🌠Chapter Twelve 🌠

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------------------Mew's POV-----------------

Just after going public comments and videos started swimming around all social medias, many wrote about what they felt toward our relationship, some wrote about me both in good way and some criticism here and there and some already had a lot of questions for both me and Gulf yet no one mentioned that they are against our relationship or hated they idea of Gulf dating me which made me so relieved

Just like what we expected I became the center of attention everywhere I go, it made me feel uncomfortable at first yet slowly I got used to it and I finally understand why Gulf got angry when people would ran to him when he wants to enjoy a private time going around and thanks to him no one dared to come closer to see since I'm not a popular idol to begin with

Me and Gulf had to do several Q&A on radio program or on a TV shows which led us to be known as the 'Brave Couple' since we were brave enough to be public and honest about our relationship and we are also the first to do this, I was astonished to see that we are liked and supported by many people, they even cheered for us when we walk around in the streets

I moved to live with Gulf at his condo since it was closer for his work and our precious place were our story began besides it was big enough for the two of us unlike my house that is big for two families to live in.


"Mew, what are you thinking about?" Gulf asked me noticing that I was spacing out instead of watching the movie on TV while laying on his lap

"oh, it's just my happiness is now completed and everything is going perfectly fine for both of us, it makes me wish that the other you is alive in your world and enjoying a happy life"

"I also wish that, I hope he finds the other you in my world and they also fell in love with each other just like us" he said while gently playing with my hair

"not just them, I wish happiness for everyone, to found their other half and enjoy their life together just like us"

"me too" he cutely smiled as I pulled him wanting to kiss his pinkish lips, he blushed as always making him cuter

"one kiss and you are already this shy so what will happen when we take the next step" his cheeks turned flaming red as he starred at me with wide eyes, he looked so embarrassed backing away

"I-I don't know, I'm still prep-preparing myself for that day" he uttered with shy voice looking away making me giggle, I can't get enough of his adorable reactions

"then be quick because I may lose control any time soon" he was surprised biting his lower lip not knowing what to say as his face got redder than before, well, it's the truth, I just love him so much and can't wait to make him completely mine, my desire to have him will overflow any day now and I won't be able to hold back

The only thing that helped me control myself until today was that I pour all my feelings when writing about our story online, writing everything helps me calm down a little, I just hope that Gulf will never find this story or he may get scared

All those feelings makes me wonder about the other me in the parallel world, did he fall in love already, how is he dealing with his feeling? Is he be writing like me or maybe he already lost control, well, I hope he is happy

------------------Author's POV-------------------

------------Side Story-----------

A man was walking back from the 24/7 open gym, it was almost one in the morning, he was feeling cold and already regret going to the gym hurrying back to his warm house, he only had to pass through the close park to get to his place

A World Behind A Wish 【MewGulf】Where stories live. Discover now