Chapter 11: The Treehouse

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6 days later


The family spent the rest of their time looking at Italy statues and trying different restaurants and some more family time. The blonde and brunette haven't tried to have anymore fun in the shower because they knew that they would get punished even more than just their phones being taken for a week.

By now, they've all said their goodbyes and on their way too the airport.

It's about 6am once they reach the airport. Through the medal detectors, baggage drop off, and a nice comfy lounge, it's time to get on the plane.

Tickets are now checked, and yes they're on first class again. With the same seating arrangements. Maya and Carina with each other, Mason and Andrew sitting together and the Italian mom alone.


A long 12 hour plane ride that felt shorter the the other. They're finally home and ready to crash, unfortunately it's the end of spring break, so they have school in the morning.


Monday Morning

Maya was the first to wake, normally it's Carina. She laid in bed for a little long then decided to check her phone, what she saw spooked her. Not only spooked, terrified her. She's all tense now hoping her Italian girlfriend won't wake. The message is from her dad.

Dad: What the fuck did I tell you?

Maya: Hi, dad it's been a while

Dad: I told you, I don't want papers from the school where my disappointment of a daughter attends.

Maya: I'm sorry, I didn't know they sent that. Must of been an accident.

Dad: If I get another letter, I'm going to hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.

That text sent tears streaming down her face. As soon as she felt Carina stir next to her, she quickly wiping her tears to hide the sadness. That didn't happen though because her face is still red and puffy.

"Good morn- Maya what's wrong?" She sits up with concern.

"It's nothing," Carina gave her the look saying 'what else?' , "It's just- my dad text me,"

"WHAT?! Are you serious?" Maya nodded very slowly, shaking, still in a little shock. "Oh, baby. I'm so sorry, what did he say?"

"He just-," Maya couldn't bring herself to words, so she showed her the text instead.

"Oh, that's not okay. Come her," Carina opened her arms and Maya snuggled into them. After a few minutes Carina finally said, "Bambina, I know you're sad, but we gotta get ready for school," all Maya could do was nod and hop out of bed.


It's a very quiet car ride dropping the boys off and on their way to their own school. Before getting out of the car, Carina said, "You sure you wanna go? We can go to first period then ditch. Go someplace quiet for the day."

Carina could see that Maya was thinking about this hard, "I've never missed a day of school before,"

"It's okay, if you don't want to, we'll walk inside," Carina could sense her blonde girl doesn't want to, "how bout this. We go to first period so we get marked present. They won't call my mom if we're there first period. We'll meet at our lockers, grab our things, and sneak out the auditorium window. Okay?" Maya nodded feeling a little better.


The girls walk into the school and heading to their first class. Maya is in 1st period and Andy sits next to her noticing she's a little quiet, "You okay, Bishop?"

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