-2- Tommy's sick

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A/N: This is platonic Tomboo!

Tommy and Ranboo live together but none of they're friends or fans know until 'today's' stream

Tommy woke up this morning not feeling to well.

He slowly got up out of the bed he shared with Ranboo trying not to wake the other.

As Tommy stood up he started feeling light headed, and sat back down on the bed.

After a few minutes Tommy slowly stood up, still making sure not to wake the taller male, who was sleeping silently.

As Tommy stepped out into the hall way he felt as if he was going to throw up, he automatically ran to the bathroom and made it just in time.

Ranboo POV:
I woke up the the sound of running.

I sat up and checked the time '2:47 am' the clock read.

I automatically got up and ran to where it sounded the person (who was most likely Tommy sense we lived alone) went.

I ran into the bathroom only to see Tommy sitting on the floor next to the toilet holding his stomach.

"Tommy?" I say as quiet as I can but still loud enough that he can hear me,
"Y-yes.?" He responds sounding weak
"Tommy are you okay..?" I say softly kneeling down next to him

Tommy stays silent for a second before responding "not really.. I feel sick..." before Tommy could continue saying anything Ranboo picked him up and carried him to they're room putting him on the bed.
Ranboo then left the room and came back with a bucket incase Tommy needed to throw up again.

~time skip brought to you by mcyt_bub~
(Still no POV:  )
"I'm gonna go to the store now okay Tommy?" Ranboo whispered getting a hum back from Tommy signifying he can go.

After Ranboo left, Tommy weakly sat up and went to his gaming set up, and started streaming.

"What is up everyone! Sorry the stream is a little late, I had a.." he paused for a moment before continuing "I had a little thing I had to deal with earlier!" He sounded as cheerful as normal but people could tell something was up

Tommy are you okay?
Somethings up with Tommy
Blink twice if you need help

Tommy paused talking after reading the chat.
He silently opens Minecraft, and went onto the dream smp automatically getting welcomed by "hello!" And "hey Tommy" in the chat by whoever was on the Smp, "so chat I'm just gonna make a tower because I don't know what else to do," he sighed.

~another time skip brought to you by mcyt_bub~

Ranboo POV:

I get home from the store and I hear noise coming from the gaming/streaming room.

I go upstairs and open the door, only to see Tommy streaming.
I stay silent and walk up behind him, and put my hand on his shoulder,
"Tommy, you should be resting" I tell him slightly smiling as I see the chat go crazy

What's wrong with Tommy :[


Tommy let out a sigh, and looked up at Ranboo "But I had a stream set for today.." he whined Ranboo stared into his eyes and sighed. "Chat Tommy needs rest he was sick earlier and he should be sleeping not playing Minecraft," Ranboo said with a mono-tone voice similar to Technoblade.

All Tommy did was whine, he didn't want to end the stream.
At some point Ranboo got tired of Tommy's whining and just picked Tommy up, and bringing him to the bedroom and putting him on the bed.
"Sleep." Ranboo said as he sat down on the bed next to Tommy, "ugh fineeee" Tommy replied with rolling his eyes and laying down.

Ranboo went to stand up but got pulled back down as Tommy grabbed his arm and pulled him so they were laying together.
"Nope." Tommy said as he wrapped both his arms around Ranboo's arm, "your making me sleep, your sleeping too," Tommy mumbled as he falls asleep.

A few minutes later Ranboo and Tommy were both sleeping, and just enjoying each other's company

A/N: I wonder what they dreamed about.
Anyways, Have a amazing day/night. get lots of rest, make sure to eat something and stay hydrated! Goodbye!

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