3: A Strange Day

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-- Mention of Alcohol addiction/abuse --


Travis' POV:

peep peep

peep peep

"Shut up." i mumble, using my arms as a pillow on my desk.

peep peep

peep peep

"Ughhhh" i groan and take the next book, i get in my hand, and throw it at this stupid alarm clock. A thud sound, being the sound of the alarm clock and the book falling on the floor, make this annoying beep sound finally shut up.

"i said shut up goddamnit." i mumble satisfied, making myself comfortable again.

. . . .

what if dad heard it-?

I open my eyes and quickly straighten myself. I've been falling asleep while learning math i think.


I stand up and rush to the alarm clock. Oh god please i hope it still works. To my luck, it is broken. Of course. What else did i expect. I sigh and hide it under my pillow.

Please God don't let my dad find this mess.

I pick up the algebra book, i threw at my alarm clock, from the floor and remember...i might fell asleep while learning...which means i didn't prayed to God. Great. Maybe because of this, the day already started to be like shit. I slightly start to panic, when i think of it that God might be even more mad at me than usually. After i put the book back on my desk, i knelt on the floor, ready to pray. My hands are shakey, but i still fold them together, close my eyes and start to whisper.

"Father in heaven, i know i'm not your perfect child. I know i have questioned my fate. I do not praise you enough for your hard work, and i deeply apology from the bottom of my heart. I do apology that i forgot to pray, to show you my affection towards you. I hope you accept my apology and one day forgive my sins. Please forgive me for the times i tried to lead this life on my own. I need you and my dad to guide me through a sinless life. Amen."

I open my eyes, my hands are still shaking.

Please forgive me.

Still kneeling on the floor, i look out of the window. Looks like it's gonna rain. Sighing i get up from the floor and look at my watch, which lies on my desk. It's 6:55 am. I have to get ready for school.

Where is my dad by the way?...i could not imagine that he didn't hear the thud sound.

I think while i'm getting ready. I take some shorts, a white shirt and a purple sweater, put these on, brush my theeth and hair, put on my watch and pack my backpack. As i finish packing my bag, i throw it over my shoulder and carefully go to my door. I quietly open it and peak out. No sign of my dad. Carefully i walk out of the room, trying not to make much noises. In the meantime i look at my watch. 7:10 am. I need to hurry up or i will miss the schoolbus. While i walk through this house, on my way to the stairs, i look around searching for my dad.

Strange, usually he is still at home at this time.

I walk down the stairs quietly, trying not to make too much noises, hoping my dad isn't showing up behind my back again and scares the shit out of me. As much as i look around, nobody is here.

Maybe he had some kind of emergency in church? I don't know.

Our church also known as "the Phelps Ministry" is right next to our house on a hill. Pretty handy, if you think about it. I decide i shouldn't think so much about my dad right now, but more focus on getting my schoolbus. I skip breakfast, as always, i barely eat in this house anyway. But to my luck, as i rush to the door, to take on my shoes and leave, i accidently bump into the commode and the vase, that stands on it, falls down and breaks. Of course.

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