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George was rudely woken up by a loud beeping sound, which messes with his beauty sleep. With his eyes still shut, he grabbed his phone and turned off the alarm, he gives out a little groan while he stretches out his arms and legs. 

He slowly began to get ready for the terrible place called school, he brushed his hair and teeth. Changed his clothes and got all his stuff together. He walked downstairs and saw his mother getting stuff for his lunch. 

"Good morning love" she says with a bright smile 

"Morning Mum" George said in response as he walked over to her and kiss her head, which was quite normal for them.

George grabs a breakfast bar thing and grabs the lunch box his mother had Mande for him, just seconds before.

"Bye sweetie, be good at school!" George's mother yelled from from the kitchen 

"By Mum,  and I will! " George yelled back at her just before closing the front door and started his walk to the school 

On the way to school he actually ran into someone, and that someone was Niki

~George's POV~

"Hey! George!" I heard a familiar voice call my name from behind me, I turn around to see Niki running towards me with a smile on her face.

"Oh hey Niki" I say with a little wave as she approached me

"Can I walk with you?" She asks with little breath 

I nod my head in response, as we head off again towards the school. We walked in complete silence before she spoke up 

"So I'm assuming you live around that area?" She asked as she pointed back behind us

"I do, not that far from where we met actually" I say with a small smile, she looks up at me and let's out a little 'ohh'

"Could I have your number by any chance?" She asked another question, while holding out her phone towards me 

"Oh sure!" I answer, as I took her phone and put in my number. I called me just to make sure it was in her phone and all that. Just as I do that we get to the school 

"We have to separate now, but maybe we can walk home together?" She asks softly 

"Oh sorry, I'd like that" I say while giving her a smile, she nods and spirits off. I sigh as I go to my locker and open it

I grab the books and stuff I need for my classes before lunch, then close my locker door to be frightened by someone leaning against the lockers next to mine 

"Ah!" I slightly jump and I almost drop my books in my hands, I look up to see who it is, and it's no other then Clay

"What do you want Clay?" I ask slightly annoyed, he smiles and responds 

"Nothing, I just wanted to walk with you to your class" he said with a little smirk, I just roll my eyes and leave him to lean against the lockers as I head off to class 

"Wait! George!" He calls out, I just ignore him for the most part.

He runs behind me and raps his arm around my shoulder, I flinch at the sudden feeling 

"Why are you ignoring me" he said with a frown on his face

I lift his arm off my shoulder and look at him with an emotionless face, "because your annoying" I say plainly as he stops walking, while I continue 

"I'll get you one day Georgie" I slightly hear him say as I walk off to my first class 

~time skip to lunch(because no one likes school) 3rd person~

The lunch bell rang George started to get all his stuff together, and so was Niki, Bad, and Karl, who just all happened to be in the same class.

Before George could walk out Niki asked if George wanted to walk with them, he said yes. But they all first went and out away their books in their own lockers.

They all met back up and headed to the cafeteria, no one was at their table yet,  and George was quite happy about that.

They went and sat down waiting for the rest of the group to show up

While they were waiting, some of them eat while others asked George some questions just to get to know him better. Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy all showed up not to much later, so now they were just waiting for the jocks 

Then finally they showed up, George sighed as Wilbur, Skeppy , Nick and Clay ran into the cafeteria and sat at the table, but this time Clay got a seat right next to George.

They all eat, well most of them did. The jocks were talking about morning practice and all that, George never really liked football so he didn't understand the hype that much

Somehow the typic Minecraft was brought up and George and Clay both froze from the name being called

"You guys play Minecraft?" Tommy asked George and Clay from across the rounded table 

"I do, but not often saying I've got practice all the time" Clay says as he looks at George "what about you Georgie?" He asks with a smirk on his face, every was very confused by the nickname. But they just ignored it for now 

"Uh yeah I play" George says as everyone's eyes were on him, George never likes being center of attention 

They all continue their own conversation say George just listens in, he didn't mind just Listen. Sometimes he likes to just listen instead of talking 

The bell that which meant lunch was over just rang as everyone left in the cafeteria got up and off to their next class 

It was the last class and George and Clay just so happened to become partners for a project, George didn't like the idea at first. Then he found out that Clay actually very loves this class, and is quite good as well 

They had a whole week to do the project, and they did some at the school with the extra time they had, they talked about meeting up in a few days to do it,  they agreed on going to George's house in two days for the project

George was now at his locker putting all his stuff away that he didn't need, then he met up with Niki at the front gate of the school. They headed off towards the direction they had walked just that morning 

They separated and George grabbed out his phone and headphones while plugging them into his phone and playing music, his mind was scattered and figured music would maybe help 



I updated, yay! 

They are project partners, I wonder what could happen- 

How does anyone feel about this chapter???

Word count: 1116

Make sure to grab some water and food!

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/night!<3

(Sorry if I misspelled anything!)

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