Happy Endings

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It has been a long time coming and this is it!

Thank you all for reading and supporting while following Princess and Michael on this rollercoaster of a journey. I love you. Happy reading!


*Two Years Later*

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*Two Years Later*

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," My best friend, Beau, cried. "You may now kiss the Bride!!"

Michael took one step towards me and cupped my face in his hands. I could see the tears pooling in his eyes and in an attempt to keep them from falling, I sarcastically responded with, "It is about damn time!"

He threw his head back in laughter before leaning down and gently pressing his lips against mine. Our friends and family all erupted in cheer, congratulating us on finally tying the knot.

It has been a long time coming and what was no surprise to Michaels family when we finally made the announcement. The past two years Michael and I managed to keep our relationship on the low and take everything slow. When he proposed to me exactly nine months ago, we decided to go to counseling as, what I felt, was a necessary precaution considering how toxic things got between us nearly a couple years prior and we weren't even dating then. We were able to uncover some underlying issues and even overcome them, but there is always work to be done so we vowed to continue going at least once a week, whether it be together or solo.

Our fingers intertwined, we walked hand in hand back down the aisle stopping along the way to hug family and friends. When we finally made it outside of the large church, we were pulled aside to take pictures and mingle before being swooped away by our respective parties.

I changed into a white, floor length, charmeuse spaghetti strapped gown scattered with light beading designed by the one and only Vera Wang. She designed my wedding dress so it was only befitting for me to wear another one of her numbers to my reception. Janet walked in right as I sat down to touch up my makeup.

"That was the most beautiful ceremony I have ever witnessed!" She cried.

I looked up at her, through the mirror, and smiled as she walked up behind me and rested her hand on my shoulder. "I am just glad it is over!" We both cracked up and I let out a sigh of relief. Something I think I have been holding in since Michael first proposed.

"Girl, it is not over until the two of you are on that plane and off towards your honeymoon destination!" She said as she took out the bobby pins that were holding up my hair, letting my curls fall down to shoulders. It wasn't until then that I realized my head was hurting.

"I was really hoping we could skip the dinner and head out already." I stated. I was rummaging through my bag when I finally found the small bottle of extra strength Tylenol. "I just know the paparazzi is waiting to get a picture."

"Yeah, Mother said it is complete chaos at the gate." Janet explained. "Bill and Wayne already have an exit strategy in place, so don't worry."

After I took my medicine and finished touching up my hair and makeup, Janet and I walked downstairs and stood outside of the ballroom, in the hallway.

"Just in case we get whisked away before I can tell you bye.." I smiled and gave her a hug. "It'll only be for two weeks, but I know you're gonna miss me."

I felt her shake with laughter, as she pulled back and held me at arms length. "You know damn well you're gonna call me every two minutes!"

I was about to protest when I saw Michael walking up with Katherine by his side. "You look stunning as always." He smiled and leaned to kiss my cheek, knowing better than to mess up my lipstick.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Jackson." I winked, while Janet proceeded to gag.

"Jealousy is not a good look on you, baby sis!" Michael stated, which resulted in Janet giving him a playful punch on the arm.

"Oh, shut up!" She laughed.

"Shall we?" Katherine motioned for us to go inside the ballroom.

"We'll be in there soon, Mother." Michael said, leaning down to kiss his mother on the cheek.

She gave my hand a squeeze and we embraced for a moment. "Your grandparents would be so proud.." She whispered, before pulling away and heading into the ballroom with Janet.

I turned back to look at Michael who was staring intently at me. He walked closer until we were less than an inch apart, grabbed my face in his hands and gently pecked my lips, making sure not to smudge my lipstick. It was as if we were already in our own world, no one to bother us. Just the two of us.

"I have something for you." Michael stated, taking a step back.

I watched as he pulled a small red leather box from behind his back and opened it. In it held a  white diamond, cuban chain link necklace with a diamond encrusted heart shaped locket. When he motioned for me to open it, I carefully pulled the necklace out of the box and popped open the locket revealing a small picture of my grandparents on one side, and another picture of my younger self along with them, on the other side. The tears immediately began to well up as I looked back up at Michael to find the words to thank him.

He saw the gratitude in my eyes and responded with, "You're welcome."

He grabbed the necklace from my hands and I turned around, moving my hair to the side so that he could clasp it around my neck.

"It is the most beautiful gift anyone has ever gotten me.." I whispered, admiring my reflection in the mirror that was conveniently hanging in the hall.

"Well I don't think it tops what you have ultimately gifted me with." He smiled at me through the mirror and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his hands on my three month pregnant belly.

I was still really small and I managed to pass it off as healthy weight. We did not have plans on telling anyone until after our honeymoon that we were expecting but I had a hunch that Katherine already knew. A  smile creeped up on my face as I rested my hands on top of his.

"Let's make a bet." I proposed. "If it's a girl, you have to give me that all white Rolls Royce that is sitting in the driveway waiting for someone to drive it."

He laughed loudly which made me laugh. "What's mine is yours," He laughed. "I told you that!"

"You'll give me the keys and the title." I smiled.

"Okay fine, deal!" He agreed. "But if it's a boy, I get to name him AND," He said drawing out the word and. "I get partial creative control over the nursery."

The blank stare I gave him when he said he wanted part in decorating the nursery was enough to make him break out in laughter again. "I think it's fair considering you want the Phantom." He smirked.

I stared him down for a few seconds before finally turning around and holding my hand out for him to shake. "Deal."

"I better not regret this." I laughed, interlocking my fingers with his and pulling him towards the doors that opened up to the ballroom.

Using his finger, he turned my head to face his and he leaned down, our lips barely touching. "I would have given you the car had you just simply asked."

Right as I was about to let some obscenities escape my mouth, he kissed me. "I love you too, Princess." He winked as he opened the doors, letting the music drown out my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes and gave him a side eye. "I love you too, Michael."


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