Chapter 7

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Megan and Lisa found out about Eric and I as soon as we had made plans to go out. I know word travels fast, but...Jesus. I don't know how it can get around that fast. They wanted to come over to my house and get me all ready for my date, like a make over type thing, but I wouldn't let them. Naturally, they were disappointed. Now they are dying to know how it went for us, but I haven't had a chance to talk to them at all today. We've all been caught up in our own projects. I feel like I should at least share that with them since I didn't let them in on the pre-date primping.   

Unfortunately, when I do get a chance to talk with them, they aren't satisfied with my description of the date. 

"It was nice. He picked me up and we went to The Crazy Woman in Tensleep for dinner. There was never any like awkward lulls in conversation, because Eric's pretty talkative."  

"That's it?" Lisa's eyebrows shoot up as soon as I finish.   

"Yeah, it was nice."  

"Did he kiss you?" Megan asks.  Unintentionally hitting on my own insecurity about the way the night ended. 

"No. It was the first date." I shrug. 

"People aren't afraid to kiss on the first date these days, Jamie." Megan informs me.   

"I know. But maybe some people still are. Or maybe he doesn't like me like that."   

"Oh my God. Here she goes about how she's not pretty and guys aren't attracted to her." Lisa rolls her eyes at me.   

"Did you guys make plans to go out again?" Megan asks.   

"No." I shake my head.   

"Well, Will said Eric talked to him this morning about the four of us doubling up on a picnic date or something, and that he seemed pretty excited about it." Lisa says.   

"That sounds like it would be fun." I agree slowly. 

Lisa decided to break up with her boyfriend back home, and she and Will have been out together a few times now. They seem to get along together well, and so far Lisa does not regret dumping the guy back home.   

"If the mysterious Mr. E would ever warm up to me, we could be tripling together." Megan has a mischievous gleam in her blue eyes.   

"That'll never happen." Lisa laughs.  

"I might just ask him myself, if you guys are up for another couple joining you."  

 "Sure." I challenge her.   

"Go for it." Lisa agrees.  

 "I mean, what's the worst that can happen? He says no?" Megan asks us. 

                                              * * *  

"He said no."   

Lisa and I bust out laughing at Megan's dejected announcement two days later.  

 "Oh my God." Lisa laughs, catching her breath, "Tell us what happened." 

 "I walked up to him, and I said: 'Hey, some of the others are planning a picnic this weekend, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?'"She pauses, checking to see if we are following, "And he said, 'No.'"  

Lisa and I die laughing again.  

 "That's all he said? He just said no?" I ask, after we regain some composure.  Megan seems slightly irritated with our outburst, but she finds the humor in her own story. 

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