20: Desired Fate

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-Few Weeks Later-

"I didn't expect you to be so home early." Wonwoo said, as Elise took off her coat which was taken by the maid. She sat on the seat across Wonwoo.

"Well, we didn't have a lot of work today."

"I could've picked you up."

"No, it's fine. I know you're busy with the winery." Elise said, as she started to eat, followed by Wonwoo.

"How's work today?" Elise asked.

"It's fine, I have a new distributor in the U.S, business has been expanding."

"That is good to hear, we should probably celebrate." Elise said with a smile, as Wonwoo nodded in agreement.

"Let's go outside on a Saturday night."


Elise was quietly reading a book in the library with a cup of tea. However, she was in the middle of reading when she heard hooves pattering out in the lawn. She stood up, and glanced outside, where she found Wonwoo, ruffling the jet-black horse.

Elise immediately made her way downstairs, to the back of the chateau. "Where are you going?" Elise asked, as she approached Wonwoo.

"To the woods." Wonwoo responded, as Elise playfully pouted at him.


"Without me?" Elise raised an eyebrow, as Wonwoo chuckled.

"Well, you were busy reading." Elise got near towards the horse, and fixed its saddle.

"Well, not anymore. Let's go for a ride." Wonwoo smiled.


"Hold on tight, we are going somewhere different." Wonwoo smiled, as he whipped the rein causing the horse to neigh before running off towards the forest.

"And where are we going?" Elise asked, as she held onto the rein, tightly.

"Somewhere peaceful." Wonwoo answered.

It took about half an hour to get to their destination. Elise expected to be at the peak of the hill to watch the sunrise. However, Wonwoo led the horse down the hill, to a forest where a lake is located.

"This lake is beautiful." Elise said, as she hopped down the horse.

"I know which is why I bought it," Elise gave him a shock expression.

"I also bought a nearby cabin." Wonwoo added, as he pointed at this cabin not far from the lake.

"Wow, are you for real? how come I didn't know about this?" Elise asked with a light chuckle, as Wonwoo hopped down the horse.

"It's because I wanted to surprise you." Wonwoo pulled out a mat from the basket that was tied to the saddle.

"Let's watch the sunset here, I swear it's beautiful." He laid the mat on the grass wherein Elise sat beside him.

"Reminds me of our times," Elise spoke, eyes still focus on the sunset.

"Except the fact that it's the sunrise." Elise added, as Wonwoo smiled.

"I know, and we've done this a lot of times already before you were even reincarnated."

"I know that, since you made me regain all my memories of the past." The two fell into silence, as they watch the sun slowly set. Little by little, they held hands, as they smile.

"You can't imagine how happy I am right now," Wonwoo trailed off.

"From sunrise to sunset,"

"You're there by my side."


"I love it, Wonwoo! It's so peaceful and adorable in here!" Elise exclaimed, still complimenting the decorations that had been done in the cabin.

The cabin has a color theme of brown. It has a cozy aura because of the fireplace, and of course the furniture that are made of wood. There are also some flowers in pots, placed by the window, which she cannot take her eyes off.

"I'm glad you like it." Wonwoo said softly to her ear, as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Wonwoo planted kisses on her neck, causing her to giggle softly.

"Wonwoo." she called with a chuckle.

"This will be our little sanctuary, okay?"

"Okay." Elise giggled.

"What do you say about spending the night in here?" Wonwoo asked, as he let go of her and faced her.

"But we don't have extra clothes." Elise voiced out her concern.

"It's all right because tonight, it's clothes off." Wonwoo smirked, as Elise laughed before hitting him playfully on his chest.

"No, seriously." She laughed.

"Don't worry, I made Alessandro stuffed a few clothes in here. There is nothing to worry about. I also made Lady Alice go to the market, and fill the kitchen."

"Wow, you're really prepared."

"Of course, I am. Just for you." Wonwoo gave her a playful wink.


At the end of the day, the lovers laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The only thing that they can hear is the sizzle from the fireplace which is the only thing that illuminates the bedroom.

"It took me two centuries to wait for you, and it was worth it." Wonwoo spoke, as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder, pulling her closer onto his bare chest.

"I'm glad you still love me after I've been away." Elise responded, as she pulled the sheets up to cover her naked body.

"It's been centuries, yet my feelings remains the same because it will always be you who I will live for, and die for. From sunrise to sunset, I'm always there for you." Wonwoo sighed, as he diverted his gaze at her, only to find her smiling dearly at him.

"Did you just made a poem inside your head?" Elise asked, as Wonwoo burst into laughter.

"I guess so." he laughed, before landing a peck on Elise's forehead.

"Well, I do have one favor to ask." Elise raised an index finger at him.

"Spill it." he smiled.

"Make me into one of your kind because that is my desired fate,"

"to be immortal and stay with you, forever."

   "As you wish," Wonwoo smiled as he turned his eyes at her.

   "And now, we'll be together and forever." Elise muttered as she hugged him tightly, snuggling onto his chest.

   "I know baby, nothing can separate us anymore," Wonwoo held her hand.

   "I love you," he spoke as he landed a peck on her forehead.

   "I love you too."

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