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It's now the Thursday, Clay is at George's house getting ready for their project for the next day.

George's mother would often walk up to George's room to see how things were going, Clay didn't mind it, but George did. Clay actually really liked George's Mum, she was quite nice 

Clay has now been at George's house for around 2 hours and now almost 6, Clay wasn't planning on staying for dinner, but George's mother had other plans 

George's mother had walked into the room that held the to boys 

"Clay honey, are you planning to stay for dinner?" She asked with a smile, as Clay and George's eyes go wide. Clay looked at George and made eye contact, then they both looked at George mother 

"Uh I wasn't planning on it...but it's kind of hard to say no to such a kind lady" he stated with a little smirk on his face, but little did he know that George was waving his hand past his throat trying to sign to his mother a answer 

"And plus, George and I over here aren't done with our project just yet, so it would give us more time to finish it!" Clay says with a little hint of excitement.

George's mother clapped her hands and stomped her feet doing a little dance, she told the boys that she would yell for them when she's done. She happily walks out the room with a hum in her voice 

George groans as he falls backwards onto the pillow laying on the floor right behind him, Clay had lied about the project. They were actually just about done and Clay was about to leave.

Clay wheezed at George's reaction, George opened his eyes and sat up quickly looking at Clay weirdly 

"What's wrong Georgie?" Clay asks while still laughing

'He sounded like-no' 

George' shook his head and disregarded his thoughts as he looked at Clay angrily 

"Don't be angry at me Georgie, your mom is way to nice for me to resist" he said with confidence 

"Oh don't blame that on my mother, we are basically done with the project and you just lied to her!" George had rolled his eyes while slightly getting pissed off from Clay's action

"Well, maybe I just wanted to spend time with you..?" He say smoothly as he slightly leans closer towards George, George quickly moves back with a small red tent to his face 

"Wh-" Clay thankfully was interrupted by George's mother from downstairs, "DINNERS READY!" She shouted, Clay softly groaned as he stood up and reached out a hand for George to grab

But George rolled his eyes and got up without the need of Clay's hand. "Oh I see how it is" Clay says annoyed. 

They both walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to see 3 bowls of what looks to be a pasta of some sort

"Clay, I sure hope you like Alfredo!"(A/N I have no clue if they have Alfredo in the uk-) she said with a wide smile

 Alfredo was secretly his favorite meal his mother makes, she doesn't get to cook much because she's either working or she was to tired to cook. 

But Clay being at her house made her the happiest person alive, she was so happy to see that George was fitting in quite well, she knew that George wasn't the best at making friends, that's actually why she's so ok with him being friends with Dream 

George's mother seemed to really like Clay, she even wandered if George did as well? 

George had came out as gay just a few years before, his mother was very acceptive and loving to George. she believed it didn't matter who George loved, as long as he was happy, she was happy.

They all sit down at the table, Clay and George on one side while George's Mum was on the other 

They say in silence just for the first few moments they were eating, then George's mother spoke up 

"So Clay, would you mind telling me about yourself?" She asked like it was normal, George eyes little widen in embarrassment but Clay just answered with no big deal 

"Of course" he said smiling " well my name is Clay Taken,I'm 16 and I play football for the school, I'm actually the captain" he add as George rolled his eyes and began to eat his food, while on the other hand George's mother looked very excited 

"Oh how neat! Well how did you met George? He told me he was invited to a table at lunch, were you there?" She asked as George just sat there like a third wheel 

"I was, well technically we had met beforehand- but yes we met at the table" he said while slightly eyeing George 

George's mother and Clay could talk for hours, but luckily George finally spoke up in announcing after then talking for a half hour 

"Mum, Clay should get home now, we have school tomorrow, remember?" George explained as he get up from the set and lifted up Clay as they returned to his room 

"Aw man why'd you do that Georgie?I like your mother!" He said sadly, George just rolled his eyes as he helps get all the project stuff together. Clay packs his backpack and watches George while he waits for him 

George turns towards Clay, who is leaning against the doorframe and gives him a questioning look 

"What is it?" George says plainly

"Don't mind me just watching" he said with shrugged shoulders, George just rolls his eyes and walks over to Clay and stops 

"Can you move? I'll walk you to the door" he said to the tall man as he moves out of the way and follows George downstairs

"Bye Ms Found! Dinner was fantastic!" Clay yells from the front door to the kitchen 

"Bye Clay! Hope George brings you back" she yells back, Clay looks down at George and raises an eyebrow

George spatted while lightly punching Clay in the shoulder "now get out of here before I get even more mad" George said with an evil smile on his face 

"Yes Sir" Clay said immediately and walked over to his car but stopping before he gets in 

"Bye Georgie!" He yells from the car with a little wave  

George rolls his eyes but waves back, he watched him drive off into the dark night sky 

 George walks back inside to see his mother with a smirk on her face and a hand on her hip 

"Well he's a flirt" she said while winking at him

"MUM NOOOOOO" George groans across the house as he retires to his room for the day 


Surprise chapter!- 

I'm starting to like when this story is actually going :) 

I ALSO LOVE GEORGES MUM! Not sure if I'm gonna give her a name or not yet- but if you have names I'll take them...

Word count: 1113 

Make sure to grab some water and food! 

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/night!<3

(Sorry for all the misspellings...)

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