Chapter 1: First Day

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Carina and Andrew are on the plane, ready for them to go see their mother that they haven't seen in 5 years. Carina is a sophomore and Andrew is in 8th grade. Carina's been on a plane before cause she went to London with her mom for a while, when she still lived in Italy. Andrew has never been out of Italy, let alone on a plane. His English isn't that great either, so any chance he gets he will speak his native language, Carina is a lot better than him.

Carina looked over at Andrew and noticed he is a little nervous, "è ok, Andrea. Vendremo mamà e ne varrà la pena, (It's okay, Andrew. We are going to see mom and it will be worth it)"

He nodded and before they knew it, they were in the air. Andrew luckily fell asleep pretty quickly, so it gave Carina some time to watch a movie on the crappy airplane screens without worrying about her little brother.


The plane finally landed after 11 hours (estimated). Carina nudged Andrew to wake up, "Andrea, svegliati. Siamo qui." (We're here)

"Okay," He says sleepily.


They go to the baggage claim and retrieve their luggage. Then they walk through the airport exit to find their mom. They both are super tired from the flight, it's 10pm right now, but they're so tired. They have school in the morning, too. They finally found their mom and walked to the car. They threw their luggage into the trunk and both fell asleep in the car.


Their mom has both of their rooms set up, more like there is covers on the bed. They have to decorate their own rooms to how they like. As soon as they got home, their mom told them whose room is whose, and they crashed. Both of them worried for school in the morning, neither of them have ever been to America, they didn't know what to expect. Them leaving Italy has always been a thing that their mom wanted to do, considering their father has bipolar-1 and can't control it. This is the safest option for them.


Carina and Andrew both woke up and got ready for their first day of school, even if this is the middle of the school year. They brushed their teeth, showered and got dressed. They made their way downstairs to the kitchen where they met their mom again.

"Buongiorno, mamà," the kids say almost in sink.

"Ah, buongiorno," their mom says with a bright smile on her face.

The kids ate cereal for breakfast and are now ready to go to school, "Arrivederci," the mom yelled as Carina shut the door.

The kids get into Carina's car and drove off. They finally arrive at Andrew's school, Carina drops him off, "Buona giornata. Ricordo l'inglese (Have a good day. Remember English)," he smiled and nervously walked off.


Carina made it to her school, parked, and walked into the office which is where the principal told her to go before her classes. She walks in and is greeted by a lady, "Hello, may I help you?"

"Yes. I'm new, Carina Deluca. I was told to come here to get my schedule,"

"Ahh, yes. Of course," the office lady went to her computer and pull something up, guessing it is her schedule. "Here you go,"

"Thank you," she took the piece of paper from her hand and began to walk off.

"No, wait," she said making me stop, "I'm gonna call someone down to show you to your classes," Carina nodded kinda annoyed cause she's sure she could've figured it out. She picked up the phone and called, "Can Andy Herrara come to the office now?...yes...thank you. Okay, she's on her way," she said as she put the phone down.

A couple minutes pass and Andy walks in, "Andy, this is Carina. You will show her to her classes today,"

"Okay, dope. Let me see your schedule," Andy says as they both walked out of the office, down the hall. Carina handed her the paper, "soooo...your locker is right across from mine and we have, English, lunch, History, and math together. I'll show you to your locker."

The girls head from the lockers to the first class, Math. Carina's am pretty good at math, but she doesn't know if they teach it the same way. 10 minutes into class, Andy sits next to me, the door flings open and the teacher stop the lesson and say, "Nice if you to join us, Maya."

"I'm sorry, I-," the teacher cut her off.

"I don't need excuses, just take your seat so I can continue," this beautiful blonde woman turns more into the classroom and sits next to Andy.

"Dude, if you're late again you're gonna get ISS, (in school suspension)." Andy whisper-shouts.

"I know,"


Carina went through English then a study hall, She doesn't have to take Spanish so she has an extra free period, now Carina has lunch.

Andy said that Carina could sit with her friends, she is kinda grateful. They sat in lunch and Andy introduced her to her friends, they are all so nice, "This is Vic and Travis. That's Dean and Jack. Ben isn't here, oh and I'm sure you remember Maya, being late to first period."

Carina giggled, "yeah, I remember."

They all sat at lunch and chat a little, until they heard a voice screamed, aimed at the table, "Hey, babe!" This girl came around the table and hugged Maya from behind, and kissed her on the cheek.

Carina was confused, but understood. She has a little crush on Maya, but now she knew she couldn't be with her. Andy spoke breaking Carina's thoughts, "That's Hailey, Maya's girlfriend." Hailey sat at the table and talked with the friends until the bell rang, she grabbed Maya's hand and they were off.

The rest of the day was fine, pretty boring. Carina was on her way to her car when she heard a voice calling her, making her stop. She turned around and it is Maya. Secretly, Maya has a little crush on Carina as well, but she has a girlfriend.

"Wait up," Maya ran over to Carina, kinda fast, "Since it's Friday..." Carina and Andrew got to America in the middle of the week, "Vic's parents are going out, which means she is going to have a party tonight. Y'know, the high school party with alcohol and hookups and games. All that fun stuff. Anyways, you are more than welcome to come,"

"Umm...sure. I'd love to go."

"'s my number. Text me when you get home, I'll give you her address and the time. Bye," Maya ran away. She has a lot of energy, damn.


Carina picked up Andrew from his school and they went home. They walked through the door, greeted by their mother asking how their first days were. They both told her very excitedly. Carina finally brought up the party.

"So, their is this party and one of my friends asked if I could go. Can I?"

"Of course, just don't get to drunk. Like two beers, deal?"

"Yeah, grazie mama!" Carina said and ran to her room to text Maya.

Carina: Hey, I can go. Can I have the time and the address?

Maya: yesss!!! Here *address and be here by 6pm. See ya xoxo.

Now it's time for Carina to get ready. She didn't want anything to fancy. She chose some white washed skin tight ripped jeans and a green sweatshirt with an MTV logo on it and tucked it into her bra so it is now cropped. She grabbed her phone from the charger and checked the time '5:30' the address is 20 minutes from her house, so she decided to walk which probably wasn't the best idea, but she didn't think about that.


I'm gonna be writing as much as I can today cause idk if I will write anything tomorrow, so you're welcome.

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