🌠Chapter Thirteen (+18) 🌠

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"Gulf, I just heard you talking on the phone with your manager, is everything alright? Calling you this late" Mew who just got inside their bedroom asked

"yes, he was telling about his plans for my birthday this year but I told him that I'm going to spend it with my family privately this year, I already promised them since last year"

"oh too bad, I was thinking of taking you on a trip and spending it alone together"

"I'm sorry Mew, let's do that on your next birthday, last year I had to do as the manager say since I was still getting used to everyone and everything but this year my mother called me and I ended up promising to spend it with them, I'm sorry"

"don't apologize, it's normal to spend it with your family, besides you never celebrated it with a family before so this is your chance" Mew was understanding, he heard from Gulf that he never celebrated his birthday and even with his former parents they would just by him a cake and some gifts and that's it

"thanks Mew, I promise I will spend yours with you together"

"that goes without saying" but actually Mew was a bit disappointed since he was excited about going on a trip with his lover and spend time together at a private place

Gulf could sense that Mew felt down because of that, in reality he also wanted to spend it with his boyfriend since it's the first special day since they got together but he also couldn't bring himself to say no to his mother who asked him to come over this year for his birthday which is why he was determined to empty his schedule for three days during Mew's birthday and spend it with him

The day before his birthday Gulf went on a date with Mew, he took him to all kind of fun and amazing places, he enjoyed every second with him, they created many precious memories, Mew took him to his friend restaurant where he surprised Gulf with a big birthday cake he made himself and got him a present that Gulf will treasure for life

The next day, he went early to his family's place, his mother welcomed him with a tight hug, her eyes were sparkling in happiness, it meant a lot for her to spend her son's birthday with them and it makes Gulf equally happy to see them smiling and delighted, they spent a great time together, he felt so warm and joyful, celebrating a birthday with a family is really special and the actor loved it a lot, smth he never imagined he would feel before

His mother baked a huge cake and they bought him many gifts, they took many pictures and talked a lot, they even made him make a wish and blow out the candles, Gulf was embarrassed but he wanted to do everything they wanted him to yet deep down he kind of wished that he spent this day with Mew

He really wanted to be by his side, to be hugged by him to feel his warmth and be happy in each other embrace, it a very special day and he wanted to spent it with his most special person, after all, his family isn't his real family nor his friends but Mew is his real boyfriend who knows everything about Gulf

The actor glanced to the time to find it was 10 past 9 pm, he took his phone and sent his pictures with his family to Mew who laughed at some of them and liked some others, Gulf also uploaded a couple of good pictures on his social media, he felt happy when he chatted with Mew, his family noticed that, his parents smiled glancing to each other then back to Gulf who was still holding his phone

"son, you should go and see him" his mother said surprising him but quickly smiled

"I promised I will spend it with you so it's fine"

"you already kept your promise and you even came so early and stayed with us all day so you should finish the few last hours of your birthday with your beloved man" his father said

A World Behind A Wish 【MewGulf】Where stories live. Discover now