I am not him

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Next morning when Jin woke up he saw Jungkook already in the kichen. Jin did not know what to say to Jungkook. If he should apologize to him for being too emotionally dramatic. Even Jin did not know why he suddenly asked such a thing to Jungkook despite they rarely know each other.

After seeing Jin, Jungkook spoke,
" Good Morning, Jin."
JIN,"Morning Jungkookie."
Jungkook,"Don't call.. whatever. Let's talk.
JIN," About what?"
Jungkook," About Namjoon".
JIN just nodded his head.

Jungkook," He ...He was the reason of my parents death."
JIN got surprised.
Jungkook added," It's that he think. However I don't blame him for that."
Jin," Can't you tell properly?"
Jungkook," My mom and dad both were police officers. Namjoon is from rich family when he was 19 he got badly addicted to drugs. Traffickers used him to smug drugs. My parents found out about it. Before they can find him, Namjoon was kidnapped by drug traffickers and his parents were asked for large sum of money as kidnappers found out about his family. But at that time, Namjoon family's business was not going well so they asked for my parents help. My parents and some officers ..went to save him. Namjoon and only two police officers were saved. Other officers along with my parents got in bomb blast planned by those traffickers."
Jin could not say a word.

Jungkook added," Don't worry after 4 years in rehabilition he is okay now. Those traffickers were also caught by help the help of Namjoon. 3 years before he came to visit me. At that time I was.... Anyway afterthat Namjoon could not leave me he blame himself for making me orphan that's why he is very protective of me.. And Don't worry he is just capable of breaking things, he will never hurt people."
Jin reluctantly asked," Did you have someone in your life who had used you before?"

Jungkook,"So he tells you that.. Huh.. Don't worry it was not like that It was I who asked him to use me."
Jin," There was someone who you lo.."
Jungkook,"It was in the past...Don't talk about that. Now lets about present..Despite you are 5 year older than me don't expect me to acknowledge you an elder and give you respect like that.. Got it.
JIN,"Actually I like that..It means I will be always young.."
JIN,"IF you think as young then you will be young that's my WWH concept."
Jin,"WorldWide Handsome you know."
Jungkook,"and who is that?"
Jin proudly," Of course it's me."
Shocking confession of Jin make Jungkook speechless.

He just stared at Jin for a long time as if what he had just heard.
Embarrassed Jin only look at the food and eat.
Jungkook," Here. It's the other key of this house. It was delivery of Namjoon yesterday."
Jin,"That's why he was here."
Jungkook,"Key was just an excuse for him. He was here to check on you. I thought you two get along very well but I don't know he will scare you."
Jin," I can understand him now more after knowing his story."
Jungkook," There is also another part of story of Namjoon's protectiveness. But you don't need to know."

Jin wanted to ask but stop himself. Jungkook,"I think you should get ready for your office now. I am heading towards my room you can go without disturbing me just wash dishes before going out."
Jin," Have a good day, Jung..Kookie."
Jungkook glared," Don't call me Kookie. I'm not a kid. Just do well today. "
Jin smiled at younger aggressive cuteness.

At the office,
Everyone is waiting for Jin. After his arrival, everyone congrats him about wedding. They all told him that his husband look cool. Jin thanked them and goes to his cabin and murmured,
"My husband looks cool huh."

Just as he open his drawer he found out his and Taes' photo. He could not understand what sort of feelings he have now looking at Tae. He get angry,worry and also hurt seeing Tae photo. After knocking J-Hope enters, despite being Tae's best friend he also have well known Jin. From J-Hope both were introduced to each other.

J-Hope,"Jin, are you alright?"
Jin closed the drawer,"Of course. Why?"
J-Hope,"Nothing just asking. So what about Jungkook?"
JIN,''What about him?"
J-Hope,"It just.. I was curious whether he is nice to you or not."
JIN," He is far better than someone."
J-Hope," Oh then its fine. Then lets have lunch together." When J-Hope was about to leave, Jin reluctantly asked,"Hobi, Did you know where is he?"

J-Hope replied,"If I knew will you talk with him."
Jin didnot know what to answer," Lets have lunch at the same restaurant."
J-Hope knew the situation so he didnot ask further. Just nod and leaves.

Suddenly Jin phone rings. It was unknown number. When he was about to pick ring stops. It rings again this time it was Yoongi.

YOONGI," You first apologized to me."
Jin did not know what was going on but still," Ok I'm sorry but tell me why am I sorry?"
Yoongi,"Because you got married to someone whom I want to get married."

At first Jin pause and spoke," Sorry for marrying your JK..haha.. happy now."
Yoongi,"No. I will only forgive you if you give me your husband autograph."

Jin did not know If Jungkook like that idea As JK is unknown author who never visits his fansites. No one had seen him before. Jungkook hates crowd places so he rarely have friends. Despite knowing it, Jin agrees to his best friend and invite him lunch with J-Hope.

J-Hope hesistantly lock himself inside bathroom and call ,"Hello Tae, I don't think Jin want to talk to you."
Tae answered,"please hobi let me talk to him once."
J-Hope,"Now he had got married. I don't think you should interfere in his life now. Even if anyone knew I am talking with you then they will kill me too."
Tae," Alright don't ask him to talk to me. But please aware Jin that Jungkook is a dangerous person. Stay away from him. Oh my they are coming.."

Suddenly phone called off.
J-Hope," Hello.. Tae."
J-Hope got called by his best friend last night who insist on talking with Jin. At first angrily he hung up. But despite being irresponsible Tae was a helping friend. So J-Hope decide to help him talk to Jin. But after talking to Jin he thought it's not a good idea to tell Jin about Tae. But after knowing Jungkook J-Hope too was confuse what sort of person is Jungkook is.

Yoongi decide to party the night with Jin and J-Hope. J-Hope did know after getting little drunk Jin won't lie only 1 glass is enough for Jin. So he insist Jin to drink.

J-Hope,"Jin, did you miss tae?"
JIN with teary eyed was about to reply but got interrupted by Namjoon.
Namjoon," What's going on? How much did he get drunk?"
Seeing Namjoon Yoongi stood up,
"You are JK manager right? You told me without you.. JK won't go any where. But without you He even got married...ahehee.. "

J-Hope got confused Just to see Yoongi had drunk 5 bottle. Without a drink, J-Hope have to let Yoongi home. Namjoon took Jin with him as only he know Jin's new home.

Bell rings..
Jungkook gets irritated," I had given you key..."
Open the door
Just to see Jin on the back of Namjoon who had very hard time to carry a person.

Jungkook,"What are you doing with Jin again?"
Namjoon," Don't ask just take your husband away."
Handing over Jin to Jungkook. Jungkook easily lifted Jin.
Namjoon,"Your husband is very heavy. Don't let him go out at night."
Jungkook,"He told me he will be with his friends."

Namjoon suddenly," Yes exactly with his friends. Do you know how dunkards are they?
Jungkook,"Just stop complaining. Want to come in?"
Namjoon," No. My party is still not over"
Jungkook," Just don't drink too much."

Jungkook lift Jin and headed towards Jin's room. After putting Jin on his bed, Jin slowly woke up and said,
" You asked me if I miss him then I miss him."
Jungkook couldnot understand what answer was he hearing.
Suddenly Jin saw Tae ..,"I LOVE YOU."

Jungkook who couldnot understand the situation was suddenly kissed by Jin. Jungkook didnot know whether to throw Jin or reciprocated his kiss. And he heard." TAE".
Jungkook suddenly remembered his first kiss with Jimin.. After kiss, Jimin did said same words.."Tae".

Jungkook pushed Jin away. Jin got sudden consious of what he had done.
JIN,"what's going on?"
JUNGKOOK with teary eyes shouted,
" I am not TAE."

Jungkook rushed towards door closing it whispered to himself with his tears,

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