-4- Help..

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A/N: this was requested by Juicetheweird sorry it took so long for me to put it out! Anyways I'm starting to write this at 10pm so don't expect the start to be good also I know this isn't how life works but let's pretend it is because yeah
Please leave if you are sensitive to any of the warnings!
Warnings: abuse, swearing, suicidal thoughts

~Quackity POV~

I was doing a weird stream like I normally do when suddenly my phone rang

I was confused because I don't normally get messages at this time, but I still checked

It was Tommy.

He asked me a serious question to say the least..

~the conversation between big Q and Tommy~
(TI= TommyInnit QK=Quackity)

TI: Hey Big Q, have you ever felt like um ending it?

QK: Tommy, what's up? Did something happen. You never ask questions like this..

TI:Uh yeah something did happen.. it's fine though, I just want to know if you have.

QK:Well, when I was younger yeah.. but that still doesn't answer what happened

TI:I got hit... it's fine though i promise Quackity.

QK:Tommy who hit you..?

TI:My dad..

QK:Tommy pack a bag I'm coming to get you

TI:what?! My parents would never let me go.

QK:luckily I have they're number and asked if you could, I didn't mention this conversation though don't worry.

TI: how did you get my parents number?

QK:no more questions just pack and get ready your staying for a while.

TI:uhh okay. See you soon big Q

~back to reality~

I quickly tell the stream I have to go because of a family's emergency and ended the stream.

I mean I wasn't technically lying, Tommy sees me and a parent figure, and I see him as a son.

And it was an emergency

~time skip brought by mcyt_bub~

~Tommy POV~

After my conversation with Quackity, I quickly grab an empty backpack from my closet and start putting clothes in it, along with my laptop.

I look outside my window to see Quackitys car pulling up as he gets out of the car I run downstairs.

My Dad quickly pulled me to the side "if you tell him anything your fucking done you little shit" my dad said sternly "yes father, not a word." I promised

It was too late, Quackity knew already at least a bit of it.

After he pushed me to the ground Quackity walked in

'Perfect timing' I thought to myself as he quickly ran over to me taking out his phone and dialing 911

~another time skip~

As my dad got taken out of the house by the police the other officers gave me two options,

One: stay with my mom
Two: Live with Quackity

Obviously I chose the second one, I already loved Quackity like a parent so now he can actually be my dad. He said I could call him mom or dad though a few month's ago and now, he's my guardian.

I felt free for the first time in years, as me and Quackity drove back to what was now our home

~Time skip a few months :)~

~No POV~
Quackity has adopted Tommy a few months ago and everything was going smoother,

Until Tommy started having nightmares to the point where he wouldn't go to sleep.

After being taken to a therapist he was diagnosed with PTSD, and was prescribed melatonin to help him sleep.

The Smp members have noticed Quackity and Tommy acting weird lately, but mostly Ranboo.

Ranboo noticed how often Quackity would mute himself and walk out of the camera view when streaming late at night.

He also noticed how Tommy's background had changed from his room to something similar to Quackity's.

One day Ranboo decided to ask about it, only would he find out something shocking.

~Ranboo POV~

I finally decided to ask Tommy what's been going on,

luckily neither of us were streaming just chilling in VC and talking about random things.

"Hey Tommy, can I ask you something?" I ask while waiting for an answer a switch tabs really quick to check some dms on Twitter,

"Uh.. yeah sure, What's up?" He responded after a few seconds of me scrolling through Twitter causing me to quickly switch tabs.

"What's been happening? Why did your background change, and you've been acting odd.." I ask slightly hesitant

"Oh," he said calmly "Quackity adopted me, my parents weren't good and so he took me in" he said it in the most calmest way I've ever heard him, but I'm glad he's happier now.

~no pov~

Ranboo and Tommy stayed in the VC for the next couple of hours, until Ranboo heard quiet snoring coming from the blondes side, only to open the tab for the call and see Tommy sleeping peacefully.

A few minutes pass before Ranboo realized he had been watching Tommy sleep,

'jeez, I'm acting like a creep' he thought to himself as he heard Tommy's door open

"aww Toms.." Quackity says moving Tommy's Laptop onto his night stand, and putting his blanket on Tommy, and giving him a kiss on the forehead before telling Ranboo he should go to bed as well

With that Ranboo and Tommy both fell asleep on call together.

And Tommy, he was finally happy again.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading this I'm really tired so this probably sucks- this is probably confusing as hell but I can't tell- basically as a summary Tommy's parents sucked and Quackity decided to adopt him.
Still probably confusing but whatever if you have any suggestions put them in any chapter or whatever
Anyways, Have a amazing day/night. get lots of rest, make sure to eat something and stay hydrated! Goodbye!

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