Time Waits For No One

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It's been two weeks since Michael dropped the bomb on me that Lisa was pregnant. When I questioned him about the paternity of this mystery baby, it caused a huge argument and I hadn't seen him since. This was the second time he made me feel like we would finally have a chance to really be together, then BOOM! Another woman appears and I'm put on the back burner yet again. First it was Shana, now it's Lisa. I wasn't sure how much more I could take at this point.

On a different note, after Prince decided to show his ass at the after party of the Charity Fashion show, I made it clear that I didn't want to speak to him again, but here he was walking into the Starbucks I just so happened to be at.

"Hey." He had walked over to the small table I was sitting at on the outside of the shop. "Can we talk?"

"How did you even know I was here?" I asked, pulling down my sunglasses.

"I might have bribed your assistant." He shrugged and smiled.

Putting my glasses back on, I made a mental note to have my lovely assistant, Allison, find me a great security team and then fire her. Okay I might not really fire her because I love her to death but I might scare her.

"Stop bribing my staff for information before you get them fired and no, we cannot talk." I responded, taking a sip of my drink.



He let out a sigh and took a seat in the chair across from me anyways. "I just want to apologize for.... Everything."

I didn't say anything. I just sat there sipping my drink, waiting for him to continue.

"I just want us to find a way to move forward and at least get back to the friendship we once had." He stared at me waiting for me to respond and when I didn't, he reached across the table and pulled my sunglasses off my face. "Say something?"

"I don't know what you want me to say." I finally spoke up.

"Say you'll give us another shot." He suggested.

I looked at him as if he had lost his mind. "Do you even know how bad you hurt me? When I needed you the most, that's when you turned your back on me. How do I know you won't do it again? And let's not forget, you went and slept with someone else."

"I know I hurt you and I'm sorry but you have to give me a chance to prove that I'm willing to work on this." He said, motioning between us.

I just so happened to look away towards the street when I saw some weird man staring right back at me. He had a rather large afro and his teeth somewhat protruded out of his mouth. He was wearing some outdated clothes with a blue baseball cap. He looked like the typical stalker. Prince cleared his throat, catching my attention.

"We can be friends but nothing more." I stated, taking my glasses back from him.

The look of disappointment was apparent on his face but he nodded his head, agreeing to my terms. "I can deal with that."

I took another long sip of my drink before standing up. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you around."

"See you around."

Leaving him sitting there, I walked off from the table and began my journey down the sidewalk. I had only walked for about five minutes when I came upon a record store and a huge part of me was very much excited. I entered the store and began browsing through some of my favorite artists when I felt someone watching me. Looking up, I noticed the same weirdo was watching me from an aisle over. We made eye contact and he immediately went back to scanning through the records but not for long because he then followed me to the back of the store. This uneasy feeling came over me and I had made up my mind to cause a scene to get him off my back. Right when I got ready to scream, he put his hand over my mouth and pulled me into a corner where they held all the cassette tapes.

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