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"I'm not planning on it" he said as he grabbed my hand and started walking off to the place of unknown

~present. George's POV~

Clay and I walked for a while, at some point he told me to close my eyes. Or at least cover them, I hesitated but closed my eyes trusting Clay 

If I'm being honest...I've slowly been falling for Clay, I don't want to admit it though

I mean why would I need to? 

There's really not a point to,  I don't even know for myself. He just makes me feel weird when I'm around him 

He always makes me happy when I'm down, he's funny but can be serious when needed to be. 

And don't even get me started on his smile-

"George!" I heard Clay yell, I slightly jump at the sudden noise 

"Y-yeah?" I mutter 

"You kept zoning out" he said In between laughs, I lightly chuckle as he grabs my hand and continues to walk 

"Are we almost there?" I ask softly, he just responds with a small hm 

We walked for a bit longer, then Clay just stops. I run into his back from the sudden stop 

"Sorry" I say while lowering my head 

"It's ok" he responded with a laugh 

"Can I look now?" I ask as I lift up my head towards where I believe that Clays face is 

"Yeah, if you really want to" he said sarcastically 

I slowly open my eyes, Clay is standing just to the right of me, but still in eye sight

I look away from Clay and see that we were on a hill, it didn't feel like we were walking up a hill. But I guess we were 

The bottom of the hill was just a big field of grass, while there where a few trees next to Clay and I, which was the top of the hill.

The moon lit up the whole ground, I looked back at Clay with a smile

His face softens as we make eye contact, he gives me a small smile while he points his finger upwards

I give him a confused look as he chuckled and looked up, I follow his actions to the the sky completely filled with starts

My jaw dropped, it was absolutely stunning. I've always wanted to go star gazing, and now I'm here...but it's even better because I'm here with Clay 

"You like it?" He asked from behind me with a whisper 

"Yeah, I've always wanted to go start gazing" I tell him as I turn around to him, and bump into him. I don't move my hands off his chest as my eyes stare into his 

He licks his lips and puts on a smirk with a little chuckle, my eyes slightly go wide as a take a step back and cross my arms and puff 

"You want to go lay on the ground down there?" He asks as he looks at the bottom of the hill 

"Sure" I say as we slowly head down the hill 

We laid down in the soft grass for quite a while, in comfortable silence as we both just looked at the stars above us

It was really quiet but very relaxing, I wanted to talk to Clay but decided against it after a while 

"Why did you bring me out here?" I ask without thinking 

"I just wanted to breath a bit, you know...I mean with all the tests and games and stuff, I just haven't had much time to just breath" he said calmly 

"That makes sense, but why did you bring me?" I asked again while forming my head towards him, he looked at me and smiled 

"Honestly, I don't know" he chuckled "you just seem to makes things better" he added while looking back at the sky 

"Oh" I just softly said 

"Sorry if that was, I don't know...a lot?" He sat up and pulled his hair back while looking at back at me 

I set up just like him and wrap my arms around my legs "don't be sorry, and I understand. School has been hard lately and I've enjoyed tonight, so thank you for dragging me out here" I say with a smile on my face as I look back at him 

Clay smiles with an exhale "that's a relief honestly" he said while laughing 

I giggle a bit as he started to just plain out wheeze 

I love his laugh

He stops laughing and gets up from the ground and holds his hand out for me to grab 

"It's getting late, I can take you home if you'd like?" He asks, I grab his hand to help me up then respond 

"You know what, I would like that actually" I say while looking slightly downwards 

We both start walking back to the school, for Clay's car. So we wouldn't have to walk all the way to my house then his 

We walked mostly in silence, which was fine with me. We would randomly talk about a subject, but it usually didn't last long 

Once we got back to the school we got into Clay's car as he let me control the music, which made me a bit happy because I have a great playlist of songs 

We jammed out to just a few songs before he pulled up to my house, my mum wasn't home yet from work, so I would be fine 

I get out of the car as Clay does the same. I walk over to the door and get my keys out and unlock it and turn back to Clay 

"Well, thank you for tonight" I said quietly as I tried to not make eye contact with the blonde 

"You're welcome, but I just wanna know if y-you would be up for something like that again?" He said with a little crack in his voice, I look at him straight in his eyes smiling while leaning my head to the side 

"I'd really like that" he smiles back as he takes a step towards me and wraps his arms around my waste, I throw my arms over his shoulders returning the hug 

I nuzzle my face into his neck as we stay in that place for a bit 

We let go from our hug and Clay heads back to his car 

I missed the warmth from his hugs...

"Goodnight George, I'll see you Monday!" He yells even though it's the middle of the night,  I giggle at his actions 

"Goodnight Clay!" I wave bye as we drives off, I sigh and head inside to call it a night 



So it's been like a week- and honestly, I've miss writing like a lot

I do want to thank that one person who pointed out something that I messed up, I won't tag them, they should know who they are<3 

I also think I'm only doing a few lore chapters left... 

But I really enjoyed writing this chapter-

word count: 1104 

How do you feel about this chapter???

Make sure you get some water and food loves! 

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/night!<3

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