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Jenny after finding out Jimin knows JK. She insist on meeting Jungkook.
Jimin did not know if it will be good idea. So he first wanted to ask Jungkook about the meeting but  Jenny insist on visiting Jungkook's home. Jungkook, who had only reached his home after arguing with Jin, saw Jimin and Jenny outside his home.

Faking his smile,
Jungkook," Hi! Jiminie..What are you doing here at this time?"
Jimin," Oh! Actually.."
Jenny," I'm really your Fan. I really like your stories. After inspiring from you I really wanted to be writer too."
Jungkook opening his door," Oh..I'm glad. But how did you find my address? "
Jimin," Dad gave your address after Jenny insist on meeting you. I want to contact you but .."
Jungkook," Oh! My phone.. I dropped in Jin's car."
Jimin," Where's Jin?"

Jungkook clenching his hand on door," He is not at home right now..Wanna come in?"
After entering Jenny give Jungkook a big flower bouquet. Jungkook after receiving it was about to close the door but get interrupted.

Jenny,"Wow..You really have nice home."
Jungkook," Thank you."
Walking here and there she reached at Jungkook's rooms door and opened it.
Jungkook," Don't enter..."

Jenny enter Jungkook's room. To stop her Jimin too chases her.
Jenny," I never thought JK would have such a nice and clean room."
Jungkook sitting on his room," You thought I will be someone who throws his story paper everywhere like in the movies."
Jenny," That's not I.."
Jimin," It's not good habit to enter other room without their permission, Jenny."

Jenny,"Oops..Sorry. I was too excited that I.."
Jungkook," Don't bother to say sorry anymore."
Jenny," Actually I too write a story, you know I'm gonna be writer soon."
Jungkook," Oh! Really?"
Jimin with surprised face," Oh! Re..really?..Why didnot I know about it until now?"
Jenny," It was surprise for you,Jimin.
Wanna know my story?"
Jungkook," Sure."

Jenny," But I want two people to act."
Jimin," Why would you want actors now?"
Jenny," To feel my story. Come on Jimin, I want my inspirer JK to feel it."
Jungkook," But where.."
Jenny," I got an idea I will hold my story here and you two read it with feelings."
Jimin got awkward,"Why we too?"
Jenny," Because I'm the writer."
Jimin," What sorts of logic is it?"
Jungkook," Fine but how could we see your tiny writings from here."
Jenny holding a paper and pen writes her story and according to her story both Jimin and Jungkook read. 

Jin after seeing them left Jungkook's phone on the table and left.
After sometime Jungkook stops.
Jimin," What happened?"
Jungkook looking outside," I thought someone was there.."
Jenny looking outside," Who will be here?"
Jungkook," Are you sure you want to continue this story?"
Jenny," Why is there any problem?"
Jungkook," Don't you think it's wrong to judge someone who fall for someone like that?"
Jenny," Of course. It's right. The one who fall easily can also fed up easily. And how can love change too fast?..Don't you think love is permanent it will only happened at once."

Jungkook just keep on remembering Jin even though Jimin was in front of his fiance in front of him he did not felt anything. He didnot felt pain anywhere as he felt when he saw Jin with Tae. He remembered his moment with Jin in the rain.
Unknowingly Jungkook," Just One moment is enough to fall in love."

Jenny," Wow."
Jungkook snapped out," Huh?"
Jenny," Please make me your apprentice. I will work harder."
Jimin," What are you saying, Jenny?"
Jenny," I really want to write good stories like you. Please make me your assistant."
Jungkook sighing," Sorry..Right now I am just busy in myself..But in future if I want an apprentice or assistant I will definitely contact you."

For a long time, they chatted. When Jimin and Jenny bid farewell. Jungkook whispered to Jimin," You know Jenny is a nice person, Jiminie."
Jimin,"I know."
Jungkook," Stop lying to yourself and her."
Jimin," What do you mean?"
Jungkook," You know what I mean.:
Jimin," Jungkookie, I'm sorry for the other day.. I.."
Jungkook," It's my own choice to help you. You don't need to apologize."
Jimin," I wished you to move on, you know."
Jungkook," Maybe..Maybe I had already move on."

Jimin," What you.."
Jenny," What are you two saying? Let me hear too."
Jungkook," Nothing."
Jimin and Jenny left.
Jungkook looked at his watch," Jin, Are you really not gonna come back home?"
He saw his phone on the table.
Jungkook," Did I got confuse that I left my phone in Jin's car?"

Next day Jimin was riding his car with Tae's dad.
Tae's dad," Yesterday Where does Tae left that suddenly?"
Jimin," He got informed that Jin is in danger so he.."
Tae's dad," Why this kid is not going to live Jin alone even though he was the one who abandon him?"
Jimin," Actually Dad.."
Jimin's car suddenly got hit.

Jin left towards his office after bidding farewell to Yoongi. After some distance, He saw a kid hurriedly passing the road. To save him, Jin turned his car just to hit with Jimin's car.

Namjoon who was heading towards Yoongi's cafe, after Yoongi told him last night stuffs, saw two cars collapse. He went towards the accident. Just to realized Jin was fainted in his car. From other car he could hear someone asking from help.
He went towards it, he saw lots of blood.

Jimin is in critical condition. Tae's mom and Tae too arrived there. After Jungkook donate his blood. He gave hug to Tae's mom, who was shivering.
Jin was watching from far. He did not want to approach them. He was unhappy that Jungkook is in Jimin's side but also guilt for the cause of this accident. Namjoon saw Jin at a distance when he was about to call him. Jin went away. Jenny too came with teary eyes. Jungkook's eyes where searching someone.

Jungkook," Hyung, but where's Jin?.. Is he fine?"
Namjoon," I just saw him left."
Jungkook," Where does he left?"
Namjoon pointed towards Jin's direction. Jungkook went towards it and found Jin crying at the stairs.
Jungkook," Jin, Are you alright?..Are you hurt?"
Jin," Jungk.."

Jin got fainted. He was catched by Jungkook in time when he was about to fall. Jungkook rode him in his back and pannickingly,
" Doctor.. Doctor.. Please check on him.."
Doctor checked on Jin.

Doctor," By the way who are you to this person?"
Jungkook pannickingly," Husband.. I'm his husband. Please save him..Please Doctor."

Doctor was surprised to see two married guys. Even though he had heard about it but it was first time to see guys couple.

Doctor," Okay..At first he had no major external injury but to confirm he had no internal injury we have to take his few tests. Please fulfil the formality."

It was resulted Jin was too stressed that he got fainted. After some rest, he will be alright.
Jungkook sighed, " Thank god" Holding Jin's hand,
"Thank god you are alright, Jin."

A nurse came," Mr Jungkook?"
Jungkook," Yes.."
Nurse," Mr. Jimin parents were searching for you."
Jungkook had to go to Jimin but he too don't wanted to leave Jin alone. Yoongi came at right time.
Yoongi," JK, Is Jin alright?"
Jungkook," Thank god you are here hyung. Jin is alright he just need some rest. Please, stay with him. I need to go to emergency ward."
Yoongi," Su..Sure."

Jungkook went to emergency ward. Everyone was pannicked. Even though, Jimin could survive from accident but it was found Jimin's kidneys were damaged. Jimin was taking medicine for it without telling anyone. To save him, Jungkook need to donate one of his kidney. Namjoon wanted Jungkook to decline that offer but Jungkook agrees with it.

Jin woke up. He saw Yoongi.
Jin," Yoongi, Was it a dream that Jungkook was with me?"
Yoongi," It was reality.. Idiot.. He was with you just a moment ago. He had gone to emergency ward."

Namjoon arrived with sad face.
Jin," Namjoon," How's Jimin condition now?"
Namjoon shivering," He survived from accident injury but.."
Jin," But what?"
Namjoon," Jimin's both kidney were damaged so in order to save him we need same blood kidney donor."
Jin," So?..Did they find the donor?"
Namjoon nodded.

Jin," Thank god. We find donor in..."
Jin realized something," Namjoon, Don't tell me the donor is .."
Namjoon nodded, "Yes he is."
Yoongi," What..who is the donor?"
Namjoon," It's Jungkook."

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