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It's been over a month since George showed up to school, the group had all gotten to know George quite a lot. 

Somehow George being there helped other friendships, that weren't included George got closer also 

And of course George and Dream are still as close or even closer then they were before 

And well Niki wanted to plan something, she wanted to set up an event 

She wanted to set up a sleepover

So she did just that, she told everyone about the plans ok Thursday so that everyone could tell or ask their parents about it, and they would be all set for Friday 

~George's POV~

The Friday sleepover is just in a few hours, we all agreed to go to Niki's house because her parents where on a business trip

I'm not really scared for tonight, just hoping nothing crazy happens 

I was slightly zoned out when Clay flicked my shoulder 

"Ow!" I say in a low whisper, I look at Clay madly "why did you do that?" I added

"You looked zoned out and the teacher is talking about tests" he said with a little smirk on his face, I wanted to slap him 

All through Clay and I didn't get met on a good note, we've actually become close. We still fight and pick a lot but still 

Sometimes he would say things that reminded me of Dream, but I just let it slide 

I finally decided to actually listen to the teacher and immediately heard the bell to let everyone out for the day go off

I groan and start packing my stuff in my backpack, I packed everything pretty slow just because I was tired 

After a minute or two I lifted my backpack onto my back and looked up to see Clay standing there laughing

"Why did you go so slow?" He said with a wheeze, I roll my eyes 

"Because I'm tired, now shut up" I say as I hit his shoulder and start to walk out of the room, he followed saying we were gonna met everyone outside of the school 

We all met up and separated into different cars. Niki, Wilbur, sat in the front of Niki's car while Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo all sat in the back 

Then Nick and Karl sat in the front of Karl's car, and Clay and I in the back 

Niki was leading the way to her house

We all had about two bags each with us, why? I have no clue, we were just having a sleepover...but maybe this sleepover will be different

After about 10 minutes in the car, we arrived to Niki's house

Not gonna lie, it was huge. She had a gate to get in and a wall of tree type things around it 

It was very nice and pretty looking through

Both cars parked and everyone started to get out and get their stuff,  I made sure to grab all I needed then walked up to Niki waiting for everyone else 

"Your house looks homely" I tell Niki with a smile, she gave me a weird look back 

"I'm guessing that means something different then what I'm thinking" she says with laughs

"Oh, what does it mean here?" I question with a nervous giggle 

"It means of trashy here in America, but I now understand what you are saying" she said 

"Oh sorry" I look down and rub the back of my neck

"Oh don't be sorry!" She said as she waves her hands back are forth 

"Everyone is ready now, Niki" Wilbur came out of nowhere and told Niki, she nods and opens the door with the key 

I thought the outside looked nice, but the inside was gorgeous 

While we all walked in I heard a gasp from at least every person's mouth 

"Holy honk Niki-" Karl said who was standing next to Nick

Karl's statement made everyone giggle, he just stood there and shrugged his shoulders

"So I'm assuming everyone is ok with sleeping in the living room?" Niki questioned everyone, while turning around and looking at each one of us 

We all agreed with the living room, so Niki brought us there and we all once again were amazed by the big room full of beautiful decorations 

"We can figure out bed and stuff later, how is everyone on hunger whys?" She asked

Basically everyone said they fine with waiting, and Plus Ranboo and Tubbo brought a ton of snacks that 'needed to be eaten' according to Tubbo 

We all got into comfortable clothes and agreed on watching a movie, we just had to find one that everyone wanted to watch...which was harder then you think 

"Ok, so here are the options to vote on" Wilbur started "we have a horror movie, a sad movie or a action movie?" He added, he asked each person what they wanted to watch 

After a lot of fighting, and a few flying pillows. We agreed on a horror movie 

I personally don't like horror movies but I was tired of everyone fighting and just wanted to enjoy a movie and not yelling 

Niki's living room was quite big, so we were able to put a mattress on the floor right in front of the couches, which there where two 3 setting and a love seat 

I was sitting right in the middle of one of the 3 setting couches, while Clay was to my left and Nick was to my right, and Karl was sitting on the mattress cross legged In between Nicks legs 

Niki and Wilbur shared the other 3 setting couch and Ranboo and Tubbo shared the love seat, and Tommy on the mattress 

"Everyone ready?" Niki asks as everyone either nods or said yes 

"Ok, here we go!" She said excitedly and pressed play on the tv 



I wrote this on the road to the beach 😃👍 

^ill update for it goes when I get back

Word count: 966(so close to 69-)

The sleepover is going to be spilt, I'm not sure if it will be 2 or 3 chapters yet :) 

So yeah, everyone have any theories about what will happen???

Sorry for all the misspelling or wrong uses for words!

Make sure you get some water and food!

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/night!<3

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