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~Karls POV(something new👀)~

We were about halfway through the horror movie, there wasn't many jump scared yet so that's good 

Nick was sitting on one of the bigger couches while I sat In between his legs on the mattress, I would often use his legs as a pillow, or just a head rest 

But I don't think he minds very much, we are honestly very close, I actually like him but I doubt he likes me back 

Anyways,  the room was completely silent minus the chewing noises

Well it was until a jump scare happened,  just about everyone either screamed or jumped, well everyone except for Clay and Nick because they are crazy and actually like horror movies 

Clay and Nick were laughing, I slapped his leg as he stops laughing and bends down to me

"Karl" he said in a low whisper so no one heard him 

"Yes?" I ask innocently, he exhales in a angry way 

I might die in the next few minutes, but Nick will kill me so who cares 

I was expecting Nick to say something but instead he picks me up from my arms and sets me down a bit forward

He sits down on the mattress with his back against the couch while he pulls me back into him 

But this time, my back was against his chest and his arms around my waist

I decided to not go against it, I mean I really enjoyed it but still 

I lean my head back into his neck as he lets out a little chuckle, I could hear the smirk on his face but I don't really care at the moment 

~back to 3rd person~ 

Throughout the movie George, without noticing got closer to Clay after every jump scare. He got to the point were George would find his face in Clay shirt while Clay would wrap his arm around him 

Both of them didn't think about what they were doing, or who could have seen. They were in their own little world you could say 

The movie soon came to a end and immediately George and Clay realized what position they were in and separated, Then though they both slightly missed the warmth that came off of each other 

"I'm hungryy" Tubbo says with a whine in his voice 

"I can order pizza, is pizza ok with everyone?" Niki asks as everyone nods quickly 

Niki goes around and asks what type of pizza everyone will eat and such, she finally orders it making sure she gets a pizza that everyone will eat 

While everyone waited for the pizzas they mainly just talked about school or texts that were coming up 

But as soon as the bell rang, which meant the pizza had arrived, everyone went quiet 

Niki had gotten 7 large pizzas for all them, she figured it would be best to have more then less

So everyone grabbed a slice of two and headed back to the living room 

The room was filled with silents other then the sound of people chewing, which wasn't the best thing to hear, so Niki turned on the tv and played a Minecraft video that was on her YouTube recommend

By the time the video was over, everyone was done with their food, well until Niki brought out something 

"I've got ice cream!" She yells from the kitchen, which Is next to the living room 

"ICE CREAM?!" Tubbo and Tommy asked as they looked at each other the running off into the kitchen, Ranboo just sighed and walked into the same room 

Everyone slowly got up and got ice cream, now Clay and George got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen where Niki was still standing 

When George and Clay walked in, they both noticed that there was two large buckets full of two different types of Ice cream

One was vanilla while the other was chocolate 

Clay just got vanilla while George got both vanilla and chocolate 

They both helped Niki put away a the ice cream before heading back to the living room 

"So what now ?" Ranboo asks 

"I have a idea" Nick said with a smirk,  George already was scared with little hope he has in Nick 

"How about we play truth or dare?" He suggested and everyone slowly starts to agree, they all end up playing the game anyways 

They had to lay down some rules saying Tommy, Tubbo ans Ranboo were playing(A/N they are freshmen or 9th graders. The ages are confusing to do but oh well) 

There wasn't a ton crazy rules like: no dirty dares, if the person doesn't want to do the truth they can do two dares, and same with a dare 

And with that...they got started



So if you didn't see on my account thingy, I had said that I was writing and basically I had written 700 words and it didn't save :) 

But here we are, sorry it's short, it's 2:30am for me right now and I'm a bit tired and don't want to write when I'm tired/not thinking right 

Honestly I like the missing chapter better then this one, but oh well 

Also how are you guys liking the Karlnap???

Word count: 791 

Make sure you get some water and food loves!

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/night!<3

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