12: Weird Behavior

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The next day, Elise woke up early to record Wonwoo's lifestyle. She ate breakfast, took a shower, and put on her clothes to get to work. The first thing that Wonwoo has to do for the day is to check the paper works regarding the winery.

"Okay, it's done." Elise said, as she stopped recording, to face Wonwoo who continued reading the documents. Elise was expecting him to spare her a glance, but he did not.

"S-So uhm, what are you going to do next?" Elise asked, awkwardly.

"Make a few calls, and then go to the library." Wonwoo said, still not sparing a glance. Elise sat on the chair with her camera, still examining the man in front of her.

There was an unexplainable awkward silence between him and her. A few days ago, Wonwoo would be talkative, and even smile at her, but right now. He is serious, and not even sparing her a smile.

He must be really busy. - Elise thought to herself.


Elise recorded him making a few calls with the distributors of wine. After that, he followed him to the library where the maids bought him a set of tea. "I-I'll start recording you from the distance." Elise said, as she walked away from Wonwoo who sat on one of the tables with a book, and a tea on his hand.

Without knowing, Elise was enticed by charisma to the point that she is slowly putting her camera down. The more she stared at the man, the more she was strangely enticed. Visions of a familiar man wearing vintage clothes, started to flash before her eyes.

"Ack!" Elise gasped, as the left hand that she placed on one of the tables, suddenly had a papercut on her index finger due to the book she touched.

Wonwoo who sat from the distance, accidentally dropped the cup of tea on the floor which made a loud thud. Wonwoo's eyes turned red upon smelling the delicious scent. He quickly shut his eyes, trying to resist himself.

"Alessandro, please get the medical kit." Alessandro immediately got inside, covering his nose with a handkerchief, as he dragged Elise out of the library.

"Come with me." Alessandro muttered, as Elise immediately went with him in a naive manner.

What is happening? - Elise thought to herself.

When Elise left, Wonwoo finally got a hold himself. He stood up, and went to the table where the book that Elise touched had a drop of blood. He bent down, examining the page, and smelling the fresh blood on it.

Her blood smells so strong. - Wonwoo thought to himself, as he took a light lick on it, making his eyes widened.

"It is strong and sweet." Wonwoo muttered to himself, as his eyes turned red again. He suddenly had the urge to drink blood because of what happened to Elise. It triggered his hunger, and lust for blood.

"fuck." Wonwoo muttered to himself, as his hands turned into a fist, shutting his eyes, as he tried to resist from the urge to taste her.

"Alessandro." Wonwoo called, and within a second, Alessandro appeared.

"Yes, sir?"

"Get someone to my bedroom." Wonwoo commanded.

"Will surely do, sir."

Every time the duke has hunger for the blood, his butler would get one of the prisoners from the death row, and that will be his meal. Back then, the immortals would eat and drink blood everyday, but as of now, the immortals have tried to minimize their blood lust.

When humans and vampires had a truce, they made a law in which that the immortals could only eat three to five mortals a month, and the immortals were fine with it, but Wonwoo tried to limit himself to once a month.

But right now, he will break that limitation for the sake of trying to stop himself from feeding off from Elise.


"You should be really careful around the duke or else you might be his next meal." Mary warned, as she wrapped a bandage around Elise's index finger.

"Wait, what?" Elise's eyes widened which made Mary chuckled.

"Just kidding, the duke only eat and drink blood once a month since they abide by the law," Mary discussed.

"But I guess tonight he'll be feasting on some blood since you just provoked him." Mary said, as she finished wrapping the bandage. She proceeded to arrange the medical kit.

"I did not mean to."

"Seeing lord Alessandro's face, I can tell that your blood must've REALLY triggered the duke. It seems like your blood has as strong sweet scent." Mary said, as she faced Elise.

"Really? How does the duke even react whenever one of the maids accidentally cuts themselves? I mean, that must've been tough for him to deal." Elise said.

"Well, he does not react that much. His eyes would turn red for a second, and then he'll get back to normal,"

"This is the first time someone had triggered him so much, and that is you!" Mary exclaimed, as she held Elise's hands.

"R-Really?" Mary nodded her head eagerly.

"Mary Smith!" Elise and Mary's conversation were interrupted when Lady Alice shouted.

"I've been calling for you for hundreds of times to help down here in the kitchen!" Lady Alice shouted, as Mary immediately stood up.

"Coming!" Mary shouted back.

"Ugh, God, I talk too much." Mary whined to herself, as she turned her gaze at Elise.

"I'll see you around, my lady!" The young girl enthusiastically exclaimed with a smile.

"See you around." Elise smiled back, as the young maid left her room. Elise's smiled faded away, as she is once again lonely with her thoughts.

Wonwoo is so stern and scary today, I thought we were getting close. - Elise thought to herself, as she stood up, and went near the window to stare outside, and admire the view.

Well, it's not like we were friends or something. I purposely came here for my job, I should keep my distance. - She stifled a sigh, upon realizing what she is feeling towards him.

She is starting to get attached to him.

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