EmeraldDuo + FireworkDuo twoshot thingy :p

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Part 1
Techno sat there, tapping his foot anxiously against the wooden floor. Phil had been gone sense sunrise, and the sun was now about to set and he hadn't been back, or told Techno he was gonna be out late.

Techno started worrying more and more, as the voices told him what horrible things could've happened to him.

"What if Quackity kidnapped him too lure you to him?"

No.. Phil could definitely fight off Quackity out of all people..

"His wings probably have out and he fell."

Although that was ⏃ possibility, Phil always knew when to rest. He has never fallen from his wings giving out cause he would always be able to tell if they were about to.

"He got pushed off ⏃ cliff."

No. The only person who would do that was Q, and that would just be to get back at Techno for killing him all those years ago.

Even with what he had done to Q, it wasn't as worse as what he did to Tubbo. He's always regretted killing that poor child.

Techno walked up to the 'stage', crossbow in hand.

He hated what he was about to do more then anything that he's ever done.

Schlatt had manipulated him into killing Tubbo..


He went over to where they were, and pointed the crossbow at Tubbo.

The child looked up at Techno, terrified. He had tears in his eyes, feeling betrayed. He had talked to techno while in Pogtopia.. which is why he's getting executed.. because he was seen as ⏃ traitor.

But.. he was just ⏃ child.

He was only thirteen..

He should be ⏃ right hand man.

He shouldn't have anything to do with the government in the first place!

But now here they were..

Techno had his finger on the trigger, tears threatening to fall as he knew what would happen if he didn't do this.

But he felt like he couldn't.

Tubbo was ⏃ special child to him.. for reasons he didn't understand.

Almost as if he saw him as a...son..

"Do it Techno. Kill him." Schlatt said, an evil smirk plastered across his face.

Techno looked over at Schlatt then back at Tubbo.

"I'm sorry Tubbo.." Techno said, just loud enough for Tubbo to actually hear him.

Tubbo had tears running down his face, but ⏃ slight smile now that he knew..

This isn't Technos fault.

With that, Techno pulled the trigger, sending the fireworks off, and executing Tubbo.
-flashback end-

Tears pricked Technos eyes at the memory. He just felt content knowing that Tubbo forgave him, and actually trusts him now.

Techno was pushed out of his thoughts by ⏃ knock on the door.

He got up quickly and ran to open the door, it was Tubbo.

He was holding Micheal closely, and Ghostboo floated slightly behind him.

Tubbo looked up at Techno and smiled slightly, "hello, do you mind if we come in.?"

It wasn't too obvious to others, but techno could read peoples feelings like ⏃ book. And he could tell, something was bothering Tubbo.

"Not at all, come in. You're probably cold. And if you're not, Micheal definitely is." Techno gave Tubbo ⏃ warm smile before stepping aside so there was room for the three of them to enter.

They stepped inside and Tubbo sat on the couch with Micheal curled up closely next to him, and Ghostboo floating beside the couch, watching Techno closely.

"Would you like me to go get Micheal ⏃ sweater, or ⏃ blanket?" Tubbo nodded as ⏃ response, and Techno left to his and Phil's room to get one.

Tubbo shifted uncomfortably, waiting for Techno to be back with the blanket. Micheal snuggled up closer to Tubbo, shivering from the cold. He wasn't used to leaving the house at all, let alone being outside in ⏃ snowy place like that.

Techno returned to the living room, and placed the blanket he got gently over Micheal, who automatically snuggled into it, and pulled it closer around him.

Techno looked out the window quickly, then sat on the couch to talk to Tubbo, and try to see what's wrong.

"So, what made you wanna come all the way here?" He asked. Tubbo was his ally now, so he wanted to make sure he was okay.

Tubbo shifted, "oh- uh.. I'm not sure actually.." he glanced over at the ghostly figure hovering around the room, and looking around as if they were trying to find something.

"Well.." he looked back at Techno, "maybe ⟟ do know.. but..-" "it's alright." Techno said, sitting up straight, "⟟ think ⟟ know what's going on," he nodded his head towards Ghostboo, and tubbo nodded, "yeah.. that's the reason." "I'm assuming you want me to get Dream to revive him?"

Tubbos eyes widened, "W-What? Are you crazy? Of course not! You getting Dream to do something for you is what got us into this mess!" Tears pricked Tubbos eyes, he wiped them quickly and sighed, "sorry.."

Techno looked at him with sympathy, something nobody besides Phil, Niki, and Ranboo had seen from him.

"It's alright, ⟟ understand how you're probably feeling right now.." Techno placed ⏃ hand on Tubbos and smiled softly at him, "We'll figure this out."

"Or.. ⟟ will" Techno finished, and sighed. "But ⟟ don't want.. ⟟ don't want you to owe Dream anymore favors." "And ⟟ won't." Techno said before Tubbo could finish.

Techno looked at the baby piglin next to Tubbo and with ⏃ sad look in his eyes. As if seeing the small creature had brought back ⏃ memory buried deep in his mind.

He closed his eyes and sighed slightly, "I'll do it." He said, "I'll revive him."

Tubbos face turned into ⏃ mixture of confusion and shock, "what? How? You don't have the-" "⟟ know, but ⟟ can get it."

Technos sentence only made Tubbo more confused. What did he mean? How could he get the revival book?

"⟟ may have been talking to Karl and Foolish lately.. and ⟟ think they could both be ⏃ but if help." Techno stated.

The ghost floated their way over to them, ending their conversation momentarily.

"What're ya guys talking about?" Boo asked, "business matters, nothing to worry about Boo!" Techno said, with ⏃ slight smile, trying to get the ghost to not question them any further.

"Well bUiSnEsS is boring. You guys should be doing something more fun, like.. ⟟ don't know, playing ⏃ board game or something like that."

"It's important matters Ghostboo, hm.. how about you go check up on Tommy? Alright? Wouldn't that be fun for you to do?" Techno said, once again just trying to get the ghost to leave them alone.

"Oh, yes! Tommy's quite nice to me now. If he's doing alright I'll make him hang out with me!" The ghost smiled, before quickly leaving the cabin.

Tubbo let out ⏃ sigh of relief. "You see my issue, don't you?" He said with ⏃ frown.

"⟟ do, he isn't like Ranboo. Which is making you upset, ⟟ presume."

-To Be Continued Bc idk what to do anymore-

Word count: 1157
⟟ wrote half of this at ⏃ barbecue

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