19: Longing For You

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For the past few days, there has been some hectic chaos around the workplace causing Elise's flight back to Paris to be delayed. It made her sulky, and sad since she has been longing for Wonwoo's presence.

"Elise, Mr. Choi's calling you." Soonyoung said, as she patted Elise's shoulder before passing her.

Elise put down the cup of coffee on her desk, as she rushed to her boss' office. In there, Mr. Choi made her sit on the chair in front of him.

"As you know, our company have been facing a lot of backlash because of Minju's mistake," He trailed off, pertaining to one of the journalist who wrote a mistake in an article.

"But that does not mean that I won't be able to fix yours," Seungcheol rose an index finger, as he pulled out something from his drawer.

"The director of our branch in France had already given me a reply." Upon hearing that, Elise's ears perked up, eyes sparkling.

"What'd they say?" She asked, desperately, as her boss smiled at her before handling her the letter.


"Looks like she won't be back," Han spoke, as his master sat on the swivel chair, hands on his head.

"It is all right, master. Maybe in another century." Han reassured, as the last petal on the withered flower fell down.

"Maybe, we aren't really meant to be," Wonwoo stifled a sigh before standing up to look out the window.

"Maybe you are, but it's just not the right time." Han spoke, as Wonwoo turn around to divert his gaze at him.

"To be honest, I'm getting tired of waiting." Wonwoo's shoulder drooped down, as he heaved out a sigh.

"I'll let the universe decide."


"I'll miss you!" Soonyoung exclaimed, as he hugged Elise tightly.

"Me, too!" Rose exclaimed, as she hugged Elise too.

"Don't worry guys, I'll try to pay a visit." Elise said with a smile, as she faced her colleagues.

Seungcheol walked towards her and smiled, before saying. "Thank you for your hard work, Elise. You were one of our greatest assets in here." Her boss said, as Elise smiled and bowed.

"Now, why don't you go? You don't want to miss your flight." Seungcheol said.

"Yes, I know."


The director of the 24/7 news company in branch has agreed to take Elise in, but before that she will have to go through an interview and assessment which will be easy, after all, she has a good reputation and good skills in writing.

"Good morning passengers, this is the pre-boarding announcement for flight A17 to France..." Upon hearing the announcement, she got her passport and ticket out.

It has been two weeks since the last time I've seen Wonwoo. He hasn't been replying to my letters, and I guess he didn't receive them. Maybe there's a problem within the post office. - She thought to herself.


It was a peaceful afternoon in the chateau, Wonwoo had gone for some horseback riding through the forest to contemplate. The man halted his horse right after seeing his butler ran out of the door.

"What is it, Alessandro?" He asked, as he hopped down the horse.

"You have a visitor." Alessandro said, as Wonwoo took off his hat, cape and leather gloves, leaving him in a black suit.

"Who is it?" Wonwoo asked, as he handed Alessandro his garments. Instead of speaking, Alessandro smiled.

"I think it's best to see for yourself," Wonwoo gave him a weird look.

"She's at the garden, waiting for you." Before Wonwoo could even speak, Alessandro had turned around, and walked back inside the chateau.

She? - Wonwoo thought.

Wonwoo made his way in the garden where he saw a lady, sitting on of the chairs in the gazebo. From a far, the woman wore a dirty white, dress which caught Wonwoo's attention.

As he got closer, the familiar lady took a sip of her tea. She turned her head towards Wonwoo, which revealed her face. "I have been waiting for you." Elise stood up, and smiled. Wonwoo's cold, stern face, had been replaced with a smile.

"I-I thought you won't be back." Wonwoo muttered, as Elise chuckled.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Elise asked, as she opened her arms. Immediately, Wonwoo ran into her embrace, hugging her tightly, as he inhaled her familiar scent.


"Nice dress, by the way." Wonwoo complimented, as he continued to examine Elise's summer white dress that has puff sleeves, and flowery designs.

"Thanks." Elise smiled, as the two continued to walk around the garden.

"I'm sorry if it took so long for me to get here,"

"The company I worked for had to face a backlash due to one of my colleague's mistake, but it's now solve."

"That is good to hear." Wonwoo nodded his head, as Elise smiled before halting.

"But, don't worry," She trailed off, as she faced Wonwoo who also had stop walking.

"Because I'll be staying here with you forever." Wonwoo's eyes widened, as he gave her a confuse look.

"F-Forever?" he asked, as Elise nodded her head with a smile.

"My boss recommended me to one of the news branch here in France which means I can stay here with you, while doing my job at the same time." Wonwoo cannot help, but to smile at her.

"That is so amazing!" He exclaimed, as he hugged her tightly causing her to be lifted in the air. Wonwoo had put her down, and let go of the hug before facing her.

"I'm so happy! We can be with each other now with no hindrances!" Wonwoo exclaimed, as Elise chuckled before cupping his face.

"Yes, I know, and I will cherish every moment that we have." Wonwoo cupped her face too, as they leaned closely.

"Me too." he responded, before landing his lips on her.

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