Chapter 8, Part 2/5 (Training our Epithets)

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The heroes must help Sylvie from his corruption!! The Evil Witch's Haunted House is a dungeon where the heroes must find the final room to start a boss battle. They have exited the laboratory, so now they are back in the entrance room!!

Molly Blyndeff: H-how are we supposed to save Sylvie?
Zora Salazar: Remember, this house is haunted, so we will never except which surprises are we going to find in their rooms!!
Giovanni Potage: Maybe... boss battles in EVERY room?
Zora Salazar: No, Giovanni, don't except that... but I may except puzzles and obstacle courses!!
Molly Blyndeff: Yeah, maybe, but... Sylvie, we need you...
Mera Salamin: Exactly, we need him to brew more Healing Potions!!
Zora Salazar: True, but... Healing Potions are very easy to brew, so we can even do it without him!!
Molly Blyndeff: I just hope that this doesn't mean Sylvie will be called a useless kid again!!
Giovanni Potage: Don't worry, Bear Trap!! He will be still an useful doctor!!
Molly Blyndeff: That's right, Giov!!
Zora Salazar: There's no time to waste, heroes!! We must explore the house and save him now!!

The Evil Witch's Haunted House has different rooms you can choose to explore. Which one will be the correct?

It actually looks more like a regular haunted house, but I found this background the one which was the most similar one I could find, as it also has the way the different doors are accessed

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It actually looks more like a regular haunted house, but I found this background the one which was the most similar one I could find, as it also has the way the different doors are accessed. Which one will you choose? Here are the different rooms you may obtain before you are lucky enough to enter the boss room:

Puzzle Room: Maybe moving rocks with Indus, a slide puzzle with the witch's face or a find the five differences between two posters of Corrupted Sylvie!!
Enemies' Room: A lot of enemies will appear!! Will you be able to defeat all of them?
Treasure Room: Congratulations, you found a lot of treasure chests that includes items inside!!
Maze Room: Will you be able to find the door to the next room? In this maze, you may find enemies, treasure chests, ✨ (items that are picked up) and maybe some level up screens after all of these battles!!

If you finally got lucky enough to enter the boss room (everytime you enter a room, there's 24'75% of getting one of the four regular rooms, and just 1% of getting the boss room), the next cutscene will appear!!

Molly Blyndeff: S-Sylvie!!
Evil Witch: Not so fast, heroes!!
Percival King: With all of our justice, turn Sylvie back to normal!!
Evil Witch: No, you won't be able to do so!!
Mera Salamin: He will NOT brew new kinds of potions for you!!
Evil Witch: Are you sure about what are you saying?
Mera Salamin: Of course..
Evil Witch: Sylvie, attack them!!
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: Hmm... *evil laughter, then he says 'YOU WON'T ESCAPE FROM ME!!' while attacking with his yo-yo to Molly*
Molly Blyndeff: Sylvie, no!! D-don't...
Giovanni Potage: Don't worry, Bear Trap, I will defeat that witch!!
Evil Witch: Ha, you aren't ready!!
Giovanni Potage: *prepares his bat with a knife* Of course I am!!

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