Formal Meeting

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I sat at the table in the small conference room across the hall from Michaels studio. So that's why she wanted to come here, I thought to myself as I examined the room. The walls were filled with pictures and signatures of what seemed to be every artist that's come here. There was even a picture of Michael and Stevie Wonder with their signatures right underneath.

Janet text me letting me know that Shana would be here but she hadn't shown up yet. Michael was over in the next room working on his album, I thought about popping up over there but figured I should wait until after I heard Shana out. I'm sure whatever bullshit she had to say would be quite interesting.

After about an hour and a half, she walks in. Still sitting in my seat unbothered, she slowly took a seat at the other end of the table.

"What do you want?" I asked her, getting straight to the point. I've sat here long enough waiting on her and she wasn't about to waste anymore of my time.

"Stay away from Michael." She stated, or more like demanded.

"Excuse me?" I retorted.

"Stay. Away." She replied, leaning forward.

"Did you break into my house?" I asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She shrugged. "But keep getting in between Michael and I's relationship and your house won't be the only thing getting torn apart."

"Let me tell you something," I explained leaning forward. "I'll do what I want, when I want, with who I want. There's nothing you can do about it. Your relationship is nonexistent, sweetheart. Give it up, he doesn't want you."

I gave her a courteous smile and got up to walk away. Before shutting the door, I stopped to say, "And I don't take too kindly to threats."

I walked over to Michaels room just as he came out the booth. Him and Quincy were back at it again but it seemed like they were stuck on something. I sat down on the leather sofa off to the side so I didn't disturb him. Michaels been working on this album for a while and he didn't need anymore distractions.

"The song needs something else." Quincy explained.

"Like what?" Michael asked, letting out a deep sigh. He sounded frustrated. We've been going over this same song for days now."

"Two part harmony." I said, moreso to myself. I hadn't realized I said it aloud for them to hear.

"When did you get here?" Michael asked, turning to face me.

"A few minutes ago," I responded. "I didn't want to interrupt.

"What's this about a two part harmony?" Quincy cut in.

"You need someone else in there with you." I stated.

"Like?" Michael questioned, starting to pace back and forth.

I sat there thinking for a few minutes until it came to me. "Stevie Wonder!!" I exclaimed. "He'd be great!!"

Michael and Quincy looked at each other. "I'll give him a call!!" Quincy smiled, jumping up. He walked into the booth to place the call, giving Michael and I a little time to chitchat.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed, while breathing a sigh of relief. There was a glisten in his eyes that I hadn't seen in quite a while.

"Before I came over here, I was across the hall talking to Shana," I explained with caution. "She wanted to meet up here, so I agreed and she-"

All of a sudden the door burst open and in walked Shana. I rolled my eyes in disgust as she walked over to where we were.

"Hey, Michael!" She greeted him. "It's come to my attention that we're not together?"

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