Chapter 7: Home Sucks

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TW: Abuse

It's now Wednesday, Maya got a weird request from her dad, "Maya, come home right after school, no track," She is confused, but a little grateful that she doesn't have to run today. A little sad that she doesn't get any extra time with Carina, but it's okay.

"Okay, what about Mason,"

"He's gotta come home the same time as you. Now get,"

The siblings waited at the same place that Carina picks them up. "Hey you and Mason,"

"Hi Carina,"

"Whoa, what's wrong,"

"Nothing, why?"

"Because you called me Carina. You haven't done that since we met,"

"My dad wants Mason and I home right after school, I can't go to your mom's today,"

"That sucks, but I understand,"


After school

"Bye guys and good luck sweetie,"

"Thanks, I'll need it," Maya kisses Carina before hopping out of the car and heading home.

Carina and Andrew make it home and is greeted by their mom, "What no Mason or Maya?"

"Their dad wanted them home right after school. I'm nervous, but I'm sure it'll be okay," Carina is so wrong.


The Bishop sibling are greeted by their dad standing staring at them with a piece of paper in his hand, "I got your report card today, Maya. Shall we go over it?" Before Maya could oppose, her dad continued, "Math: D English: D Spanish: F Art: C Science: F Gym: A Global: D and Lab: F. These grades are horrible. Oh, I also got this letter from the principal," Maya almost started to cry, she motioned for Mason to go upstairs, "No, Mason. I'm not done! The principal says Dear Mr. Bishop, your daughter, Maya Bishop, has not had great grades this quarter. In order to play an after school activity she can only fail one class. Maya is unfortunately failing multiple classes. Therefore, she is no longer allowed to participate in Track or be on the team anymore. If Maya can get her grades up, she may be allowed to be back on the team in quarter 3. Signed: Principal Klein. Do you know what this means," Maya stayed silent. Her dad got up in her face and yelled, "YOU GOT KICKED OFF THE FUCKING TRACK TEAM," this time, Maya let tears fall, "If you are able to multitask, go cry yourself a suitcase full of clothes and get out of my house. I never wanna see your face again, I don't wanna get anymore letters. You tell your school to stop sending me bullshit, GET!" Maya ran to her room, grabbed a bag and started filing clothes and anything else she needed into it. While she did, she heard her dad now yelling at Mason. She new that Mason is a lot easier to break, "And you Mason. I wan't you to DO THE SAME THING YOUR SISTER IS DOING. When I look at you, I see her and I never wanna see her face again," Mason did the same as his sister.

Maya threw one bag over her shoulder and carried a duffel bag full of other things. Mason had the same amount as Maya, "Bye, dad" the kids say knowing they'll never see their dad again. Unfortunately, he didn't even turn to see them leave. The sibling started walking on the sidewalk.

They are both still crying, "What are we going to do now," Mason asks whimpering.

"All I know is that we are going to Carina's and we'll figure it out from there. You know I love you right?" Maya asks wrapping an arm around the back of his neck.

"I love you too,"

"We can survive this as long we have each other,"


The sibling finally reach Carina's mom's house, Maya knocks and Ms. Deluca answers, "Maya, Carina said you weren't..." she notices the bags the two had with them, "oh, come in," the kids set their bags down and head for the couch still crying a little, "What happened,"

"My report card came and I'm failing most of my classes, I got kicked off the track team. And Mason, our dad said that he reminded him of me and never wanted to see either of us again. He also doesn't want anymore school letters,"

"I'm so sorry guys, you can stay here as long as you want. Even if it's the rest of high school. Let me go get Carina and Andrea." Carina and Andrea came running downstairs toward the other siblings.

Maya went running to Carina and jumped into her arms like a child. She wrapped her arms around Carina's neck and her legs wrapped around her waist. Maya is a little malnourished so she's pretty light for a sophomore, "Hey baby, are you okay?" Maya shook her head as she buried into her girlfriends neck. "Let's go sit down, okay?" Maya nodded and hopped off her girlfriend. They ran over to the couch, Carina sat down and her girlfriend cuddled to the side of her, "it's okay, baby" Andrew is comforting Mason too, they've never seen Andrew do anything like this.


Time passed. They all just sat on the couch and watched some random tv show, trying to get their mind off of what happened. "Dinner," Ms. Deluca called. The kids walked to the table where each plate was already plated, "I've had time to think while making dinner. Mason, we have an extra room, it's cluttered though, I'll have to clean it first. I have an air mattress that we can blow up and put in Andrea's room until the room is cleaned. Maya, I'm guessing you don't mind sharing a room with Carina. Her room in pretty big, so you wanna share a bed or we can get you your own,"

The girlfriends looked at each other and Maya says, "I don't mind sharing a bed,"

"Okay, then it's settled. I will call the school tomorrow and give them the situation, and have all of your papers and things sent here instead of your dad's,"

Everyone finished dinner. The kids walked upstairs to get situated. Carina's mom brought the air mattress upstairs and blew it up for Mason. "Maya, my mom will probably get you a dresser but for now, my bottom drawer is empty."

Maya put as many clothes that she could in the drawer and flopped on Carina's bed, "I'm so tired,"

"Then let's got to bed. Are you gonna tell anybody, Andy maybe?"

"Not until I fully understand what's happening,"

"Okay, buonanotte bambina. I love you,"

"I love you, too," they kissed and immediately fell asleep. Maya's head resting on Carina's chest and the cuddled. The boys crashed too not long after the girls.


This was hard to write but I've had this idea forever so I got kinda excited when I could finally write it.


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