9: The Wine

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   "I really cannot see her future," Wonwoo said, as his butler helped him put on his coat.

   "But I can feel her emotions."

   "Well, maybe you have to do something to trigger your ability towards her." Alessandro responded, as Wonwoo started to put on his leather gloves, followed by pulling down his sleeve, not letting a skin of his be expose except for his face, which will also be covered later with the cloak hood. 

   "Do something? You mean, something that might change her fate?" Alessandro nodded his head.

   "Yes, I think you might be able to see he future if you do that."

    "What exactly should I do?" Wonwoo asked, as he fixed his cape, and put on his black flat hat.

   "I don't know, maybe tell her about her reincarnation."


   "Are we ready to go now?" Elise asked, as Alice nodded her head before leading her to the backseat of the car. 

  Followed by Wonwoo who immediately hopped inside. "Can I record here?" Elise asked, as he took off his hood.

   "Yeah, sure." Wonwoo responded, as Elise took out her camcorder from her satchel, and began recording.

   "So today, we are going to visit the business of Monsieur Jeon which is a Rosso Fresco winery that has been active since 1920. We are on our way right now to go to one of the warehouses were they store the wine, and ferment it, which I'll be showing later." And with that, Elise ended the recording.

   "For later, can you talk about the history of your business while we tour?"

   "Yeah, sure. That's literally the purpose on why we're going there." Wonwoo chuckled, as Elise nodded her head and let out a little giggle.

   "Anyway, are you sure you're fine to go out?" Elise asked.

   "Of course I am, which is why I have lots of covers,"

   "But I'll try to get more exposure from the sun, so my skin would get used to it gradually." Elise nodded her head.

   "I thought vampires don't really like the sun." Elise muttered, as Wonwoo diverted his gaze at her.

   "There are some immortals who are born vulnerable to the sun, some are invulnerable, while some can be both, and I am one of those." Wonwoo discussed.

   "It must've been sad to not see the sun for centuries, eh?" 

   "Yeah, but right now I'm happy." Wonwoo smiled, as he thought about the moment he shared with her, while watching the sunset.

   "But you've got stings."

   "I'm fine with that, I can manage." Wonwoo shrugged his shoulders, as he smiled. For a few minutes, there was silence between Wonwoo and Elise.

   Elise sat quietly on the side, admiring the view outside. Wonwoo cannot help, but to glance at her from time to time, examining her. Elise wore dark jeans, and a white sweater which accentuated her gorgeous straight, black hair that flow through her beige trench coat. 

   Even if she changes her style, I can still see her. - Wonwoo thought to himself, as he removed his gaze at her. 


   "When making the finest wine, patience and dedication is a must because if we do not have that, then the taste of the wine we make would not taste great," Wonwoo discussed, as he scrunched his nose. 

   "Here, in my winery, we follow five steps which is harvesting, pressing, fermentation, clarification, and lastly, Aging and bottling," he added, as he continued to walk around the busy winery, while Elise records him. 

   "When we harvest the grapes, we do it by hand because it must be handled with care, and we are picky when it comes to harvesting some, and in here is where we separate the grapes, and it goes to pressing directly." Wonwoo discussed as he stood beside a machine wherein his employees are working.

   "Right after pressing, we have the fermentation step, now some winery use yeast, but our winery, we ferment it naturally," Elise and Wonwoo continued to walk around, as Wonwoo continued to discuss.

   "the next step is classification wherein we filter the wine to remove the skin and seeds of the grapes,"

   "And for the last part is the aging and bottling," Wonwoo stood in front of the barrels filled with wine. He turned around, and smirk lightly at Elise who just continued recording.

   "We must have enough patience in the last process because this is the longest one,"

    "The ages of our bottles rages from five to twenty." Wonwoo discussed, as Elise ended the recording.

    "That is a good one." Elise smiled, as Wonwoo smirk.

    "Do you want a taste of the wine?" Wonwoo asked, as Elise nodded her head eagerly, making Wonwoo smiled.

    "I have something for you," Wonwoo grabbed one of the bottles from the shelves, and showed it to Elise.

    "This one is 40 year-old." Wonwoo held the bottle on his hand.

    "Really? I thought your wine rages from five to twenty, only?"

    "Yes, but I've always kept a forty just for the sake of an important person to come by,"

    "And you are the first person." Elise smiled.

    "I'm flattered." Elise felt butterflies in her stomach upon hearing his words.

   He's really giving me the most old fine wine, My heart is melting! - Elise thought to herself. 


   "That is good!" Elise exclaimed, as she nodded her head, eyes widened in delight. 

    "Is it? then, I'm glad." Wonwoo smiled, as he and Elise sat in his office with two wine glass, containing the 40 year-old wine.

    "I knew you would be here which is why I've aged a wine for forty years." Wonwoo muttered, as rested his chin on his palm while circling the edge of wine glass with his index finger.

   "What?" Elise asked.

    "Nothing," Wonwoo smiled.

    "Let's just drink." He said, as he poured her another one.

   Forty years ago, Wonwoo dreamt of her being reincarnated, so he started aging wine made from the finest of the finest grapes, exclusive only for her, but he did not expect her to take about forty years to appear.

   Holding on to his faith, he let that wine sat in the shelves for forty years for the right person. Now, that the right person has appeared, it is time for him to give it to her. 

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