Chapter 13, Part 3/3 (Giovanni's Lucky Number)

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In the second floor of the Ancient Castle, the heroes are fighting against more enemies, searching up for items and finding out where is the final room. Once they are finally in said final room...

Giovanni Potage: Huh? This room is empty, I can't see anything interesting here!!
Percival King: Maybe we just need to find a way to pass through the window without falling down...
Giovanni Potage: No, there must be something the- *stomps a trap by accident* Uh oh... *a shadow appears*
Molly Blyndeff: Giov, we must do something!!
*the shadow looks like it's forming a bat with a lot of knives*
Giovanni Potage: A bat with a lot of knives? I don't like bats with a lot of knives!!
Zora Salazar: Stop attacking Giovanni or else I'll shoot you!! *the shadow changes to a Zora shadow* Oh, cowboy... DOES THE SHADOW TAKE OUR FORMS TO ATTACK US!?
Percival King: Looks like yes, it likes to change forms... *the shadow changes to a Percy form* Huh...
Giovanni Potage: *doing an epic walk* No matter how many forms are you activating... you better get eliminated from my presence!! *now he's running and preparing to attack wihth his bat* AAAAAAAAH... *the shadow changes to the Giovanni form and uses the bat with a lot of knives to counterattack the real Giovanni* No, I won't give up yet!!
Molly Blyndeff: Maybe I can do this... *uses Dumbify on the Shadow Giovanni* Wow, it worked!! *the shadow approaches Molly and he's upon to attack her* Maybe it didn't work- *attacks Molly* OUCH!!
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: You won't want attack her, because... *points at the Shadow Giovanni* NIGHTMARE FUEL!! *instead of summoming the enemy's phobia, the shadow turns into a Shadow Sylvie, which is pointing at the real Sylvie* D-did I use Nightmare Fuel on myse- *gets an electrical shock* AAAAAAAH!!
Mera Salamin: *bringing a candy from Molly's backpack* This candy will help you!! *gives Sylvie that lemon candy which cures paralysis*
Dr. Sylvester Ashling: *it is a hard candy, so he just puts it in his mouth to wait until he can swallow it to cure his paralysis* T-thank you, Mera... *the shadow turns into a Shadow Mera*
Mera Salamin: No way!!
Indus Tarbella: *sumons a barrier and uses it as a shield* I must protect Lady Mera from- *the shadow turns into a Shadow Indus, which also uses a shield barrier* Wow...
Ramsey Murdoch: Easy, I can just turn it into gold and... *the shadow is inmune, and then it turns into Shadow Ramsey* W-why is it inmune to EVERYTHING!?
Molly Blyndeff: Maybe it's just tricking us with all of these sha- *the shadow turns into Shadow Molly, which has a cute bun for no real reason* Awwww, what a cute bun!! *she figures out that the Shadow Molly is a 15-year-old version of her* But why is the shadow an older version of me?
Giovanni Potage: *running to attack the shadow* Because IT WANTS TO DEFEAT YOU!! *hits the shadow and the cutscene finishes*

Boss battle against the Shadow. It can turn into any of the eight playable characters, so it will probably be the enemy with the most amount of possible attacks in all of Epithet Erased RPG (also called EERPG)!!

 It can turn into any of the eight playable characters, so it will probably be the enemy with the most amount of possible attacks in all of Epithet Erased RPG (also called EERPG)!!

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