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After receiving his car, Jungkook searched for his phone and realized he dropped in Jin's car.

Jungkook,"Shit..I had to go there too. I have to meet Jin again.."

Just thinking he is going to meet Jin make him smile,"But why am I happy?..What's going on?..Ah right..I must be enjoying teasing, Jin..Yes it is..It must be it..Nothing more." Assuring himself.

As he was going near Yoongi's cafe, Jungkook was feeling nervous. When he saw Jin from far,his heart starts to beat faster. Before realizing he was smiling again. As he enters assuring himself,"Jungkook be cool. It just a phone why are you nervous."

Presenting himself cool,"Jin, I drop my phone in your.."

Jungkook saw Tae is holding Jin's hand. His smile faded away. Jungkook heart squeezed as if someone pinched his heart with a needle. This pain is hurting him but he didnot know where it hurts. This pain is something he had felt before. This pain he never wanted to feel again.

Jungkook quickly looking away,"Oh! Sorry wrong timing."
Jin hardly brushed Tae's hand off him.
Tae,"It hurts..Jin..By the way what are you doing here in early morning, Jungkook?"
Jungkook not looking at them,"Oh! I was here my phone. I dropped at Jin's car. Don't worry you two can continue."
Jin angrily," What do you mean by continue?..Can't you see he is laying his hand on your husband?"
Tae," Why are you two pretending again?..Yesterday Jungkook told me you two will soon get divorced..And also You still love me Jin." Closing near Jin.
Jin," What Tae say is truth?" Looking pissed at Jungkook.

Jungkook felt if two love each other then it will be best if he let Jin go before it become late.
Jungkook," Ye..Yes..Is n't it correct that you still love Tae?" Still not looking at Jin.
Jin shout," Jungkook.."

Jin realized it was truth that they will eventually get divorced. But still Jungkook telling him that he loves Tae  hurts him. He did know he was pissed. He was too angry that without realizing he slap at Jungkook," Who the hell are you to decide?..Who are you to decide whom I love?"
Jungkook," Is not it?.."
Jin still angrily,"what?"
Jungkook loudly," Isn't it that you got jealous?..You got jealous because I saved Tae..You got Jealous because you thought I love Tae."

Hearing Jin's jealousy Tae was happy.
Tae,'' Is it truth, Jin?"
JIN," Just shut up, Tae."
Jungkook," Just tell him the truth. How much you got angry at me after that incident?..How much you got pissed..Just tell him..Everything and for god's sake Just let me live alone."
Jin shookingly," What?..You want to get rid of me?"
Jungkook,"That's right. I don't want to get involved between you two.."
Jungkook's in his heart," I don't want to get involved between you two. I don't want to be away from you Jin before it became too late for me."
Jin,"Okay if you want then..Okay Let's not see each other again."

Jin rushed outside and speedily rode his car. Tae wanted to follow Jin but Jin was too fast that he can't catch up to him.

Yoongi," Why did not you ask what Jin actually want, JK?"
Jungkook with a saddened face," It doesnot matter because me and Jin are never meant to be."
"Sorry, Hyung. Early morning you had to see these stuffs. I need to go. "
Yoongi," Its nothing..Dri.."
Jungkook hurriedly went outside.
Yoongi puzzled," Drive safe. Who knows who are meant to be."

Jin in his car,angry pissed frustrated, speedily driving his car. The phone rings.
He stopped his car loudly," Who is it?"
Namjoon," It's not Kookie. Who the hell is shouting at me in this early morning from my Kookie's phone?"

Jin realized it was Jungkook's phone after a pause he breathes," Oh sorry Namjoon. It's Jin. Jungkook left his phone in my car."
Namjoon excitedly," So you two patched up?"
Jin after a pause," No..We are getting divorced."

Namjoon," What..Why?.. Just tell me where are you two right now?"
Jin," I left Jungkook's in Yoongi's cafe but I don't know if he is still there. And I'm ..I don't even know."
Namjoon,"Huh?..Just where are you? ..Whatever Just come at xxx. You can come here, right?"
Jin," I'm not a baby. I can but why would I visit you?
Namjoon," Just come."

Jin arrived at the villa. By seeing it he can clearly tell it was not just some ordinary person's place. Before Jin knocked,

Namjoon with coffee in his hand,
" You finally arrived. I was waiting for you, Jin."
Jin still pissed," What do you want to talk about just tell fast?..Whose this Villa?"
Namjoon looking at pissed Jin could guessed something did happened calmly,"Of course. It's mine."

Jin surprisingly," Yours? Did you rub a bank?"
Namjoon," Haha..Good joke. Didnot Jungkook told you I'm from rich family?"
Jin,"He told me but I did not supposed you are this rich."
Namjoon," Do you want to drink something?"
Jin," No..Just tell fast what do you want to talk?"
Namjoon with serious look,"So you decided to divorced, huh?"
Jin pissed at question,"It was not me. It was Jungkook's decision."

Namjoon," And what do you want?"
Jin,"I ..I don't know."
Namjoon," If you don't know what do you want then who will know?"
Jin gets irritated with repitative questions loudly," I don't know.. I don't know when it was decided that we will get divorced from start..I still gets angry when he said again.. I don't know why am I even angry at Jungkook when he told me to stay away from him..I don't know why am I angry when he believed that I'm still in love with Tae..I really don't know why I want .."
Namjoon softly patting Jin's shoulders," Want what?"
Jin teared up and softly,'' I don't know why I want him to hold me..I thought something gets changed after yesterday..I thought something gets changed after he kissed me..But it was only me..only me who thought about was only me."

Namjoon stood Jin,"Follow me.''
Jin," Where are you taking me?"
Namjoon opened a room.
Namjoon clenching his hand," It used to be Jungkook's room."

Jin was surprised after looking the room. Everywhere was written Jimin's name. There was only Jimin's photo.

Jin," Why are you showing this to me?"
Namjoon,"Even though I promised Kookie but I think you should Know Kookie's past."
Jin," Why should I?"
Namjoon," You know Few days before when you are drunk I took you to home."
Jin," Yes..I know what's the connection between this and that?"
Namjoon," It is connected. You forgot that day but that day you told me you want to fall for Kookie."
Jin," What..I.."

Namjoon," At that time, I thought you were falling in love with Kookie but today I realized you are in love with Kookie."
No..I can't..Why would I."

Jin wanted to deny that but Namjoon's words made Jin realized that he was indeed in love with Jungkook. Why he was jealous because of Jungkook, why he was interested at Jungkook's talk, why he felt pain when Jungkook was crying. He knew all the answer:
Jin," You are right..I love Jungkookie."

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