🌠Chapter Six 🌠

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------------------------Mew's POV----------------------

I felt sad for Gulf for learning the truth about the other him just like that, of course as much as we wanted to go report the men to the police and send them to jail it was impossible since this Gulf is safe and completely fine and if they start a thorough investigation they may get suspicious of this Gulf who is trying to settle in and fulfil the wish of the other him.

Luckily, Gulf appears to be mentally strong, he managed to accept the reality and officially started living as if it was his own life, he is doing his best both at his job, training and learning how to take care of himself although his cooking is another subject

It took him a lot of courage and asked me a lot of things before he went to meet his now new family, he even prepared topics to talk about beforehand and asked me even about trivial things like how to sit or how to speak with his brother, he was scared that they may notice he's not their real son, to make them worried or shocked and especially he was more anxious about them pushing him away since the other Gulf didn't visit them that much and for this Gulf it's a trauma he went through twice.

I'm glad everything went well for him and his family, I could see he was feeling so relieved when he got back, and then he mentioned he is planning to meet his two friends, personally I don't know anything about them since the other Gulf made sure that all infos about his friends stay a secret so the media won't bother them and he even almost cut all contact with them except for chatting online

It took him a while to plan things and find a good unknown place where they could meet for dinner, of course he also prepared a disguise as usual and also asked me to come along which made me surprised

"me? Coming with you to meet your friends?"

"I will introduce you as a good friend I met few months ago, please, you are more experienced with having friends and can cover for me in case I said smth weird" he begged me looking me with a funny puppy eyes that made me giggle

"alright, but make sure to notify them in advance that you are bringing me"

"I will" he said and took his phone immediately grinning happily, on the d-day we went there by my car, once we arrived we went into a private room, it's the best thing about this restaurant, we can get private rooms and even the waiter just keep the food by the door and we take it in thus Gulf can feel comfortable inside, we were the first to come so we started ordering enough for the four of us getting different dishes, not long after, the two friends came in looking excited

"hey Gulf!"

"it's been so long since we last met outside!" I glanced to Gulf who looked widely at them, he obviously was shocked staring at them

"what you missed that that much that you got speechless" I hit him with my leg

"oh, yeah, it's been really a long time, you even changed a lot since I last you"

"I became more handsome right?" one of them said making us giggle

"a little bit, btw let me introduce to you, this is Mew Suppasit, I met him few months ago, we became good friends and he helped him a lot"

"please to meet you" one of them said

"the pleasure is all mine, Gulf told me about his close friends and he was excited to meet you today yet he dragged me to cover for him"

"we had a few problems before so it really help us a lot to have someone cover for him so we can meet like this"

"please keep helping him P' Mew" we started enjoying our meal talking about random things and since I was new in the group I could ask a few things so Gulf can get to know more about his friends yet I could tell that he wasn't really comfortable and kept spacing from time to time, thankfully they didn't notice a thing and kept talking and remembering their childhood and Gulf had no choice but to go along

A World Behind A Wish 【MewGulf】Where stories live. Discover now