Christmas thing pt.1

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!!Not shipping!!


Fluff :)

Warnings: none (i don't think, if there are any i apologize, please let me know what i should put warnings for if they're needed)

Merry Christmas :)

this is an apology for not doing a halloween one-shot lol

Sorry if it sucks i've been working on it sense around 12am and it's now 5:46am so i'm really tired-
3rd person:

Ranboo had just moved to the UK to be closer to his friends. and he moved during the winter, which only made it harder for himself.

Tubbo and Tommy had come over to help him bring his stuff inside and unpack, well, Tubbo and Ranboo brought the stuff inside, Tommy was just– there.

Of course Ranboo still loved having Tommy around, he was one of his best friends, but he wished he helped bring in the boxes at least a little bit.


Ranboo started unpacking his clothes and putting them in his closet, Tubbo and Tommy were decorating his living room and kitchen to be more "Christmassy".

Ranboo heard something shatter and he quickly ran downstairs, "I told you not to touch it!" Tubbo said, "I didn't mean too! And it wasn't-" Ranboo cut Tommy off, "what happened?" he said calmly.

"Tommy dropped the little tree." Tubbo said, clearly upset, "I only dropped it cause you tried to take it out of my hands!" Tommy defended himself.

Ranboo sighed, these two were hard to deal with sometimes.. But they were still his friends, and he loved them.

"I'm not mad," Ranboo said looking over to Tommy, "how about you go get the broom and dustpan so we can clean it up, okay?" he said in a calming voice, as if he was talking to a toddler and trying to make sure he doesn't make them think he's mad.

Tommy nodded and walked off, Ranboo now turned his attention to Tubbo. "Why did you try to take it from him?" he said, he sounded angry, and he kind of was..

"He's clumsy, he would've dropped anyways." Tubbo responded, "So you made him drop it instead of asking to help him to make sure he didn't?" "I didn't mean to make him drop it!"

Tommy came back into the room with the broom and dustpan, cutting Ranboo and Tubbo's conversation short.

"We'll talk about this later." Ranboo said before turning to Tommy, "here," he said taking the dustpan and holding it to the ground, "you sweep, and i'll hold the dustpan in place." "okay, thank you"

Tommy started sweeping the pieces of porcelain into the dustpan. After it was all in the dustpan Ranboo put it in the trash, then put the broom and the dustpan away.

He went back into the living room and hugged Tommy, "Thank you for helping me clean it up," Tommy hugged him back and just relaxed, he was happy that Ranboo wasn't mad at him.


The day had passed and it was now nighttime, Tubbo went home a little while after they finished decorating, but Tommy stayed over, he would say it was 'not his plan to stay', but it was, he wanted to stay and spend time with Ranboo, even if he would never admit it, he was quite fond of Ranboo.

They were sitting on the couch watching random videos on youtube, when Tommy decided to mention food.

"Hey– um.. Ranboo, neither of us have eaten in a while.. Do you think we could order something?" Ranboo looked over at him, "oh yeah– I'm sorry, I should've gotten something earlier," he got his phone out and handed it to Tommy.

"You pick what we get," he smiled, Tommy took his phone and looked for things they could get, he remembered what Ranboo would mostly eat when he visited the UK.

Tommy was kinda glad Ranboo decided to move there, he was pretty close to where Tommy lived too, Tommy could actually just walk back to his house if he wanted to so he'd be able to visit Ranboo a lot.

"How about this?" Tommy said, showing the phone to Ranboo, "if that's what you want," "well I wanna make sure it'll be something you'll eat too." Tommy said, looking at Ranboo, "I'll eat whatever you pick, Tommy," "Okay.."

They ordered the food and just continued watching youtube videos until the food came.


When the food got there they ate, then started watching movies until 1am.

Tommy ended up falling asleep and leaning against Ranboo and Ranboo had his arm around him so he wouldn't fall.

After starting a new movie Ranboo ended up falling asleep as well.


I haven't read this through honestly- if there's spelling errors or weird parts that make no sense I apologize, it's just really early and I haven't slept all night-

moving on, really hope you guys liked this, and again this is 100% platonic!

I'm really tired now- I've been working on this for like 4 hours-

Anyways! have a good day/night! make sure to eat and drink something, and get plenty of rest!!


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