-3- Enough is Enough

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A/N: this was a request by UnluckyToaster
Also I'm aware this did not happen it's a fanfic and basically an AU I guess so please don't say things like "this didn't happen" thank you!

Context I guess?: Ranboo and Tubbo keep getting into arguments about what? Normally: bombs, Micheal, and resources. Ranboo finally has enough of Tubbo's shit, and leaves taking Micheal with him. While thinking about what to do he unknowingly walked right to Tommy's house and was standing in front of his door.

Warnings: swearing

~No POV~

Ranboo was listening to Tubbo yelling about Micheal, he could barley understand what Tubbo was saying but he knew it was nothing good

"He's always cramped up in here, why not put him back in the nether where he belongs!" Tubbo shouted angrily.

That broke Ranboo, if it wasn't for Micheal being there holding onto him, he would probably have attacked Tubbo.

"You know what, I'm done. I'm leaving and taking my stuff and Micheal with me. Fuck you Tubbo,"

[oop Boo swore 😶]

And with that Ranboo got his things and picked up Micheal and walked out of the house not looking back.

Ranboo mindlessly was walking through the nether basically getting pulled by something, and he didn't know what it was.

He wasn't in ender walk so what was happening? Why couldn't he control his body?

Before he knew it, he was in front of Tommy's house. While deep in thought he heard the door to the house open causing him to return to reality

~Tommy's POV~

I heard something, or someone outside so I decided to check to make sure nobody was trying to grief or something.

I open the door to see Ranboo and Micheal there,
"Ranboo!? What are you doing here? And why do you have Micheal you always leave him at your house." I question not knowing if he's even paying attention.

"Well..uh , I left Tubbo.." he responded after at least a minute

"what." I quickly said, stepping to the side and inviting him in. Why? Because Micheal, he was just a kid and he probably had no clue on what was going on but he was there and I couldn't just leave him with Ranboo to go to technos house or something.
Something automatically popped in my head as I thought that, 'why didn't he go to techno instead?'

~time skip brought to you by mcyt_bub~

~No POV~
Puffy (captain puffy) was going to check on Tommy, because of the recent events of what happened in the prison with ghostbur dying and Wilbur being back, she wanted to make sure he was doing okay.

Puffy knocked on the door, to her suprise it was answered right away by a very tired looking Tommy
"Tommy? Are you okay" Puffy said shocked at how tired Tommy looked

"Yup, kids suck" Tommy mumbled the last part but Puffy could make out what he said "what do you mean?" She said even more confuse then before, Tommy yawned before opening the door fully and inviting Puffy in.

Puffy was surprised to see Ranboo and a little pigman kid.

"Tommy? Who's the kid, and what's Ranboo doing here?"  Puffy asked getting more confused by the second

"Oh, right. Ranboo and Tubbo kept getting in arguments, and Tubbo said that they should just put Micheal back in the nether where he belongs and Ranboo got pissed and clearly left and found himself here" Tommy explained kinda jumbled up but also clearly but again somehow Puffy could understand him.

"I just came over to check up on you, but it seems you have company so I'll check up on you later." Puffy said to Tommy slowly walking out of the house.

~Ranboo POV~

"Mikey, can you come here please? You need to relax your making Tommy go crazy." I say trying to get Micheal to stop looking for something shiny to play with.

Tommy said something in a different language I couldn't understand, but it sounded like piglin

Whatever Tommy said it made Micheal walk over to him and stared up at him.

Tommy took out something and gave it to Micheal. It looked like a block of some sort but I couldn't tell.

Micheal ran over to me and held it up like a trophy holding it above his head.

It was a block, but it wasn't any block I've seen before.

It was a block, but it wasn't any block I've seen before

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[I made this btw]

~time skip by mcyt_bub~

~No POV~

Ranboo, Micheal, and Tommy were all just sitting on the floor (because why not) even though Tommy had a couch, they sat on the floor watching something on the TV.

After a few minutes Ranboo felt something on his shoulder, he looked over to see Tommy.

Tommy had fallen asleep, and fell onto Ranboo's shoulder.

Ranboo pulled the blanket from the side of them and put it over Tommy and Micheal but stayed where he was not wanting to wake up Tommy nor Micheal.

Ranboo fell asleep a while later, it was nearly midnight but at least Ranboo slept at all, he was worried about Tubbo.. mostly because of the bombs he has.

If Tubbo found out Ranboo was with Tommy, all hell would break lose..

And that just may be what happened

A/N: okay I fucking love how this came out- very proud of it and I hope you liked reading it! Should I make this a two-shot or keep it like this? Have a amazing day/night. get lots of rest, make sure to eat something and stay hydrated! Goodbye!

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