🌠Chapter Fourteen 🌠

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---------------Mew's POV----------------

The next morning, I slowly woke up looking to my angel's face, he was sound asleep on my chest, his messy hair was covering his eyes and his lips were still bit swollen but he still looked so beautiful, I glanced to the wall clock to find it almost 10 am, we fell asleep quite late after all, I slowly sneaked out of bed and went to take a bath then I went and prepared a quick brunch from him

"baby, wake up" I softly said as he groaned still sleepy but he still opened his eyes looking to me, when he saw I was holding a tray of food he completely woke up smiling shyly, he tried to move yet he was in pain

"sorry, I was rough yesterday, does it hurt a lot?" he sheepishly smiled shaking his head

"don't worry, I will be fine in no time, I just need to take it easy today besides I was the one who told you to do whatever you want" I leaned planting a kiss on his forehead and helped him sit up so he could eat.

After helping him take a bath, cleaning our room and doing the laundry, we sat in the living room each doing smth, Gulf was reading a script while I was taking care of my work concerning the buildings, suddenly Gulf took away my laptop and laid on my lap

"I feel so happy right now Mew, it's like my life is finally completed"

"me too my love, thank you for letting us be connected but I'm sorry for losing control"

"don't apologize, that shows that you really wanted us to take the next step so much and that you were eager to have me"

"I adore you Gulf, I just love everything about you, you unconsciously keep seducing me which kept stirring me a lot and before I knew my desire to make you mine just kept getting strong until what you did yesterday, btw, what about your family?"

"they are the one who encouraged me to go to you, I'm sure they noticed how much I wanted to spend my birthday with you, as soon as they said I'm free to go I jumped taking my phone and ran to my car not looking back, ah, it seem you drunk a little yesterday, did you meet with your friends?"

"how did you know?"

"I tasted the beer through our kiss" he answered looking a bit embarrassed

"that's right, we ate dinner and then went to a close bar for a quick drink but I was mostly thinking about you and couldn't have fun so I went back early, I sat here texting you watching the pictures you sent me then went and took a shower, honestly I also really wanted to see you yesterday"

"it's because we love each other a lot" he said with an adorable grin making me steal a chaste kiss, instead of being surprised like always he just kept smiling as if he already knew I would kiss him, it seem last night made him used to me

"remembering last night, it seem we will surely get a kid soon" I said feeling joyous about having a child with my beloved man

"a kid? Oh you mean you want to adopt one soon? Well I also would love to raise a child so let's do it!"

"adopt? Why? Do you have health trouble that keeps you from getting pregnant?" he looked confused sitting up then started giggling

"you're funny Mew, well it will be amazing to get our own child"

"why are you laughing?" he looked a bit startled by my sudden question

"why? You just talked about me getting pregnant which is obviously impossible for man, it would be nice if we actually could and share the huge responsibility with woman"

"wait, it seem we're not on the same page, are you aware that you really may get pregnant"

"huh? What are you talking about? I'm a man so it's impossible"

A World Behind A Wish 【MewGulf】Where stories live. Discover now