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The bell had just rung for lunch, everyone was gathering their stuff and talked to their friends, while walking out the door. George did the same just without the whole friends part 

George wasn't scared or anxious about it, he didn't know how he felt about it. he had gotten to the cafeteria doors and stopped. He inhaled and exhaled before slowly opening the doors to a room full of students just like him. 

Just like that very morning, George noticed that the whole room was separated by groups, which made him slightly worried because he didn't know where to sit.

But luckily a shorter pink haired girl came up to George

"Your the new kid, correct?" The girl asked in a softer voice, she seems nice for the most part. George just nods in response 

"Would you like to sit with me and my friends? I'd like to get to know you if you wouldn't mind" she said with a little laugh at the end 

"Oh sure, I didn't really have anywhere else to sit, so thank you" George said thankfully 

"Oh! My name is Niki" she said as she put out her hand for a handshake

"I'm George" George said while smiling and shaking her hand, she nodded and let go of his hand and started walking to a table, the people at the table seemed alright, well from a far they did 

But one person caught Georges eye, it was Clay. He was sitting at the table that George and Niki were headed. George lowers his head as he sits at the table, which just so happen to be across from Clay 

"George this is Wilbur, Zak but he likes to be called Skeppy, then we have bad, which is also a nickname, then Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, they are the youngest ones here, and finally we have Karl, Nick and-" she said pointing to each person, well until Clay interrupted her 

"I've already met him" he said with attitude, as he leaned back in the bench and looked directly at George

"You didn't need to be a prick about it" George said in a low whisper hopping no one heard him 

"Umm well ok, George do you have a lunch at all?" Bad asked helping he could change the subject 

"No, but I'm not that hungry" George said back to Bad 

"You can have my apple if you'd like! I don't really like them" Karl jumped into the conversation excitedly 

"Oh umm sure" George reaches for the apple, which is in Karls hand. but Clay hit Karl's hand which caused the apple to fall 

"CLAY" Karl yells as Nick and Clay starts to laugh, George looked annoyed at clay. Bad grabbed the apple and wiped it off with a napkin he had, once he finished cleaning it he pasted it to George. George grabbed the Apple with a little thank you 

After Nick and Clay stop with their laughs, Nick hits Clay shoulder and whisper to him 

"We've got football practice, bye everyone, bye Georgie" Clay said with a wink to George and walks off with Nick and Skeppy. George was surprised by the nickname from Clay, but he kind of liked it 

'Wait what-' 

The bell rung for the next class, 'just a few more to go'

~end of school day. George's POV~ 

The bell rung for the last time, thank goodness for that 

The only homework that I got was reading homework, so I would leave all my books at the school. Throughout the day I had many people come up to me and talk about different clubs I could join, but for now I'm not gonna join one

I was the last one in the classroom, I loudly sigh and get up from my seat, because of my mother's job she worked late, so if I went home now, I'd be alone. I'm not the biggest fan of being in a house alone, but maybe I'm just weird, I'm not sure

"Hey! What are you still doing in class" I hear a familiar voice and look up to see the one and only, Clay. He looked a bit mad, hopefully not at me though 

"I can be here as long as I like" I said as I lightly lifted my head and crossed my arms, he walked over to me but didn't stop when he got to me, he kept pushing me closer and closer to the wall. Well until I hit my back against the wall with a small grunt

Clay was a lot taller then me, which gave him the ability to tower over me 

"You may be new and all, but I suggest you shut your mouth before I do it myself" he said with a smirk on his face and a little chuckle in his voice 

It was kind of hot- wait- no it wasn't hot-

I lowered my head a bit to separate eye contact with the man with his hand leaning next to my head, which I don't think he liked 

He grabs my chin with slight anger as my face gets a bit red from his actions 

"Do I make myself clear...cutie" he says sternly as he stares at my now red face for an answer 

"Just because your a jock, doesn't mean you can push me around" I say as I point at his chest every so often, he finally moved his hand off the wall and lifted both of them behind his head

"Feisty, I like it" he said with another smirk on his face 

"Well, since we made it clear, I'll be off" he said as he spun around walking to the door 

"Ill count the seconds until we met again...cutie" he said the last part with a wink, as I rolled my eyes, i want to just forget about that, but I also don't...ugh

Clay is now out of sight, so I went off into the hallway ready to walk home 

'Maybe Dream is online!' 

A happy thought came to my mind, I could always tell Dream about my day, but that's not a problem for him to figure out, maybe I'll just get him to play bed wars with me. Yeah bedwars 


We are getting somewhere!

I'm really excited about this story- if you couldn't tell already 😂

if you ever have an chapter or ideas you wanna see happen, just tell me! But don't feel pressured like you have to give one though! :D 

Make sure to get some water and food! 

Word count: 1012 

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/night!<3

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