-1- The Battle Field Friendship

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A/N: this is my first ever story so sorry if it's bad-
I will take requests but no naughty things.
TW:death, Blood, Cuddling.
Please remember I am not shipping the characters in this it is 100% platonic seeming as the two main characters are minors!
Whole one shot is Tommy's POV sorry for that, I don't like switching them to much.
Enjoy my first one shot

Swords clinked across the Smp, another war had broken loose.

T̶o̶m̶m̶y̶ p̶o̶v̶:
I had just offed someone. I felt tears forming in my eyes as they fell to the ground, bleeding out. "Why do I have to do this.." I mumbled to myself
I got pushed back into reality as I got bumped into by someone, "sorry!" They slightly shouted making sure I heard them.
I turn to face them, and I'm met with a tall brunette. Without hesitation I grabbed his arm and ran as far as I could dragging him behind me.
When we reached a safe area I let them go, and started to sob, my tears flowing like a waterfall, hiding my face in my hands.
To my surprise the brunette pulled me into a hug, sitting me and them down to make sure neither of us fall. "It's alright, I'll protect you. I promise" the strange brunette whispered trying to calm me the best he could.
After a little while of sitting there, me on the taller brunettes lap as they rubbed circles on my back in a comforting way.
"H-hey uh.." I stuttered slightly, the tallers eyes opened and he look at me with a slight worried look, "are you okay?" He said straight away, "did you get hurt?" "N-no i uh, wanted to ask a question," I spoke slightly clearer then before.
He sighed calming himself, knowing I'm safe "what is it?" He asked calmly, "Well.. I wanted to uhm... know your name..?" I mentally scolded myself for stuttering so much
'Idiot why'd you stutter so much?'
'He's gonna think your weird'
'He's just gonna leave you like everyone else'
'He doesn't care don't fall for it'
I blocked out the thoughts just in time, "my name is Ranboo, what about you stranger?" He answered giggling to himself at the end, "my names Tommy.." I mumbled, but he heard me enough.

~Time skip brought to you by mcyt_bub~
Ranboo and I just lied on the ground, was it night time? Yes. Was it dangerous? Of course. But did we care? Not a single bit, all we wanted to do was lie, there enjoying each other's company.

And with us ending the day snuggled up to each other looking at the stars and the clouds, we had become closer and closer with each passing second, sharing a few things about ourselves. I knew, that he was a good friend for me. I knew that He would protect me and be by my side.

~time skip a few years~
I giggle to myself, remembering all the memories from when I first met Ranboo. Remembering the thought I had that night, 'I knew that He would protect me and be by my side.' And I was right, we haven't left each other's sides ever sense we met, we ended up moving in together. We lived away from the others but occasionally got visited by Techno,Wilbur, and Dream who all acted like my older brothers. Other then a few arguments that end in us falling asleep on the couch together, we had a happily ever after. Platonically of course.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading this! I enjoyed writing it. Have a amazing day/night. get lots of rest, make sure to eat something and stay hydrated! Goodbye!

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