and always spend official holidays with him such as Christmas and New Year's Day, he also has an older sister who got married 7 years ago and left to live with her husband in Paris, she would visit once or twice a year.

As a landlord, everyone sees Mew as a serious unfriendly man but he is actually a nice and amiable person, he has a two good friends he met during high school, Tad and Aran, they stayed close after so many years and would meet up once in a while, sharing their stories and new things that happened to them, this is what started to bother Mew in the past 2 years.

Since he was 20 years he got the responsibility to take care of the buildings and it took so much of his time, he began translating as another side job and writing as a hobby yet he has been doing the same things over and over again for almost 10 years that it became a stressful routine for him, it's true that meeting his friends and having his family over was a good change at first however even that started to feel as a part of a routine and he was getting fed up with his current life.

"get a lover" was what his friends said when he told them about his stress

"it's not that simple to get one, I also want to have a serious relationship this time not playing around like you too"

"that's not true, I'm really serious about Dara" Tad said glaring to Mew

"let's be honest Tad, we played around a few times before" Aran stated honestly

"I can't deny that but not this time, I promise, I'm really serious about my girlfriend"

"that's a bit surprising, well I can't wait to find the right girl for me that will make me go serious too" Mew giggled watching them

"maybe my life will also change if I actually get a lover" Mew thought although a part of him wasn't so sure about this, he did date before but nothing changed and quickly broke up, he was aware how he did hurt his last lover which is why he is set on being serious next time thus it's so hard to find the right one especially with how he is feeling lately

Mew tried to change his routine a little like going on a trip, he even stopped writing for a while trying some other hobbies but everything felt the same, there was nothing exciting about his life, working, doing side work, some hobby and that's it nothing new to make him happier

"I really want something to make feel more alive" he murmured starring at his laptop screen after sending the last email of the day containing the translated article.

His friends who felt how depressed he was tried inviting him to some parties and introducing him to other people, they even arranged for a trip together but it didn't work, they only could see a dead emotionless smile on his face

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