i'm sorry.

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I just got a random burst of energy and an idea so yeah :)

enjoy this random thing.

this is basically just Tubbo angst :p

WARNINGS: swearing, self hate, slight mentions of self harm (and possibly self harm- sorry guys)

there's a lot of swears in this one! sorry.

-Tubbo POV-

'what have I fucking done..' I thought to myself as Ranboo left the house. 'You did it again dumbass..'

'I just had to fuck up again. I always do. no wonder why Schlatt basically hated me, I always fucked up' I think to myself as I walk to the bathroom.

I hated it. I hated what I did, what I said. but I especially hated one thing I could get rid of if I really wanted to..


'No! you can't do that shit again.' I thought to myself, looking into the mirror. "pathetic." I say glaring at myself through the mirror, "you're so.. Fucking pathetic!" I punched the mirror, breaking it. my hand started to bleed from the mirror.

"great.." I say to myself quietly. "what else am I gonna fuck up today, huh?"


I open the drawer and take out bandages and wrap my hand, not even bothering to try and stop the blood. mostly because I don't care.

after I finish wrapping my hand, I go to my bedroom and change into a hoodie and sweatpants. not at all what I would wear normally.. but I don't wanna wear what id normally wear, its to.. formal for me right now.

I quickly go to the door and put on my shoes, not that I had anywhere to go. I just wanted to get out of that house.

after a while of walking I got to the main path that led to the hotel Tommy and Sam Nook built, and.. mine and Ranboo's hotel, motel? I don't even know.

as I kept walking by the hotel's I saw Puffy coming from Tommy's house, so I decided to talk to her.

"hey Captian Puffy!" I say with a cheerful tone. "oh, Hello Tubbo! are you looking for Ranboo?" she responded.

I froze for a second, I didn't want to hear their name right now. I didn't want to see them either.

"not really.." I say rubbing my arm nervously, Puffy clearly could tell something was up. "Tubbo, did something happen? did you and Ranboo get into a fight.?" she asked, clearly worried. I nodded as my answer, I didn't want to talk to much, mostly because my energy was drained from crying, and I felt weak from my hand bleeding.


My hands still bleeding! "shit.." I say quietly, as I look at my hand. it was bleeding through the bandage, "uh.. Puffy.? can you help me for a second.." I say looking at my hand, she looked at my hand as well, and I could see her eyes widen, "oh my god! Tubbo what happened?" she said quickly leading me to her doctor office.

//its an AU pls don't say anything about that-//

"I punched my mirror.. I didn't want to have to see my own face anymore." I replied to her sounding angry, but sad at the same time. She didn't answer, she just sighed quietly and sat me in a chair in her office while she got bandages and other doctor stuff I didn't recognize.

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