My Allium

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AlliumDuo my beloved

idk what I'm doing with my life right now, sorry I haven't been writing anything I just haven't gotten any ideas lately or any motivation to write, I kinda just have been making random stupid things I dislike and I just end up deleting them, (Also sorry to whoever requested a platonic Techbur one in like June where Techno visits Wilbur, I won't be able to post it cause I don't have any idea's for it and I really dislike it) Anyways, I'm working on this at 9:43 (EST) cause I got bored, enjoy this mess of a one-shot that I barley had planned

Just saying, this is my AU and (mostly) unrelating too lore.

also this is based around when Tommy got killed in the prison


-No POV- 

Ranboo was walking around the SMP as they usually did at this time, not really having anything to do, or think about.

Sam was walking towards them, and he had a worried expression which made the enderman slightly worried, cause Sam never really showed many emotions, unless Tommy was with him..

"Ranboo!" Sam said, Ranboo stopped walking, "I'm sorry." Sam said, looking up at Ranboo. Ranboo got confused, why was Sam apologizing? and why is he apologizing to Ranboo out of all people?

"for what exactly?" Ranboo asked, looking down at the Creeper hybrid, Sam seemed guilty of something, as if he did something wrong.. Ranboo didn't think Sam would do anything bad enough for him to have to apologize to them

"Tommy died in the prison.." Sam said, looking down at the ground.

Ranboo started tearing up, there was no way Tommy was dead.. he couldn't be dead, Ranboo promised themselves they'd protect him no matter what.. they failed themselves, they didn't give Tommy the life he deserved.. 

Ranboo felt their face burning, they now felt guilty. Guilty for letting Tommy go into the prison, guilty for not stopping him.. 

Sam looked back up at Ranboo, "I know how much you cared about him, and I know you wanted to try and give him the life he never had.." 

Ranboo understood why Sam was sorry now, he was sorry that their Allium died in his hands.

It was his fault.

Ranboo was upset, at themself, Dream, and Sam..

they were upset at themselves and Sam for not protecting Tommy, and Dream.. for hurting their allium

Ranboo started tearing up, they thanked Sam for telling them and started making their way to Tommy's house.

When they got their, they were greeted by a ghost.. not Ghostbur, but.. "Tommy..?" Ranboo said, the ghost looked at him and smiled "Ranboo!" He said, running over to Ranboo, and hugging them. 

Ranboo stood there in shock, how was Tommy's ghost here? and how was it touching Ranboo?

Tommy looked up at Ranboo, and wiped his tears sense they'd been crying, cause well, Tommy was dead.. and now his ghost was standing in-front of them

"Hellooo? you in there?" Tommy said, poking Ranboo's cheek repeatedly, "are you okay Ranboo?" Tommy asked with a worried tone in his voice.

Ranboo looked down at him and softly smiled "yeah, I'm alright" they said patting Tommy's head, Tommy giggled "well thats good, why are you here by the way?" 

"oh" Ranboo sighed "I wanted to plant some flowers here around your house," they said looking down at the shorter one of the two

Tommy looked at them, "because I'm dead.. right.?" he said sadly "why do you want to do something nice for me.?" 

Tommy saying that made Ranboo sad again, "because I love you" Ranboo said..

And in that moment.. Ranboo woke up.


HAH- yeah it was a dream

tell me if you want me to make a second part to this! 

I literally started this with no ideas and I'm actually happy about how it came out! 

I hope you guys liked it ^-^

make sure to drink water, eat something, and have a good day/night!

I love you all! bye-bye!!

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