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Friday night Niki was busy asking everyone about the get together for the next evening. the only ones who could make it was Karl, Nick, Clay, Wilbur and of course George and Niki will be there 

Niki made sure to get George's address so everyone could met there

Everyone agreed on taking George around in the afternoon just so they could show him the beautiful sunset of Florida 

George's mother got to meet all of them, which wasn't planned but still happened. 

They all sat off for a adventure, They used Niki's And Clay's car. Wilbur, Niki and George in Niki's car while Karl, Nick and Clay were in Clay's car 

They all met up back at a parking area, Niki was talking to Wilbur and Clay about the places they could take George

Nick and Karl were talking to George about places he may have wanted to go, he didn't give much input anyways 

They all decided to go to a park then at Sunset they would go to the beach 

~George's POV~ 

We all headed towards a park of some sort, Niki played music as Wilbur jammed out to it. 

I was sitting in the back, this group was a lot of fun. I'm really glad Niki came up to me and ask to sit with them 

We had arrived at what looks to just be a children's park, Niki and Wilbur looked at each other, then back at me and smiled. I smiled back not knowing what was about to happen 

We all started walking in the park, as we walked I noticed that the park seemed to be old and ran down, so I asked 

"Hey Niki! Do people come to play here anymore?" I ask from almost across the park 

She quickly walks over to me 

"It's been abandoned for a quite while now actually" she said with a little smile on her face 

"But the park isn't the only cool thing here" Nick added while popping up out of nowhere 

I give him a question look as Karl from behind Nick giggled and walk towards me wrapping his arm around my shoulder 

"Don't be scared or anything, we won't kill you" he said with still giggles in his voice, Niki and Wilbur start to laugh as they head off into a path that looked to be overgrown, which would make a lot of sense 

We were all walking in a line in the woods, and I have no clue where we just so happened to be going, I was in the middle of the line so it didn't bother me to badly

Suddenly the two people in front, who were Niki and Wilbur turned towards me and smirked, I look at both of them back and forth. Then Clay spoke up right behind my ear 

"Georgie, we need you to trust us and close your eyes" he said in a low whisper, which made it hard for me to decide if I liked him this close or not 

"We'll help you walk promise" Karl walks over to me and grabs my two hands as I slowly close my eyes 

'They could kill me any second, and honestly I wouldn't be mad' 

We walk for not even a minute and we all stop as everyone goes silent, then I heard something I definitely wasn't expecting


I jump a bit at the sound, I'm pretty sure Clay chuckled at my reaction. But I don't really care 

I roughly pull my hands out of Karl's and put them to my side 

"Open them!" Niki said from what it seemed a far place 

I bow my head and slightly open my eyes to hopefully get used to the light

I slightly lifted my head and saw something yellow, but almost white. I lifted my head fully to see the five standing on white ground with a slight waterfall that connected to a small river just behind them 

I look to my right and left with widened eyes, it was beautiful. I may be colorblind but I knew for a fact that this place was beautiful 

"Do you like it?" Niki said as she stood closer to me, her face gave off nervousness but happiness all at once 

I smile and nod "it's really pretty here" I add 

"Come on, the sun will set soon and you can't miss it!" Niki said grabbing my arm and popping the word 'can't' 

She pulled me onto the white stuff, which I soon figured out was actually sand,  white sand. It was very interesting for sure 

Everyone was kind of just talking about memories they all had here when I pulled on Niki's sleeve, she hums and looks questionable at me

"Umm Niki, I'm colorblind" I said it, I actually did it. She gasps and cover hers mouth 

I start to get worried she won't like me anymore

"Oh! Don't be worried!" She says kindly as she pulls me into a surprise hug, I didn't hug back at first but I enjoyed the affection from someone, so I hugged back 

After I hugged her back she let go and gave me a happy look 

"I feel really bad now, I had no clue...what kind of colorblind are you?" She asks

"Oh it's not your fault and I'm green, pink and red colorblind" I say as she looks down looking a bit confused 

"So you can't see much of the sunset can you?" She says almost sadly 

"Yeah" I say awkwardly while rubbing my back of my neck 

She walks off with a nod and I see Clay walking towards me in the corner of my eye, I sigh getting ready to deal with him 

"Hi Georgie~" he said with a smirk that I just want to rip of his face 

"Hi Clay" I say planning back 

"I overheard yours and Niki's talk earlier, so your colorblind?" He asked 

"Yeah, I am" I say back 

"Well what a shame" he said with a fake frown, I roll my eyes with a little chuckle in my throat 

"Whatever you jock" I add, he fake gasps and takes a step back dramatically 

"At least I'm not short, sassy and the new kid" he said as he quickly stepped right in front of me and lifted my now red face with his fingers 

"Shut up" I say with a strong accent as I slap his hand away, while he laughs 

"Cute" I heard him whisper while walking away, I felt my face heat up, I mentally slap myself as a note to stop blushing around Clay 

"GEORGE!" Wilbur shouted at me as he waved his hand signaling me to go over with them, and I did 

"The sun is just about down, sorry you can't see much" Niki said softly, with her head slightly lowered

"It's completely fine Niki" I say while patting her head, and smiling 

We all stayed till almost dark and talked about random things, I've only been here a week. But I feel like I'm just at home 



Today has been kind of crazy- if you'd really like to hear about it I'll tell, but if not I really don't care :D 

I really enjoy flirty Clay...

Word count: 1173 

Make sure you get some water and food today! 

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/Night!<3

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